From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 1552: Pull everyone into the water together

The media offensive launched by Qiao Jia did not help his current situation much...

Because the Edward Foundation takes a middle- and lower-class route, it uses money to bribe all the people on the front line who can be bribed, and lets them launch attacks on maternity hospitals.

Most people don’t know that in fact, in the early stages of the Russia-Ukraine war, neither side was actually well prepared...

This kind of preparation is not only combat readiness, but also psychological for soldiers.

The refined self-interest that has been fostered by the long-term pro-Western ideology under the influence of globalization has become a drain valve for combat effectiveness.

They were all white, and many of these soldiers wanted to get a lot of money and go to a safe place to enjoy life. As for what would happen to their country, they actually didn't care at all.

In other words, they feel that in a large-scale war, having one more soldier is of no use, so they might as well look for opportunities to make some money...

This situation exists in the Russian army, and it is very common among Ukrainian soldiers.

The Asia S camp, who came from gangsters and extreme populists, didn't even know how powerful the Rothschild family they had betrayed was a political force. They only saw more money from the Edward Foundation.

Ignorance makes it pointless!

What does it mean to destroy a building and kill a few people on the battlefield?

Qiao Jia's call on the public channel seemed to be a weak request for help, but in fact he was putting himself in the position of the victim, preparing himself for the next brutal operation.

Because of pressure from Moscow, Russia's Southern Front Command issued a clear order requiring all artillery to bypass the maternity hospital, but they refused to allow all artillery to cease fire.

This is simply not enough for Boss Qiao's safety requirements. After all, in a chaotic battlefield, who cares where the shells that bombarded the hospital came from?

It's so easy to find a scapegoat...

In the end, it was P·B's shelling and drone bombing that allowed the long-range artillery fire from both Da'er and Asia's battalions to regain their composure.

But this is not over yet...

Greece's two Hydra destroyers and a dozen ships had a serious confrontation with Turkey's small sampan fleet in the Mediterranean...

The cargo ship carrying soldiers and equipment of the Yemeni Lion Battalion, as well as the Princess Princess responsible for escorting them, entered the strait controlled by Turkey...


The fighter jets in Sangha Town all mounted their bombs and took off, launching devastating bombings on the mines controlled by Wagner and Boko Haram, which was not clean with them.

Al Qaeda in North Africa jumped out and loudly claimed that it had nothing to do with Boko Haram, and that the Russian-Ukrainian attacks on Jackals were reprehensible.


The F-16 fighter jets in the Syrian safe zone took off and began to hover over the Russian base in the territory. The ground team then ignored the warnings of the Syrian government and directly issued a warning to the Russian army in Syria.


The Hamas who added S also jumped up. They first fired hundreds of rockets into Israel, and then claimed that the attacks the Jackals encountered in Ukraine were all part of an Israeli conspiracy.

As a result, Israel S unexpectedly tolerated it. It was actually the relationship between the Edward Foundation and the far right that made them afraid to attack at this time. Even if they wanted to retaliate, they had to wait until the Jackal was killed.


Somali pirates and Yemeni fishermen from Mukalla began to move out. They ignored warnings from Djibouti's joint navy and blocked the narrow Bab el-Mandeb Strait with a large number of fishing boats.

Somali pirates also hijacked two Russian cargo ships with Liberian license plates...

These people claim...

"We won't consider the issue of ransom for the time being, but if something goes wrong with P·B's jackal, everyone should stay away!"


As for Aqiong Khan, after Igor learned that his father was trapped, he resolutely refused Kaman’s request to return to Sangha Town...

Igor, who had nothing to say about the lawsuit, listened to the advice of his staff Al Rahway and ordered the air force to bomb the Baltic Road on the border between Afghanistan and Iran without the knowledge of Commander Qingshan. While dismantling the F Army, they also mistakenly bombed a power plant in Iran...

Then he took Jacques, Prince of Monaco, and accused all countries that were indifferent to Dad's being trapped as cowards and accomplices in Nasdaq.

