From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 117 The cornerstone of quantum supremacy

In the quantum laboratory late at night, everyone is looking at the simulated small bright spot on the screen.

This is of course only simulated, not observed.

It didn't continue to fall, meaning it had been caught by the confinement trap.

It also means that the experiment was successful—or, as far as the task of constraint is concerned, it was successful.

But there was no applause. On the contrary, everyone became more nervous.

——The reason why a quantum computer has far more computing power than a traditional computer is because it has a superposition state. But the superposition state is extremely "fragile", whether it is observation or a magnetic field, it will cause its wave function to collapse.

This is why in the double-slit interference experiment, there are only two fringes after "observing with a camera", but there are interference fringes if there is no interference. Because observing this behavior itself will cause the wave function to collapse.

So, is the captured photon still in a superposition state?

Professor Pan clenched his fists and shouted again: "The last step!"

As his voice fell, Professor Wu, who was in charge of another set of experiments, pressed the Enter key on the keyboard.

On the monitor, the model of Photon shrank instantly, turning into a small dot.


Professor Pan got up instantly, he punched Ye Ming on the shoulder, and hearty laughter resounded throughout the laboratory.

Ye Ming also let go of his clenched fists, and together with everyone else, he clapped his hands vigorously.

"Congratulations, Professor Pan!"

"Hahahaha, same joy, same joy!"

Professor Pan laughed, shook hands with everyone in the laboratory, and finally put his arm around Ye Ming's shoulder.

"Go, supper!"


When Professor Pan sent Ye Ming and Professor Tang to the hotel when he was full of wine and food, the time was approaching.

"Brother Pan, are you not drunk?" Professor Tang plugged in the room card, and the light in the guest room turned on. He looked back at Professor Pan and asked with a smile.

Professor Pan laughed: "Better than you."

"What about a few words?"


The three closed the door and entered the house.

When you are on a business trip, the hotel is naturally a standard room - this reflects the benefits of the same gender as the tutor and the student. If the gender is different, you must book an extra room.

Ye Ming made tea for the two bosses, and he sat on the edge of the bed.

Although it was getting closer and he had a drink, he was still not tired.

On the one hand, it was naturally because he was still in the joy of the successful experiment, and on the other hand, it was because...he knew that it was time to "divide the spoils".

Needless to say, the results of this experiment have been enormous.

As we all know, in quantum computers, how to confine photons is a considerable problem. Many laboratories use superconductivity and extremely low temperature for confinement. The reason is that the photon is very special, it is not bound by the magnetic field.

But this experiment proves that photons can also be confined, and they are still confined while maintaining a superposition state.

This means that the field of the confinement trap is not a magnetic field, at least, not a magnetic field in the traditional sense.

Not to mention, it is the cornerstone of quantum supremacy.


On the surface, the two professors seemed to have lost their previous excitement, and instead became mature and prudent.

The two drank tea leisurely, and after chatting for a few words, Professor Pan suddenly glanced at Ye Ming, and then looked at Professor Tang: "Do you want to post an article?"

Professor Tang picked up the teacup, took a sip and glanced at Ye Ming: "Ask him."

Professor Pan laughed: "Okay, let me make it clear first. Ye know the importance of this constraint well design, right?"

Ye Ming nodded with a smile.

Of course he knows that, in a sense, this is the basis for achieving quantum supremacy.

After pondering for a while, Ye Ming said softly: "I don't have much demand for publishing articles. As far as the design itself is concerned, I think it is enough to apply for a confidential patent."

Professor Tang took a deep look at Ye Ming.

Professor Pan's eyes lit up, and he expressed his appreciation: "That's right! There is still a long way to go for quantum computers to be miniaturized and classical. In other words, it is inherently difficult to carry out large-scale commercialization. It is difficult to even enter the field of enterprise servers. Its biggest role is still to be regarded as the most important weapon of the country. Realize quantum hegemony."

Speaking of this, Professor Pan paused again: "But from the perspective of theoretical physics, there are still articles that can be published. For example, the structure of the force field itself has subversive theories, but it is not enough to have the structure alone. Theoretical support—can you sum it up?"

