From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 791 Increased Difficulty

The first choice for special forces when encountering a convoy is definitely to kill the vehicle-mounted machine gunner...

The 'Water Snake' quickly knocked out the shooter of the Bofors gun, and then ignored the other people's shooting and stared at the terrifying 40mm artillery...

"Up, up, up..."

The "Chainsaw" hit the truck carrying the Bofors gun with an RPG, then jumped out of the trench and started firing forward with the PKM machine gun.


‘Chainsaw’ and his diamond comrades jumped out of the trench and attracted the attention of the other three vehicles, causing the convoy to subconsciously start to move forward.

Just like a medieval sea battle, move away from the shooting while pointing the side of the pickup truck at them to get enough shooting range.

Just as the remaining three heavy machine guns adjusted their angles, the 'Chainsaw' jumped forward and fell down, shouting loudly: "'Impact' blow them up..."

"Boom boom boom boom"

With the shout of "chain saw", four explosions sounded in succession. The four broadswords they deployed on the roadside exploded from multiple angles, and large steel balls sprinkled on the three pickup trucks...

The small broadsword has 700 steel balls in one shot, and 2800 steel balls in four shots...

A rain of steel ball bullets rained down on the pickup truck, instantly turning the first one into a hornet's nest, and the driver of the second one was also killed.

The third pickup truck barely survived relying on the 'cover' of its companions, but at this time Sanderson and the others dealt with several terrorists who tried to get close to the truck, turned their guns and fired at the pickup truck...

As 'Chainsaw' said, prepared versus unprepared, Team B's advantage is obvious.

All 20 terrorists fell in less than three minutes!

Sanderson did not approach rashly. Instead, he led the people in a circle, forming a pincer shape with the "Chainsaw" and others. He began to cautiously approach the corpses of the terrorists and began to refill them one by one...

Sure enough, several terrorists who were pretending to be dead saw that they had no chance. They stood up, pulled off the safety of the grenade and threw it towards Sanderson and the others. Then they raised their guns and tried to shoot at some of the people on the back.

The Isis terrorists in Syria have persisted for many years under the ravages of the United States and Russia. Their fighting will is incredibly strong...

Unfortunately, Team B did not give them a chance. They used crossfire to quickly knock down several terrorists, and then used the cover of vehicles to avoid the damage of offensive grenades.

Sanderson quickly checked and confirmed that no terrorists could fight back. He walked to a terrorist and checked the weapons on him, then waved to his partner and shouted: "'Impact' with explosives" After destroying the heavy weapons, others checked the equipment and loaded the vehicles with all the light weapons and ammunition that could be used at the scene.

We had to drive the truck along the road for a while and then find a path to the village to meet the hemostats. "

Everyone in Team B knows that the current situation is very bad. They are trapped in the area controlled by Isis. If no one comes to respond, it will be impossible for them to lead the Berbers out.

In fact, Isis' people were forced into a hurry, and it was very difficult for them to escape.

Leaving the road was impractical, but Sanderson knew he might need to hold on to the village for a while, so he needed to gather enough ammunition.

Even though Sanderson and Machine Gunner 'Tailor' were both Rangers, they had already switched to Russian-made equipment in order to match the habits of the Diamond Four, so the caliber of the terrorists' ammunition was in line with them.

With the available ammunition in the truck, follow the road south for 10 kilometers and you will enter a small road leading to the village.

If they move fast enough, they might be able to reach the village before dark and join up with the Berbers who are retreating in a straight line from the grassland to the village.

At this time, Theresa, who was in the safe zone, was very anxious...

In the footage returned by the unmanned airship, the number of Isis terrorists increased from the original 200 to more than 600, and there was another team of about 500 people blocking the exit of the safe zone...

The high ground that had been fought over again and again became the focus of both sides.

This time, the safe zone was no longer the only party with artillery. Isis' men dragged in small-caliber artillery and launched a fierce bombardment of the highlands.

This made Theresa want to send someone to pick up Sanderson, but they couldn't.

Everyone in the simple command room was very busy. Several Kurdish girls put their faces in front of the monitor, staring at the Isis artillery above...

The experience of this group of people was incredible. After the two small-caliber artillery completed a wave of strikes on the high ground, they were quickly moved to the northwest, pulled by Pikachu.

This group of terrorists has been tortured by the United States and Russia for several years, and their experience has become extremely rich.

But they still underestimated the counter-artillery capabilities of the safe zone...

In terms of real-time investigation, the United States, which mainly relies on drones in Syria, is not as good as P.B., which has unmanned airships.

Unmanned airships are more useful than satellites in this area!

