From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 128 The Pressure Comes to Provincial Communications

Although Ye Ming has never been in contact with controllable nuclear fusion, elementary school students understand the principle of that thing-under high temperature and high pressure, when two atoms with lighter masses are brought together, new matter will be generated and energy will be released if the conditions are met.

For example, in deuterium-tritium fusion, a deuterium atom and a tritium atom come together to generate a helium atom and a neutron under high temperature and pressure and release energy.

If the utilization of energy is not sought, then high temperature and high pressure are easy to solve. Smart people knew the way 70 years ago - add an atomic bomb!

That's it for easy building instructions for a hydrogen bomb.

However, controllable nuclear fusion obviously cannot be done in this way. Its purpose is to control the speed of fusion reaction and utilize energy. And that's easy to say, but hard to do.

For decades, scientists have followed suit, and it is still fifty years forever.

"Ita, let's brainstorm." Ye Ming put his hands behind his head, stared at the ceiling with burning eyes, and stared at the spider web that was woven again.

"Antimatter definitely cannot come into direct contact with positive matter, right?"


"So, it must be floating, right?"


"Even in the absence of gravity -- antimatter is affected by gravity."

"Why is antimatter affected by gravity?"

"Because what I'm saying now, the antimatter that exists under the existing theoretical framework has mass, and it seems that it also obeys the principle of the Higgs field giving mass. It is just opposite to the charge of positive matter, not even the laws of physics are absolute. Mirror image—well, it’s not important, what’s important is that I want to convince you that a strong force field is needed to restrain antimatter, and I even suspect that the use of antimatter is also accomplished by a similar force field.”

"Therefore, if we have a bigger brain, the way we use antimatter may be your civilization upgraded from controllable nuclear fusion."

"I agree with that."

"Look." Ye Ming smiled triumphantly: "Is my thinking okay?"

"Then are you going to start a controlled nuclear fusion experiment?"

"Do you think I'm a god? The national scientific research system revolves around my crazy conjecture?"

"Stop asking rhetorical questions."

"...But this is indeed a way of thinking. I will try it when I get the brain computer and quantum computer done!"

"Then should you upgrade the bandwidth for me first?"


Five seconds later, Qi and Mo just stretched their waists and were about to complain to Ye Ming when they saw this guy open the door without looking back.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the lab to solder something."



It took another week, and Ye Ming completed the experimental design of another compound N-CPVA, but this time he did it secretly in the middle of the night.

After several failures, the extraction was finally completed. However, unlike O-Grct, N-CPVA is a crystal and can be used for various operations. It is purely powdery, and it is a pure catalyst no matter how you look at it.

At the end of March, Lao Tao also applied for a municipal-level project on insulating hydrogel for Sheng Fei, and he was kind to him—it's just that the project was applied for and the funds were available, but Sheng Fei couldn't find it. way. He had no choice but to unswervingly implement the thigh-holding plan, and came to talk to Ye Ming every day, and at the same time reported the new semiconductor O-Grct-he even gave him a popular and easy-to-remember name "Ye Di".

You see, people have done this, Ye Ming is of course embarrassed to hide it, and after accompanying Sheng Fei to the supercomputing center for a few times, he finally revealed the generation steps.

Of course, Sheng Fei is not as layman as Ye Ming in the field of materials. He can tell at a glance that these preparation methods are extremely complicated, and they also contain new materials.

A minute after Ye Ming passed the document, Sheng Fei's message came back instantly.

"Damn it! Did you dig a mine just to build a house?"

"It was suppressed by you." Ye Ming typed with a smile: "I'll ask you to reimburse me when I have time to count how many brain cells died."

"Hahaha, how about I exchange the brain for you? Guarantee that the survival rate of brain cells is higher than yours."

Ye Ming: "..."

After a while, Sheng Fei's news came again: "By the way, I really didn't realize that Ye Di could be used as a reactant. Let me interview you. How did you think of it?"

"Because it itself is solving a secondary reaction formula in the hydrogel reaction, so I will start with it later."

"It's know more about materials than our people who work on materials."

Ye Mingxin said that I know nothing.

Messages from Sheng Fei came one after another: "Unlike us, I have been playing with Ye Di these days, but I didn't think about it as a reaction material."

Ye Ming: "By the way, then...Ye Di, did you come up with anything?"

"Can you allow me to prepare a surprise for you?"

Ye Ming was taken aback, didn't this guy really discover something new?

Sheng Fei: "Forget it, I'm not as good as you, I'm designing an experiment with continuous high current and high voltage - this thing seems to be particularly resistant to manufacturing, it's almost catching up with gallium nitride, but it's a pity that it can't emit light .”

Ye Ming thought for a while, and immediately replied: "Then design quickly, do you want me to help?"

"Brother, can you give me a sense of accomplishment?"

Ye Ming froze for a moment, then laughed: "Okay, okay...then I'll wait for your good news."

After finishing the call, Ye Ming looked at the electronic calendar—it was a birthday present from Mo Gu.

It is now April 2nd.

Among the large research groups, it goes without saying that the one who walked the fastest was naturally the task he was in charge of.

Although he did not design the hybrid chip that was put into his brain, he had already designed the integrated circuit used for the experiment, and handed it over to Yang Chaoxiong and the others to design it by hand.

The second is Mo Gu's team.

Although Mogu is young, practice makes perfect in the field of surgery. Her team has achieved the anastomosis of all the main nerves of mice and obtained a lot of first-hand information...

An article for The Lancet has now been prepared.

If it goes well, it will be the first CNS article published by the Brain Science Center.

Although Lao Tang didn't say anything, Ye Ming could still feel Lao Tang's eagerness.

Although the posting of the article will eventually fall on the Brain Science Research Center, and everyone will be rewarded, the person in charge of the provincial post...Old Tang still hopes that the first top issue will be published by his team.

Old Tang needed honor, and the pressure came from Ye Ming.

The problem is that Ye Ming can't post the CNS related to the subject now, and he doesn't want to post it very much, even if it is insulating hydrogel, he doesn't want to.

Because the production chain of this thing is too long, once it is released, all three new materials must be released at once, especially that... Ye Di.

But this, Ye Ming still wants to hide it!

In the struggle, the door was pushed open, and Old Tang walked into the laboratory with a smile on his face.

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