Ye Ming nodded: "If the unification of the four forces is compared to a large system, the force field structure can only be regarded as an insignificant small system, a discovery of tools. I think... If I really want to publish it, I can probably publish it."

This experiment seems to be a proportional amplification of the confinement well design given by the system, but it is actually verifying Ye Ming's guess about field wave interference.

Now that the experiment is successful, it proves that Ye Ming's conjecture and calculations are correct.

Then you can send it.

"It's your credit, you should send it." Professor Pan nodded with a smile.

Professor Tang smiled slightly: "What about you?"

"Tang Zhigao, why are you in such a hurry?" Professor Pan glanced at Professor Tang, joking.

"It's better to be clear."

Professor Pan raised his eyelids, then pointed to the ceiling, quite proudly: "There is no camera here."

——What he said, of course, was that when he was in Professor Tang's office, Old Tang pointed at the camera on the ceiling and "warned" him, telling him not to cheat.

However, Professor Tang did not panic at all.

"I have a voice recorder."

"... shameless!"


After laughing, Professor Pan took a long breath, looked at Ye Ming, and said seriously: "Don't worry, all the articles that can be published based on this experiment will be shared or shared with him. But..."

"But what?"

"Only for top journals or core journals." Professor Pan looked back at Professor Tang: "You don't want him to be named for the water journals, do you?"

Professor Tang smiled, and turned to look at Ye Ming: "Although Boss Pan is a bit picky, this sentence is still correct..."

"Yeah!" Ye Ming nodded immediately.

He knew that these two teachers were admonishing him to cherish the feathers, and not to blindly read the article and pluck the feathers like a wild goose.

"That's fine, that's all. What you send is yours, what we send, and yours. Design patents and technologies belong to you, but we give us the right to use them. Don't make any troubles then." Professor Pan Looking at Old Tang, he smiled and said, "Do you have anything to add?"

"Boss Pan, is this what I want? What I want is a quantum computer! You promised it last time. Don't say it now?"

"I promised last time, and this time I promised this time! Is there anything wrong?" Professor Pan glared at Professor Tang, then looked at the time and stood up: "Let's go first, Ye Ming, tomorrow Let's talk about algorithms again."


Watching Professor Pan leave, Professor Tang took off his shoes and put on slippers. While changing, he said to Ye Ming: "When you want to benefit, you must be thick-skinned. Don't get in the way of face or status, otherwise you will suffer."

Ye Ming coughed.

He finally knew what Old Tang meant when he said on the phone that he was afraid of losing money.

"Also." Putting on the slippers, Professor Tang stopped. After pondering for a few seconds, he looked at Ye Ming seriously: "I don't know what to say... Maybe I'm narrow-minded."

"While waiting for the takeaway tonight, you easily pointed out a new direction at the project meeting."

Ye Ming was slightly taken aback, and asked tentatively, "Is it about the particle motion model in the space interference field?"

"Yes." Professor Tang nodded: "Although I am not as proficient in physics as Lao Pan, I can still feel that the space field you proposed should be a popular application and direction in the future. It will still be a Nobel Prize-level achievement—you can see that Lao Pan is very good, so he resolutely didn’t mention this just now.”

"Eh..." Ye Ming didn't know what to say.

"Of course, I can understand your mentality. And as far as the space field itself is concerned, this is what you proposed - has this experiment also verified the correctness of your model?"


"That means that you are the founder, and all other people's achievements are born on your basis. Therefore, you don't need to fight for this."

Ye Ming nodded.


As he said just now, his demand for publishing papers is not high—perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, being able to publish more papers with higher influence is the greatest achievement and reputation. Good performance, but also the driving force for academic research.

But in Ye Ming's opinion...

These are all floating clouds.

With the understanding of the cutting-edge knowledge of mathematics and theoretical physics during this period of time, he has come to realize more and more that the person who owns the system and Ita is the one who is closest to the grand unified theory.

Otherwise, there is still a genius holding back his big move.

What Ye Ming cares about is that more and more people conduct more in-depth research and exploration under the framework of his conjecture, so that he can verify and correct his conjecture.

Instead of... all the formulas and all the discoveries are all done by myself.

The system only gives engineering technology, but not textbooks to him. How can he have so much energy?