What everyone didn't expect was that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards jumped out immediately and condemned the attack on Boss Qiao by Russia and Ukraine...

Sumani, who faked his death, received "clear instructions" from the little prince P.B. He had to use his old connections to get the Revolutionary Guards to stand up.

The spokesperson not only condemned the actions of Russia and Ukraine, but also expressed his admiration for Igor, a young hero, for his actions in fighting terrorism, and invited the children raised by this MSL mother to visit Iran. , not even mentioning the power plant that was 'accidentally bombed'.

The time difference varies from place to place, but as Iran was the first to take a clear stand, before it was still dark on Boss Qiao's side, countries around the world began to take a stand one after another!

However, with such political distance, there is no way to save Boss Qiao’s immediate fire!


As the "Lion King" showed its power, the "Eagle" far away in the waters of Kherson, with four Seahawk-43s and an ammunition supply ship transformed from a barge, began to rush to Maloubo at full speed. Seoul sea area.

A large Russian ship sank upon landing, leaving the entire Black Sea Fleet in chaos. They only focused on launching missiles at Odessa and Kiev in retaliation, but lost control of the Black Sea.

Moscow can only ask them to block the waterway to Turkey, and wait until they have calmed down before making any plans.

Qiaojia asked the ship's radar to be turned on to scan all suspicious ships on the Black Sea. But now there are too many ships on the Black Sea. It is impossible to tell who is who just through public information.

But for P·B, there is a chaotic style of play...

That means disowning your relatives!

An unmanned airship was released again from the 'Eagle', and the Berdyansk unmanned airship also began to move closer to Maupol...

No matter which company uses radar to illuminate the airship, it just throws an anti-radiation missile.

Using artillery can be said to be an accidental explosion. If anyone dares to use anti-aircraft missiles to knock down PB's unmanned airship at this time, then things will really get into trouble...

Qiao Jia met Nice and the others at the hospital and waited in fear for nearly two hours...

It wasn't until he was sure that the long-range artillery fire on both sides of Russia and Ukraine was basically under control that he let out a sigh of relief and prepared to turn around and attack upstairs, cutting something on Phoenix Rothschild's body to relieve his anger.

But just when he wanted to attack upwards, the 'executors' on the periphery somehow reached an agreement with the people around them. They began to take the initiative to cooperate with the 'executors' upstairs and launched another attack on the first floor of the hospital. …

Qiao Jia didn't understand what these people were thinking. Just when he was about to order another wave of bombs, two bursts of fire suddenly burst out from below the unmanned airship in the sky...

Two old-fashioned 'Phoenix missiles' were activated, and then two groups of fire exploded in the sky. Two Reaper drones that came all the way from Turkey were shot down and landed on Ma L Upol's Outskirts of the city.


The bearded Joseph upstairs realized that he had no chance at all as soon as he confirmed that the drone had been shot down...

Looking at Phoenix who was furious but had no way to deal with Gemma Alexander, Joseph used the radio with a heavy expression to notify the surrounding personnel to give up the attack. Then he walked to Phoenix and said in a deep voice: "Boss, let's negotiate, we can't rush out. …”

Phoenix grabbed his hair with both hands and said painfully: "That Jackal guy is a lunatic. If I get caught by him and let the whole world know that the Rothschild family is the one who kidnapped Gemma, then I will be finished!"

Joseph shook his head bitterly and said: "Boss, they don't have clear evidence, we still have some room for mediation...

Unless the US military aircraft carrier enters the Black Sea, we have no choice now!

When those people outside attacked, they didn't care about our casualties at all.

What you have to do now is to go back alive as much as possible, find those who attacked us, and avenge the dead. "

Phoenix looked at Joseph's serious look. He pulled off the tie around his neck and threw it on the ground. Then he yelled in collapse, took deep breaths to adjust his mood, and walked over with a smile on his face. Gemma…

"Miss Alexander, I think we need to have a serious talk..."

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