From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 111 Nature back to back

Ye Ming thought for a long time about how to apply quantum computing to classical scenarios.

Or in other words, he had thought about it a long time ago.

Because he guessed and determined very early on that the system that Ita is parasitic on is a quantum system. In other words, quantum computing must be the future direction.

But how to use it in classic scenes, Ye Ming has no idea.

Therefore, he has always pinned his hopes on Ita, hoping that Ita can design a solution for the integration of quantum computing and classical computing in the middle layer.

After all, that was her hometown!

But this extremely small confinement well gave Ye Ming a new idea.

The fastest way to quantize classical problems is naturally to classicize quantum computers.


Watching Ye Ming draw 18 qubits into a frame on the manuscript paper, and then draw countless frames, the eyes of Professor Pan and Professor Tang gradually lit up, and in the end, they even became hot!

Professor Pan got up instantly: "What are you doing, treating a group of entangled photons as a whole and making it a classical logic gate?"

"And it's a parallel logic gate!" Professor Tang added.

Ye Ming nodded, thought for a while and said: "It may not be parallel, we may be able to make it serial by switching the circuit."

"Yes! That's right!" Professor Pan paced back and forth, his face flushed, and he rubbed his hands as he walked: "Quantize classical problems and transform them into classical quantum computers, because multiple qubits can be parallelized at the same time." , it can also handle multiple extremely complex problems at the same time..."

"No, I have to go back right away!"

As Professor Pan said, he immediately stopped and looked at Ye Ming, his voice trembling: "Are you going to my side?"

Ye Ming was slightly taken aback.

Then... These words made Professor Tang, who was also in a state of excitement, wake up immediately: "Boss Pan, this is too much."

"What's too much? What's too much? This is the dawn of the future of quantum computers!"

"So you hurry back and do the experiment."

"Are you driving me away?"

"You came here to seduce my students. If I don't drive you away, I will keep you for dinner?"


Following Professor Tang's interruption, Professor Pan gradually regained his composure.

After thinking for a moment in silence, Professor Pan nodded his head again: "That's right, this is indeed another way for quantitative change to cause qualitative change. It's just that it's still difficult to actually realize it, and it may not be possible."

Ye Ming nodded in agreement: "Yes, it's mainly... the process. This kind of millimeter-scale confinement well, the loss and resistance caused by the circuit that connects them is very large-unless superconducting materials are used Make interconnecting wires."

"The cost would be beyond the sky." Professor Pan took a long breath: "But in the end, it still depends on how far the technology of the bit-bit confinement well can be improved..."

"So, it's worth building one." Professor Tang said with a smile again.

"Are you not afraid that if I agree now, I will regret it when I go back?"

"Then I'll expose you!" Professor Tang pointed to the top of his head, proudly: "I have monitoring!"




The next day, Professor Pan hurried back.

Of course, Ye Ming did not go with him - although Professor Pan showed a strong desire to take Ye Ming back.

But Lao Tang is so smart, he is afraid that Ye Ming will not be firm, and will be blinded by the halo on Lao Pan's head, so he will not move an inch.

After sending Professor Pan out of the school, Professor Tang smiled at Ye Ming beside him: "Look, academicians are like this."

Ye Ming coughed. He knew that this was Old Tang telling him not to believe in authority.

"But Professor Pan's obsession with technology is indeed very strong..."

"Nonsense, he has been working on quantum computers for a lifetime, can he do it for a lifetime without being persistent?" Professor Tang said while pacing with his hands behind his back: "Ye Ming, speaking of technical obsession, what about your technical obsession?"

Speaking of this, he stood still again and laughed: "I remember you seem to say that you want to build a Gundam?"

Ye Ming chuckled: "Well, I still want to build Gundam."

"Hahahahahaha! Good job! Then go for it!"

Professor Tang laughed heartily.


Time passed quickly.


After nature published Ye Ming's two papers back-to-back at the fastest speed, after holding back for a long time, the Provincial Jiaotong University, who was about to become a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, finally released "Congratulations to Ye Ming, a student of our school, on the official account." The news of two heavyweight papers published in the journal Nature.

Compared with the scientific research field, which has various channels and relationships to understand the cutting-edge technology and progress, ordinary people can only learn about the progress of technology through various news media, and even most of them from self-media.

And from the media...

You should never overestimate the integrity of self-media.

Therefore, when several shocking headlines such as "Quantum Mechanics Overturned by Genius Scientists" were circulated overnight, the keyword Ye Ming instantly became a hot search on major social networks.


Paint and Ink sits in the library holding a cup of water.

As the weather turned cold, she put on her beloved windbreaker again.

As people came and went, a boy who couldn't tell whether he was a senior or a junior sat opposite her.

Hmm...the boy is a bit handsome.

However, after she only glanced at the boy, her attention was completely on the monitor.

The page of the monitor shows a famous question-and-answer website.

There is no doubt that the current hot list is "How to view two papers published back-to-back by first-year students of Provincial Jiaotong University in nature".

After a long silence, she put down her water glass and quickly typed in the answer box.

"Interests are related, friend, don't hide."

"As Ye Ming's ACM teammate, I once saw him solve 200 power-cut algorithm problems in one day."

"And as someone who helped him a little bit in the experiment—by the way, I just helped find the laboratory and handed the scissors at the end of the experiment—although I didn't participate in his whole process. experiment, but I know that the whole idea and ideas of this experiment come from him.”

"In the current answer, some people questioned that the province is making gods. I disagree with this point."

Paint and Ink stopped their hands and raised their heads.

She saw Ye Ming's figure just appearing at the door.

So she smiled.

"Because from what I know about him, this is not a god-making, but the kind that he is a god, and I can't wait to catch up."

After writing, Paint and Ink pressed release.

At the same time, she looked at the boy who had just sat down on the opposite side.

"Hello, classmate."

The boy raised his head, looked at her shyly and gracefully: "Hello, Senior Qi."

"you know me?"

"Senior Qi is the ACM champion, I must know it." The boy said softly: "Can you... ask about ACM?"

"Well, yes. But now..."

Qi and Mo looked at Ye Ming who was getting closer from the corner of his eye, and smiled at the boy embarrassedly: "Can I trouble you to change places?"

As she spoke, she pointed to the book in front of the boy.

"This book was reserved for someone by me."


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