When the artillerymen of Isis lowered their gun mounts and began to prepare for the second time, a girl quickly reported the coordinates of the enemy's artillery...

Less than two minutes later, six 155mm howitzers covered the area.

The accuracy of the Nora self-propelled artillery is very high, and P.B.'s artillery has already conducted detailed reconnaissance and calculations on the terrain around the safety zone, and their adjustment speed is very fast...

The sound of artillery could only be vaguely heard in the headquarters, but the sound of exploding artillery shells could not be heard.

Six large-caliber howitzers covered an area about the size of four football fields, and Isis' two smaller cannons were among them.

The Kurdish girl waited until the smoke dissipated a bit and looked at the smoking pickup truck and overturned artillery in the image. She jumped up and screamed in surprise...


As she spoke, the Kurdish girl glanced at the anxious Theresa. She sat back down and stared at the monitor again, trying to find new threatening targets in the moving images.

But soon the girl discovered a problem...

"Boss, they started to retreat southward and found several mortar points that were being evacuated. Do you need to call for artillery?"

Theresa nodded decisively and said: "Send the coordinates to the artillery. Those people want to block our southward rescue road. First, paralyze all their heavy weapons."

The Kurdish observer nodded vigorously and said, "Understood!"

Theresa watched as the observer quickly sent the coordinates, and a few minutes later there was another round of shelling...

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Large-caliber grenades covered an area of ​​the town formerly occupied by Isis, and two mortar positions hidden among the rubble were dismantled.

Then P.B.'s artillery seemed not to be satisfied. They replaced it with air-burst bombs and once again launched a blanket bombing of the long-destroyed town...

The airburst bombs that exploded in the air were a powerful weapon for killing people. Two consecutive rounds of airburst bombs completely silenced the abandoned town.

Theresa knew that what she was doing was wrong. On average, she spent nearly $300,000 on an average of $10,000 in shells in just a few minutes.

This does not include the transportation costs of artillery and shells, as well as the cost of those artillery.

The war cannot be fought like this!

Theresa knew that so far, the safe zone was still a place that relied on blood transfusions from P.B.

She has been following Antar's instructions and trying her best to expand the influence of humanitarian channels into Syria, hoping to solve the financial problem here through basic material trade.

Theresa was scared!

She was afraid that the jackal would give up here because he saw no hope of filling this bottomless pit!

In fact, Theresa didn't understand at all that P.B. was the only legal armed force in this area.

The procedures for the opposition, Kurdish militias, and even the garrison of troops from the United States and NATO are not as formal as P.B.

When Syrian government troops come, they have to go around the safe zone, otherwise the beating will be in vain.

The safe zone was approved by the United Nations, and P·B is the only armed force designated by the United Nations as a safe zone.

This kind of nominal importance cannot be bought with money at all.

Don't say 300,000, just 3 million, 30 million. Boss Qiao won't hesitate at all when it's time to use it.

Because relying on this place, we can open up the Syrian market.

Regardless of whether those Syrians are very poor, their demand for basic supplies still exists.

The opposition and Kurdish militias are supported by the United States, and the government forces are supported by Russia.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have money. Ask your eldest brother to exchange for arms or other things. Boss Qiao has the ability to cash out.

If it were Boss Joe in Theresa's position, the bombardment would not stop even now!

Last night's air raid burned millions. Why does Boss Qiao care about some shell money?

But Theresa didn't understand this. She squandered more than 300,000 yuan at a time, which was something she never dared to think about in the past.

In the past, Sanderson made the decision for her every time she ordered an artillery strike, and most of them used 120 mm large-caliber mortars, because she was trembling when she saw the purchase price of the shells.

But now that Sanderson is trapped, she can't care so much...

Seeing that the terrorists on the other side of the river were basically scared away, Theresa picked up the radio and said: "I need 30 volunteers to come with me to rescue P·B's Team B..."

As soon as Theresa finished speaking, a large number of echoes sounded on the radio...

"I go……"

"I go……"

People here have no hesitation about rescuing Team B, because Team B has done so much for this place...

But just as Theresa was about to leave, a call came over the radio...

"Call the safe zone. This is the P·B airborne force. We are the legendary E team. I am the captain 'Ox Horns'. We need the accurate coordinates of the B team's location..."

Theresa didn't know that Team E was a bunch of lunatics. She said in surprise: "45 kilometers south, oh no, I will send you the exact coordinates right away..."

Please hurry up, the Pioneers are in danger now..."

The talkative 'Niujiao' laughed and said: "I knew these idiots from Team B would be in trouble, and I would take good care of them...

We are Team E and we are ready to jump into hell!

Ouch...why are you hitting me? Did I say the lines wrong? "

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