From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 553 PB in action

Chapter 553 P·B in action

Because the electricity was cut off, Tobruk was extremely dark after nightfall.

On the street one kilometer away from Qiaojia and the others, four LMVs with barbed wire welded on the outside were running in parallel, escorting Gunfire and a pair of Tuareg men into a street.

There are several houses on the street with small IR lights on the second floors. This kind of light is invisible to poor people and does not arouse the suspicion of terrorists.

The sound of the LMV was not quiet, but this was the outskirts of the terrorist-controlled area. Several terrorists on guard noticed the movement, but faced the rotating automatic weapons tower on the top of the LMV, they chose to remain silent.

The losses during the day were really too great. Although I don’t know what this group of people wanted to do, at this time, the terrorists did not want to start a war over an unimportant place.

The small IR lamp is inserted into the box when delivering water and food during the day.

Wrapped outside the IR light is a note...

"If you want to leave, put the light in a prominent place in the house and we will come and get you."

Of course the terrorists also received the same note and IR light, but so what?

Once they start confiscating those IR lights, the residents in the control area will become more shaken.

The more brutal and inhumane they are, the faster Boss Qiao's plan will proceed.

At the beginning of the night, at least 20 IR lights were lit in the entire terrorist-controlled area, and the mission of "Gunfire" was to use the cover of armored vehicles to evacuate as many residents as possible under safe conditions.

‘Gunfire’ knows exactly how difficult this task can be, as terrorists can use IR lights to set up traps.

This experienced SBS has set strict safety standards for its own people.

No entry, everyone checked, no luggage allowed…

‘Gunfire’ They were sandwiched among four LMVs, with a drone suspended overhead to monitor the surrounding rooftops.

When they entered the street and approached a house, Gunfire took the initiative to knock on the door, and then called in a low voice in Arabic: "Everyone who wants to leave, come out, don't bring your luggage, keep your distance, so that we can Seeing your hands..."

Following the call of 'gunfire', the family slowly walked out.

Facing more than a dozen gunshots, they looked extremely nervous. Under the command of Gunfire, they lifted up their clothes and turned around for them to check. A bearded man who was obviously the head of the family said: "Sir, there is no place here." It's safe, we have to leave as soon as possible..."

‘Gunhuo’ lowered his muzzle and nodded and said: “We will evacuate everyone on this street. Do you know which house has terrorists?”

The bearded man was stunned for a moment, pointed to a house diagonally opposite, and said: "The youngest son of the Ali family has joined Al Qaeda..."

After hearing this, Gunfire waved his hand and said, "I'm talking about which house on this street is guarded by terrorists. We have to clear this street tonight. I don't want to cause accidental injuries."

The bearded man was stunned for a moment, and then said: "No, there are no gunmen from the base here, but there are many of their informants.

Sir, there are many families here who have volunteered to serve as spies for Al Qaeda. Someone should be informing Al Qaeda people now that we should leave here. "

Upon hearing the word "gunfire", he decisively pressed the communicator and said: "The armored vehicle established a defense line, and subsequent personnel entered. All houses without IR lights were used to clear the way with gas, and all evacuated personnel inside were marked to distinguish them from others.

start to act……"

After saying "Gunfire", he called Qiao Jia...

"Boss, we are starting to take action here, we need a little cover..."

With the call of 'gunfire', a French SAS team that had penetrated deep into the terrorist-controlled area turned on its laser designator, and then the drone in the sky released two Blue Sword 7 missiles, hitting a 9-story building. Building...

After a loud "boom", the building where the explosion occurred was like a hornet's nest. Except for the cleared roof, a large number of bullets poured out from inside...

The members of the French team saw that they had alerted the other party. They huddled in an alley and fired at the terrorists for a while, and then decisively began to move away.

When the terrorists in the building rushed out and wanted to chase the French people in their cars, two Blue Sword 7s fell from the sky again, covering the two cars and seven or eight terrorists in the light of fire.

A drone flown in for support from Benghazi controlled nearly a hundred terrorists in a building, preventing them from leaving.

At this time, in the small building where Qiao Jia and the others were, Tony, who was already heavily armed, was holding a PKM and beating randomly at the terrorist-controlled area in the distance.

Tracer bullets, visible only with night vision goggles, guided the bullet belts, clearing the terrorists' machine gun positions during the day.

As the terrorists launched a counterattack, those little bits of gunfire became the targets of Lao Niu, Chao Tang, Memnon and Kuba.

It doesn't matter whether you can hit it or not, the point is to make them nervous.

Not only Qiao Jia and the others were taking action, Team B and Team D on both sides also launched the same action.