Professor Tang smiled slightly: "Although you don't need to fight, you should stay sober and know that many of your ideas can bring benefits."

"Of course, this involves the distribution of benefits."

Ye Ming hummed lightly.

"Okay, that's it, I'm going to wash up and go to bed."



Ye Ming and the two stayed in Professor Pan's laboratory for only two days.

After all, they came here to assist in the completion of the experiment of a certain subsystem in the quantum computer, not to jointly complete the quantum computer—but Old Tang also asked for two places for the school to join the research group, which is also regarded as the head of his department. What a trip brings to the school.

After returning to school, Ye Ming began to prepare the materials for applying for a confidential patent - it can be seen that Professor Pan is still very considerate, all the materials and instructions are well prepared, and he just handed in the application for Ye Ming .

From this point of view, this cooperation is quite pleasant.

With the help of Yang Chaoxiong, Ye Ming submitted the patent application.

The time has also come to the end of December.

Then, Jizhi Technology also got busy.



Provincial Development Zone.

Although the "leather bag" company run by the two professors rented an office in the development zone, they only rented it to enjoy the relevant policy benefits. In fact... there is no one at all.

After all... no matter whether it is Old Tang, Old Chen, or the members of Jizhi Technology, they are either in school or on business trips all day long, so how can they have so much time to sit in the office in the development zone.

Therefore, in addition to hanging a sign and simply decorating it, the door has been locked tightly, which seems to be more completely closed down than those companies that run away.

Only today... a group of young girls and boys came here.

"Hey, those two over there, Ye Ming, Qi and Mo, what about you two!"

It was Qu Jing who said this. She leaned on a mop and looked at Ye Ming and Qi and Mo who were cleaning the glass.

Ye Ming stood on the stool, with lacquer and ink standing beside him.

The two turned their heads when they heard the words.

"It's not classroom cleaning, there's no need to polish it so brightly. Hurry up, you two set up the network and set up the server."

"Okay!" Ye Ming threw down his veil and went straight to the computer room as if he had been pardoned.

He is nominally a shareholder as well as the boss.

But under Qu Jing's hands...

He counts for nothing.

Senior Sister Qu Jing got an offer from an Internet company in the first half of this year, but as Jizhi Technology gradually got on the right track, especially when it was about to attract the first big business, she was also readily accepted by the boss. Tang called back immediately.

And Qu Jing has graduated, it is unrealistic for her to stay in school all day long, and Jizhi Technology, which is on the right track, obviously can no longer be like a running company like the previous six months, with the door locked at any time.

Therefore, after discussion, it was decided that this side should be sorted out, and then Qu Jing would be the manager, responsible for presiding over business contacts.

Of course, the business here is more of a facade, she just needs to recruit a few people to support the scene. The main technical achievements and services are still produced by the school.

"Today is Christmas."

In the computer room, Qi and Mo crouched next to Ye Min with their notebooks in their arms. While configuring WiFi, she said softly, "In the end, we came here to clean up..."

"I can't help it. Although it's been listed for a long time, it's just a new opening today." Ye Ming sat cross-legged on the floor, connected to the server, looked back at the others, and said with a smile: "Ms. You two are lazy."

"Eh..." Qi Yumo Xin said that I kill people without blinking an eye, and you ask me if my eyes are dry...

Did she mean that it opened today?

Just when she was thinking about how to let this elm head learn how to spend Christmas, there was suddenly heavy footsteps outside, followed by Yang Chaoxiong's voice.

"Where's Ye Ming?"

Qi and Mo and Ye Ming turned their heads at the same time.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"You two are here, that's good, don't mess with these things. Come with me to the warehouse!"

Ye Ming stood up quickly.

Qi and Mo also got up, seeing Ye Ming sitting on his buttocks, she quickly patted it a few times.

Ye Ming asked suspiciously, "What are you doing in the warehouse?"

"There is something wrong with the group sample workshop over there." Yang Chaoxiong took out his mobile phone, glanced at the time, and frowned deeply: "In the afternoon, the people from Changgong's side are coming to take a look, and it is said that there is a technician who is very picky. It belongs to the kind of nitpicking."

Ye Ming and Qi and Mo looked at each other and nodded quickly.

4K, late 8

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