From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 353 The Lion Fighting on the Sun

Qiao Jia didn't expect that as soon as he sent the 'Medical Bird' back, the guy named Harlot would show up.

It’s no secret that the guy has close business dealings with the Middle Eastern royal family.

It is not difficult to understand that he had a good relationship with the Shah's people and even helped them act as lobbyists to fight for the Shah's interests in Washington.

This guy is a 'businessman', and a businessman with huge means, ability, and energy.

No ‘businessman’ in the world would refuse the Shah’s rich man! !

Of course Qiao Jia had no grudge against Harold before, and he had no intention of encouraging the 'Medical Bird' to seek revenge.

But things are different now! !

Regardless of whether you regard me as your main target, you have truly dropped a bomb on my head.

Being treated as an insignificant 'add-on' may make Qiao Jia even more angry! !

According to Qiao Jia's character, if you want to kill me, I will cut you into pieces.

After roughly understanding the situation, Qiao Jia decisively gave up the idea of ​​crossing the US-Mexico border immediately, because the other party may have guessed their movements in this way.

Thinking about the pair of 'clean-up crews' who set off from Ogan Town before, Qiao Jia glanced at the sky, then put his cloak on his body, and said with a smile: "If I were from the CIA, after I found out that one of my own people had been killed, , I will definitely ask the Border Patrol to dispatch, and then drive the target to a fixed place.

I guess there are people from the CIA in Ogan town. I'm going to say hello to them, and then we'll look for a new way out! "

Before everyone could realize what Joga wanted to do, the Shadow Messenger said: "The tunnels of the new generation in Jalisco, that is my destination.

It is very easy to use intelligence to mobilize the Border Patrol to squeeze our route of operation. If I were a CIA person, I would definitely ambush in the tunnels of Jalisco.

This is an operation against me, Seta, and Jalisco.

Before the CIA decided to attack, they probably didn't realize that I was kidnapped by you.

They attack drug dealers just to create the illusion that they are really fighting drug trafficking organizations and give the Pentagon a justified reason.

I was betrayed by my boss! !

If you want him to give up cooperation with Seta and Jalisco, the only way is to create a bigger drug channel.

That Harlot must have promised 'Musa' to give him a larger channel for drug shipments.

The Gulf of Mexico Group, or the Sinaloa Group, only they can afford as much HLY as the 'Ndrangheta, and only they have the motivation to suppress Seta and the Jalisco New Generation. "

As he spoke, the shadow messenger looked at Qiao Jia and said: "Sir, you can't go to Mexico!

Once my guess is correct, not only the people in Jalisco will hunt us down, but the Gulf Group and even the Sinaloa Group will hunt us down.

If you really want revenge, I suggest we fight off the people who are trying to ambush us in the tunnels, create the illusion that we've made it to Mexico, and then head back to Ogan.

But I personally think it's not a good idea to try to attack, because once you attack the people in the town of Ogan, we will be unable to move forward in the United States. "

Qiao Jia looked at the shadow messenger who was desperately trying to survive, and he smiled and said: "You made a mistake, you were not kidnapped, but captured.

It was legal and authorized for me to arrest you, but it was illegal for the CIA to interfere with my actions.

I fought back without knowing anything. Even if I killed those CIA people, no one could blame me. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia tapped his temples and said with a smile: "Brother, I am different from you, you are just a mouse in a hole in the ground, and everyone in P.B. is a lion, and we always fight fair and square!!

The hyenas may succeed for a while, but I'll make them pay the first time.

I'm not afraid of things getting bigger, it's the CIA people who should be afraid! ! "

The shadow messenger was stunned. He lowered his head and thought for a moment before saying, "What exactly do you want to do? Carve out a bloody path in America?"

At this time, Qiao Jia glanced at Estela, who was shaking her cell phone at him, and he smiled and said: "Put away your mouse thinking, I said, we are lions.

I am now entrusted by the DEA. Unknown people are trying to attack DEA agents, and I am ordered to go and arrest them. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia glanced at the vehicles still smoking in the distance under the afterglow of the setting sun. He said with a ferocious smile: "I don't care who they are, I will put them in body bags and drag them to Los Angeles and hand them over to the DEA and FBI people.

As a foreigner, I know that we must abide by the law, so why are the people from the CIA an exception? "

The shadow messenger stared at Qiao Jia. He hesitated for a long time and finally lowered his head in frustration.

Qiao Jia was right, he was a shady mouse.

He was once a field agent because he was engaged in illegal missions in other countries.

Now as a shadow courier of the 'Ndrangheta makes him even more so, because he can't see the light of day at all.

An agent can never be like a lion, wearing clouds and stepping on the sun to fight, and finally stepping on the enemy's bones and enjoying applause, or falling down with majesty and honor! ! !

At this time, the Shadow Messenger suddenly felt a little envious of Qiao Jia. It is true that everyone is an enemy, but for the Shadow Messenger, that is a job requirement.