At night, this corner of Tobruk is completely lively!

On the Gunfire side, because the main force of terrorists was contained, his operation went very smoothly.

People who had their IR lights on would call out in an angry voice, and those who didn't have their lights on would use gas bombs to clear the way. They would smoke them out, press them to the ground, and check them. After confirming that there was no danger, they would put them on trucks and send them all the way to the P.B. within the control area.

Those who turn on their lights to ask for help can receive a full set of supplies, but those who don't turn on their lights, I'm sorry, you won't be short of supplies, but your share of the work will be lost in the short term.

These civilians who are suspected of supporting Al Qaeda need to live on subsistence allowances for a period of time. Only when Tobruk is completely quiet will they have the opportunity to fully integrate into the new order.

There must be people here who were 'accidentally injured', but there is nothing that can be done about it.

If you really find it unacceptable, you can go wherever you want after receiving the supplies. You can come and go freely in areas controlled by P.B.

This is Boss Qiao's plan. One street today, two streets the day after tomorrow, evacuate civilians bit by bit, like cutting flesh, slowly breaking down the psychological defenses of terrorists and local civilians.

Once terrorists go crazy, they will cause certain losses, but they will also accelerate the psychological changes of civilians.

To remove fuel from under the cauldron is not only to remove people, but also to remove civilian support and empathy for terrorists.

Boss Qiao is not a god, and he cannot save everyone, but he will save the civilians within his ability, but only if it does not affect his plan.

The outside world's 'tolerant' standards for military contracting companies give Boss Qiao a lot of leeway.

When the "Gunfire" operation was going smoothly, five people, Qiao Jia, Kaman, Dorian, Ayo, and Medical Officer Bird, together with two British and French SAS, entered the terrorist-controlled area in the night from another direction. .

Their target was the building Antar targeted during the day...

Antar kept staring at the exit of the building, but the two snipers Basavich and Madeleine still appeared, which meant that there might be an underground passage in this building, and where there is an underground passage, there is a high probability that there will be an underground passage. Connecting some of the more important places...

Qiao Jia knew that the three dirty bombs had been transported away, but he could not tell it because it would expose Aaron's existence and possibly arouse unnecessary suspicion.

Originally, Qiao Jia could not move on his own, but now he needs to meet the requirements of France and actively cooperate with the special team's actions.

No matter what is discovered in the end or who is caught, they must be held in the hands of P·B and then used as a key resource to be shared by people in Britain and France. Only in this way can the benefits be reaped without offending anyone.

The most important thing is that he has to find a way to pass the information that there are three dirty bombs to Britain and France through some means.

This is the most important reason why Qiao Jia must participate in the action!

Once P·B plays a key role in this operation, P·B will become the most trusted military contracting company.

When the company's position is 'right' in the eyes of others, then most of what Qiao Jia will face in the future will be methods within the rules, which can be resolved through mediation.

As long as Choga's efforts in Tobruk are seen by everyone, he doesn't care whether the dirty bomb explodes in the end.

Because of the core benefit of ‘trust’, he got it!

However, it is best not to explode the dirty bomb, because Boss Qiao cannot benefit from the explosion of the dirty bomb. On the contrary, if the dirty bomb is controlled, the favor will increase in value.

There was lively fighting on the front of the terrorist-controlled area, and there was also a French SAS force inside to harass and contain the terrorists' main mobile force. In addition, they added "gunfire" to their actions...

When Qiao Jia and the others approached their goal, they encountered almost no major obstacles.

When they stepped on the dark shadow and approached the target building, Old Kaman, who had always been the vanguard, took the initiative to retreat and gave up the forward position to the two SAS teams.

"Put your dogs in there, we need to know if there's a bomb trap in there?"

The British 'Knight' and the French 'Handaxe' looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and then called out to their men. Soon, two military dogs wearing special bulletproof vests and cameras on their backs ran silently. go out.

It was not the first time Qiao Jia saw military dogs, but it was the first time he saw how special forces used military dogs.

Tactical computers on the arms of the two dog handlers can be connected to the cameras on the backs of the military dogs, and they can give commands to the military dogs through radios.

This thing is really amazing. Two military dogs ran along the rubble like ghosts, but the sentries in the building didn't even notice them.

When the two military dogs approached the entrance of the building, they suddenly sat there in unison...

Seeing this situation, the dog trainer of the Cavaliers team, Dog Leash, made a mark on the tactical computer and said: "There is a booby trap at the gate. We need to get closer to remove it."

Butter, the dog trainer of the Handaxe team, nodded and said, "You are responsible for dismantling the bomb. I will ask the boss to take a walk around the building to see if there are any traps."

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