From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 106 Arms companies with backers

This company, known privately as 'Yug Imbert', is a state-owned enterprise belonging to Sevia. In the eyes of a small business like Joga, this company can be regarded as a giant.

Because his business scope ranges from visual guided missiles to automatic rifles, from armored vehicles to armed pickups, from artillery to mortars, from rockets to grenades, there is nothing he does not produce.

Although most of them are from the last century, most of the small arms currently active around the world continue the design of the last century.

The reason is that this Serbian state-owned trading company has formed a business monopoly on their domestic arms companies.

On the website of the Ministry of National Defense of Serbia, ‘Yug Imbert’ came forward. Serbia’s annual arms export volume is about 900 million U.S. dollars.

Qiao Jia didn't know if there was any moisture in this, but he checked Sevia's commodity prices and defense budget, and this number was not small for them.

Compared with those well-known companies, this company is a good partner for small buyers like Qiao Jia. It has a national background as support, and the arms are cheap and abundant.

The most important thing is that they need performance and sales

Anyone who has worked in a state-owned enterprise knows that sometimes in order to keep the factory running, they have to support people first, even if they make a little less or even make a small loss, because the loss of work stoppage is greater.

The arms produced in Sevia are not well-known, but they are enough for Afika. Compared with the ammunition produced by small workshops in the Middle East, Sevia is simply too conscientious.

Qiao Jia, who was engrossed in looking up information, forgot about lunch and hid in his room until six o'clock in the afternoon, when his growling stomach woke him up.

I quickly rushed out of the room and went to the kitchen to find something to eat, but found that there was nothing that could be eaten quickly.

At this time, Niss came over, took out a plate of kaomian pancakes from the oven, and said with a smile: "I called you twice at noon, but you didn't reply. You should eat some to fill your stomach first. If it's not enough, I'm making you some soup."

Qiao Jia looked at the flatbread on the dining table...

The thin flatbread is cut into neat little pieces, baked in the oven until crispy, then drizzled with olive oil, sprinkled with black pepper and salt, mixed with sliced ​​cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots, and finally topped with a little lemon juice

This is a traditional food in Liberia. Joga doesn’t know what it’s called specifically, but he has tasted Nice’s cooking and it’s okay to eat when you’re hungry.

Nodding to Nice and saying 'thank you', Qiao Jia poured himself a glass of water, sat at the dining table and started eating.

The crispy pancakes are especially sweet when you are hungry, and Qiao Jia ate half of them in a few minutes.

After the hunger in his belly disappeared, Qiao Jia looked at Nice, who had changed into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, and seemed to be able to dress up. He smiled and said: "I think you should learn to put on makeup. You are a pretty girl who wears makeup all day long." It’s not a big deal if you look up to the sky.”

Nice lowered his head with a smile on his lips, shook his head and said: "I don't need it, I feel good like this now."

Qiao Jia didn't notice Nice's expression. He stuffed two pieces of bread into his mouth and said while chewing: "Where did Kaman go?"

Nice glanced at the door and said, "I asked Kaman to buy red wine at a nearby store. You can't go empty-handed when someone invites you to be a guest."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia looked at the MSL girl, shook his head and said, "You don't have to do this. There is red wine in the wine cabinet in the wooden house. We don't drink it anyway, just bring it with us. These are also bought with money."

Believe it or not, even if I go empty-handed, that guy still has to send me out respectfully, and he has to say 'thank you' to me before leaving."

Nice was amused by Qiao Jia's words, "'Thank you'? Do you want someone who almost choked you to death in the morning to say 'thank you'?"

Qiao Jia said confidently: "Looking at that man's condition, as long as I can help him solve the problem, it is not impossible for him to call him 'Dad'."

Nice didn't argue with Qiao Jia, but turned around and went back to his room to make final preparations before visiting.

This girl will only express her opinion decisively when the two of them disagree. Then Qiao Jia will say whatever she says, and she will never refute again.

Fortunately, Qiao Jia is not a real villain, otherwise this girl would have to help count the money after being sold.

Qiao Jia can feel Nice's problems, so he will tease her and ask her to talk more, even if it is against him.

Because Qiao Jia feels that he is actually an amateur. If everyone is superstitious about his authority, he is worried that he may lead the team into a ditch.

It's a pity that this girl is so obedient that it gives me a headache. Sometimes Qiao Jia feels a little bit at a loss as to what to do.

At 7:45, Qiao Jia saw Nice walking out of the room.

He felt that there seemed to be a slight change in this girl, but he couldn't quite tell what it was.

Only when Nice came to him and reminded him that the time was almost up, Qiao Jia realized that the girl had actually put on a little lipstick.

A little more makeup on the not-so-delicate face seems to make Nice suddenly become more alive.

Qiao Jia stared at Nice for a long time, until he felt a little embarrassed about the girl, and then he smiled and said: "That's right, in the future, as long as you don't go to the battlefield, just put on a little lipstick, it looks pretty good...

Well, how should I put it, I seem to have a lot more vitality.”

As he spoke, Qiao Jia ignored Nice, who looked a little weird. He waved to Kaman and said: "Let's go, let's go meet the obsessive-compulsive arms salesman who feels uncomfortable without apologizing for a while."


The three of them didn't drive, and just wandered along the winding mountain road covered with street lights for a long time, and finally came to the wooden house Ivanovich rented.

When Choga arrived, the Ivanovich couple were already standing on the grass under the corridor of the wooden house, seeming to be waiting for their arrival.

The middle-aged man in crisis who smelled of alcohol and acted like a drunken man was gone in the morning. Now Ivanovich is wearing trousers and a shirt with a pair of black-rimmed glasses. His temperament does not look like a salesman, but more like a scholar.

Seeing the arrival of Qiao Jia and the others, he took the initiative to take a few steps forward, held Qiao Jia's hand, and said in a very sincere tone: "I'm sorry, what happened this morning was so rude.

I'm not like this usually, it's just..."

It is impolite to let a stranger tell his personal details. Qiao Jia waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter. In fact, you are the one who suffers."

As he spoke, Joga looked at the scratches on Ivanovich's cheek and Valentina who was always smiling. He said with a smile: "Next time after drinking, don't walk on the winding mountain road. If I With such a beautiful wife and daughter, I wouldn't put myself at risk no matter what

Losing them will definitely be a lifelong regret!”

Ivanovich nodded in agreement, then looked back at Ana who was hiding in the house and refused to come out. He shook his head bitterly and said: "I just love them so much.

It’s a pity that I’m really not suitable for this job now, so I can’t find a professional coach for Ana.”

Ivanovich shook his head with a gloomy face and said, "What kind of father would be willing to let his daughter give up her dream and become a damn model?"

Choga didn't know what happened to Ivanovich, so he patted the guy on the arm to stop him from talking.

Looking at Ivanovic who looked a little uneasy because his expression was interrupted before he finished, Joga smiled and said: "Maybe things are not as bad as you imagined.

Anyway, from the look on Ana’s face this morning, she must love you!

Your wife said that you are a salesperson of Yog Imbert Company, and I happen to be your colleague. I have many questions to ask you."

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