From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 1585 Another Enemy

After Qiao Jia finished chatting with Brother Ma, under the leadership of Brother Ma, he went to say hello to the guy from Germany...

To be honest, German politicians are pragmatic in nature. Unfortunately, the Green Party foundation laid by Ms. Merkel for Germany makes it impossible for them to escape the ideological trap established by the United Kingdom and the United States.

This is of course not to say that Merkel was wrong, but that she chose the position that best suited Germany's needs at the time when Germany's economic situation was at its best.

But the world is always changing...

When the Russo-W war broke out, Germany, which seemed to be leading Europe into the future with high spirits, suddenly found itself the target of being harvested, and could not even utter a word of opposition.

Whether it is for the sake of a united Europe or because of the camp's position, Germany can only choose to take sides, even if this side takes a devastating blow to Germany's domestic industrial capital...

This group of people actually knows the dilemma they are facing, but they are trapped by the overall values ​​established by the Green Party and have no way to break free. Now faced with Boss Joe's request to contract the Baltic North Stream line security contract, the German side has almost no hesitation.

A German company responsible for undertaking Nord Stream Energy has issued a three-month security contract worth 50 million euros, and promised to provide several maritime speedboats...

Qiao Jia is actually not satisfied with the 'price', but he is quite satisfied with the attitude of the German people...

Over the past year or so, Qiao Jia has done a lot of 'profit-making transactions', and then thoroughly understood the logic of those 'losing-money transactions' in international exchanges.

This kind of thing cannot simply be measured by ‘payment’ and ‘reward’…

Compared with the simple 'business principle' pursued by the old mother, assisting the other party in construction through 'aid and construction' and allowing the other party to use resources or the market in return, what Qiao Jia did was closer to the practice used by the old and American in the past...

That is to pay a certain cost, build a multilateral alliance in a local area with itself as the main body, resolve disputes in local areas through alliances, and even intervene in the political trend of local areas.

The old mother takes a pragmatic approach and pursues a non-alignment policy.

The United States, on the other hand, has taken the path of retreat. In many cases, they can't even find excuses and can only use ideological issues to create issues, then advance their own money and use their superior political position to occupy the political position of multilateral alliances.

This kind of alliance has a very typical feature, that is, the leading brother must be the undisputed boss!

When the United States was strong, they took the initiative themselves or provided the largest part of their resources to lead the multilateral alliances built in various regions to be invincible.

Just like NATO before 2008, the United States bears the majority of the defense expenditures of most NATO countries, and NATO certainly respects it.

And Ciogar led France and Germany to organize the Nord Stream Security Alliance in the Baltic Sea. In principle, of course it serves Germany and even the whole of Europe, but in fact Ciogar is solving his own problems, so he is responsible for the bulk of the operation...

Manpower and material resources are all provided by P·B, so Boss Qiao is the leader of the action.

This is the alliance model used by the United States...

No matter where I want to cause trouble, I will take the lead in recruiting a few allies to support me, and even push allies to act as agents.

Of course, Boss Qiao does not have as strong political influence as the United States. He can only choose to pull allies to join forces and then act as an 'agent' himself.

Although the process is different, the meaning is the same...

Of course, if you want to form a multilateral alliance, France and Germany alone are not enough, so Joga found the Crown Prince of Sweden at the party at night...

We are all friends who have known each other for a long time. The Swedish royal family has contributed a lot to the development of P·B, and the income is also very large. Prince Carl, who was removed from the company, earned 100 million yuan in a few years because of his close cooperation with Qiao Liang. Thousands of wealth.

Although the Swedish royal family basically has no control over the Swedish government, with the involvement of royal family members, the joint endorsement of France and Germany, and the absolutely legitimate actions of P.B., the Swedish government was easily persuaded to sign the contract and join. This is the so-called "Baltic Nord Stream Security Alliance".

With the participation of these three companies, and the German side, they will privately inform Da Russia, so that Da Russia will also issue a contract to P·B from their standpoint.

This temporary alliance, which has the meaning of "absolutely correct" in some areas, is officially formed!

The party ended at about 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. When Qiao Jia saw off his friends, a car without a license plate mixed in with the other vehicles and set off together.