He knew that on another occasion and another situation, he would be dead if Qiao Jia caught him.

But this does not prevent the Shadow Messenger from envying Qiao Jia's "lion's happiness".

Just when Qiao Jia was about to borrow the camera of Switchblade 600 to find a safe line, 'Pliers' suddenly whistled...

"You won't believe it, but I found the tunnel in Jalisco."

Saying 'Pliers', he looked at Qiao Jia and said with a smile: "Boss, someone ambushed the Jalisco gunmen who escaped before in a farm. They are only 8 kilometers away from us.

Those drug dealers ran really fast, but it's a pity that they didn't go the right way.

Boss, do you need me to blow them up? The switchblade's battery is almost dead. "

Qiao Jia moved closer to the 'pliers' and took a look. The camera of the switchblade was quite clear...

The sun has not completely set yet, and about 20 people in black combat uniforms are collecting the bodies on the ground.

Judging from the parked vehicles, they should be drug dealers who turned around and fled after being bombed.

As a result, these guys escaped the drone bombing, but were ambushed in front of their home...

Qiao Jia watched the men in black pile the corpses of drug dealers into the barn, and then a group of people were discussing something outside.

Don’t miss such a good opportunity. Qiao Jia patted ‘Pliers’ on the shoulder and said with a smile: “Blow them up…”

As the pliers quickly marked the position and locked the target, the four Switchblade 600s in the sky began to dive.

After all, drones are not missiles. The men in black still discovered the existence of the drone a few seconds before they were attacked. They reacted extremely quickly. Everyone started to run away, but it was too late...

As soon as the switchblade exploded, Qiao Jia lost all his aerial vision. Qiao Jia did not know the specific results of the battle, but he knew very well that even if all those people were not killed, the remaining people should have lost their will to fight.

Four Switchblade 600, even if the Terminator is inside, it will take a few days to survive if it is bombed.

This is what makes modern warfare so frustrating. No matter how well you train, you are still powerless in the face of dimensionality reduction attacks.

After the drone attack was over, Qiao Jia clapped his hands and looked at everyone and said: "Guys, it's time for us to set off. We are crossing through the wilderness, a straight-line distance of 12 kilometers.

I'm going to put those sons of bitches in body bags and take them away before 12 o'clock tonight.

No one can finish attacking us without paying the price! ! "

Ayo, who was wearing an exoskeleton, was carrying a scorpion backpack, and a detection radar that could transform into a shield was tied to his left arm. He put the MK-48 on his shoulder with his right hand, grinning and said fiercely: "Anyone who attacks the boss will be killed." Should be torn to pieces!!”

Sanderson had long been accustomed to the atmosphere of P.B. He patted Waters on the shoulder, who was still not used to it, and said with a smile: "This is why we like P.B. We are not war dogs. We are It's a warlike lion.

We now have to do the right thing, something we can show off to our children, haha..."

Waters was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly his mood became high. He finally realized that PB was different because their boss wanted different things from ordinary mercenaries.

The veteran tugged hard on the strap of his backpack, and then said with a smile: "Yes, I don't like CIA people either, but I always couldn't find the opportunity to fuck them in the past..."


When Qiao Jia and the others started walking to Ogen Town...

In the town of Augen...

In the CIA's temporary command office, Agent Forrester looked at the images returned by the drone and listened to the survivors of the black team ambushing in the farm, roaring in pain like a lone wolf...


Forrester, who was slightly overweight, forcefully knocked off everything on the table, and then roared at several silent staff members: "What the hell is going on?"

A thin young man with blond hair raised his hand and said: "Sir, we missed something. The Jalisco New Generation's safe house in Ogan Town was attacked before.

I warned you that it may be necessary to verify the identity of the attacker..."

Hearing the blond young man hint that his improper command might lead to the black team being attacked by American law enforcement agencies, he rushed forward angrily, grabbed the blond young man by the collar, pointed at several soldiers who were receiving treatment in the living room next to him, and shouted loudly Said: "Look at them, look at them, tell me, which department in Texas has a suicide drone?

FUCK, use your mushy brain, find out the identities of the attackers, and find them. If you don't kill them all, you'll have to work hard in the mailroom for the rest of your life. "

As he spoke, Forrester glared at the panicked young man, bared his teeth and said sullenly: "Do you understand?"

The young man nodded fearfully and said: "Sir, I will use satellites to conduct reconnaissance in that area, but, but...

Sir, even if we find them, we..."

Forrester left the young man behind, adjusted his suit, and said in a deep voice: "Find them, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

After speaking, Forrester took out the phone, walked quickly to the door of the house, dialed a number, and said, "There is a problem with the mission. I need more manpower here."


"Why didn't anyone tell me before?

Sir, if they flee toward Mexico, I need the Border Patrol to cooperate, and I need someone over there to intercept them. "


"OK, I understand. As soon as the team arrives, I will set off immediately!"

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