After the car arrived, a Swedish special plane flew towards Sweden with Dorian and Ronnie arriving quietly.

Dorian needs to meet up with Tony and a bunch of technical otakus who are traveling to Sweden with equipment on the Swedish island of Gotland...

The so-called guarding of the Nord Stream line is a very difficult thing for a private company to do.

This requires not only enough manpower, but also sufficient technical power.

The location of Gotland Island is just stuck in the middle of the Baltic Sea. An airport in the concession here allows Joga to fully mobilize the power of P·B and send more unmanned airships and technical equipment there.

And Dorian also has a more important task, which is to find those guys who are staying in Sweden in the name of the deadly strike group, lock their locations and keep an eye on them.

Qiao Jia was ready to end the affairs on the British side, so he went to meet those bastards who had eaten the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard.

He had a hunch that these people should not be simple cannon fodder, but an important part of their strategy...

Qiao Jia is pessimistic about whether Beixi can really be saved. There are many ways to destroy those submarine pipelines that are not particularly deep at the bottom of the sea.

But these are not big things for Qiao Jia. What he wants is a demonstration of his position. Even if his opponent wants to avoid him and cause trouble, he will not allow it...

Qiao Jia's idea is that it doesn't matter if you want to cause damage to me. Anyway, you have to fight with me and then let me pull out your body and show it.

It doesn't matter whether those corpses are those who destroyed Beixi. The most important thing is to kill enough people so that the blame cannot be placed on P·B's head.

Therefore, Qiao Jia must not only form an alliance, but also 'arrange' enough opponents for him to kill when necessary.

And it is no longer so easy to find an opponent with enough weight for P·B...

After sending away all the guests, Qiao Jia drove a group of children back to the room...

Just when he was about to go to bed early, prepare for tomorrow's funeral, and give the Rothschild family a little surprise...

Cleverley of the British royal family led several people to the manor...

When Qiao Jia got the news, this guy's car had already arrived at the entrance of the main building of the manor...

When Qiao Jia walked to the door to say hello to Cleverley, he saw a middle-aged man with brown curly hair, a cane in his hand, and a mustache that exuded the style of a British aristocrat. He stepped out of the car escorted by a bodyguard who was obviously armed with a pistol.

Cleverly saw Qiao Jia staring at several bodyguards and frowning deeply. He walked to Qiao Jia worriedly...

"Jackal, I have to thank you for your help. Without your help, we would not have been able to appease the Commonwealth representatives in Afika in such a short period of time..."

Qiao Jia squinted his eyes and glanced at Cleverley, who was obviously much thinner. He sneered: "Man, according to you, I just helped you shorten the time to integrate the Afika Commonwealth...

Do I also want to thank you for your recognition of my abilities? After all, I have saved time for a superpower like Britain, right? "

Cleverly could clearly feel Boss Joe's anger, and the old guy said helplessly: "Jackal, I didn't mean that..."

Qiao Jia stared at the pretentious middle-aged man and said, "Are all the Rothschilds as rude as you?

Without the owner's permission, bodyguards with guns broke in..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia turned to Cleverly and said with a smile: "The United States has a castle law and a non-compromise law. Does England have similar laws and regulations...

I'm very scared right now, so if I do something drastic, I need you to be my witness.

My whole family is on this estate, and anything I can do to keep them safe is justified in the face of what I perceive to be danger! "

Cleverly looked at the pistol that Qiao Jia got from nowhere. His expression changed drastically and he stood in front of Boss Qiao. He smiled bitterly and said: "Jackal, you can't mess around. Tomorrow is the queen's funeral. Any No one can cause any trouble at this time...

Ilya is not here to cause trouble, he wants to talk to you..."

Qiao Jia squinted his eyes and glanced at Ilya, who was acting very calm. He suddenly raised his gun and pointed it at the opponent's head...

The moment Qiao Jia raised his gun, the four bodyguards were stuck between Ilya and Qiao Jia, as if they had been stabbed in the butt by a needle...

A strong bodyguard with a beard held down Ilya's neck, opened his suit and stuffed the boss's head into his ribs...

Then, while protecting Ilya's head and face with his suit, he opened the car door and tried to put the boss in.

The other three formed a wall with their bodies, covering the boss's retreat while pointing their guns in the direction of Qiao Jia...

Cleverley stood in the middle of the two sides with a look of panic and shouted: "No shooting..."

Just when the old man was panicking, a huge shield flew out from the hall behind Qiao Jia, and at the same time, several figures suddenly appeared in the garden below the main building of the manor...

With a terrifying roar, the shield spun towards the bodyguards who raised their guns.

Just when these bodyguards suppressed their instincts and insisted on standing still, trying to resist the shield, and then looking for opportunities to counterattack, the shield thrown by Ayu hit the passenger window of the vehicle while spinning...

The bulletproof glass withstood the impact of the shield's edge, causing the shield's flight angle to deflect...

A bodyguard subconsciously put his hands together to protect his chest, and when the shield hit his arms, the guy's arms were severely deformed...

Then, at the moment when everyone's attention was attracted by the shield, the figures that suddenly appeared in the garden each threw out their weapons...

A hunting knife cut along the cheekbone of a bodyguard, a dagger pierced the waist of a bodyguard, and a blow dart hit the neck of the bearded bodyguard who tried to put Ilya into the car...

Seeing a skinny old black man running out of the shadows of the garden, he grabbed the handle of the hunting knife and twisted it so hard that the bodyguard's entire face tilted down...

Then the old man who had been there when Jackal started, moved his body close to the body of the 'faceless man' and moved to the other guy's side. He grabbed the handle of the dagger and dragged it...

The unlucky bodyguard had a terrifyingly large gash cut open on his waist and abdomen, and people nearby could even clearly see his wriggling intestines.

The old man Kaman easily took care of two of them, and then casually stepped on the spine of the bodyguard whose arms were broken by the shield, causing him to lie on the ground like a puddle of mud...

After doing all this, Kaman did not attack the bodyguard and Ilya who were hit by the blowgun. He just stretched out his hand and retreated from the guy. The bearded bodyguard seemed to have been hit by high-voltage electricity, and his body twitched. As he fell to the ground, a terrible howling sound came from his mouth...

Kaman glanced at Ilya, who was sitting in the back seat and was trying to maintain his composure. He reached out and opened the car door, grinned at the nervous and speechless driver, and said, "Get out of the car..."

Cleverley was well-informed, but the situation at the scene was a bit shocking to him...

In just a few seconds, one of the four bodyguards had his face uncovered, one was disemboweled, one was obviously paralyzed from a high position, and although the remaining one looked fine, his screams were really scary!

In fact, the fight between the two sides was not intense at all, but the extreme savagery displayed by Kaman and a few old monsters who came out of the garden made his heart go cold...

Seeing the bodyguard whose entire face had been pried off and who looked like a ghost, Cleverley collapsed and shouted to Qiao Jia: "Tell him to stop, what the hell is he doing?"

Qiao Jia looked at Cleverley coldly and said, "Brother, someone entered my territory with a gun without my permission. Is it normal for me to react a little?"

After speaking, Qiao Jia glanced at Elijah, who was still sitting in the car and had not come out. He sneered at Cleverley and said: "I don't believe you don't know about the conflict between me and the Rothschild family...

So, what I did for the British royal family before was a bit pretentious, wasn’t it? "

Cleverly, who was already exhausted from the royal funeral, looked at George's profound eyes. He sighed longly, took a step back, and said, "I originally wanted to talk to you. It was about Fika, but Mr. Rothschild suddenly came to me...

The Rothschilds are important members of the House of Lords and important partners of the Royal Family, and I could not refuse his request.

And I don’t think he has any malicious intentions, so…”

Qiao Jia glanced at Cleverly, who was obviously resigned and began to express his position. He nodded with satisfaction, slowly walked down the steps and came to the side of the vehicle...

He shot to death the unlucky guy whose face had been pried off and was rolling on the ground in pain but unable to make a sound. Then he glanced at the bearded bodyguard who had already shouted at the top of his lungs...

Qiao Jia held the car door and looked at the pale Ilya Rothschild, and said with a smile: "Sir, no matter what you want to talk to me about, I am here..."

Come down..."


My wife is having surgery tomorrow. I don’t know the details yet, so Mo Zi is restless...

I definitely haven’t been able to keep up with the updates in the past few days!

Bear with me!



Fingers crossed!

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