If you can't beat others on a track, the best way is to open a new track and have to be the referee yourself.

The current hybrid chip is no less than a new track. From the track to the rules, they are all customized by themselves. How can they make wedding dresses for others?

After the three of them had dinner, Mo Gu went straight back to the office.

She has a smaller personal office on the third floor. There is no space for a screen, but a beanbag can be placed. At noon, she will lie on the beanbag for a while. Just make do with it.

"Do you need to go to the data center?" Qi Yumo put his hands on the desk and his chin, curious and nervous.

"No need, just upload it directly." Ye Ming rubbed his fists and sat down: "Let's witness a miracle!"


While speaking, Ye Ming opened mobaxterm (a remote management server tool), established the connection in two or three clicks, and then began to upload the AI ​​code.

While waiting, he also introduced some special algorithms, formulas and interaction logic used by AI to Paint and Ink.

The configuration is done quickly.

Qi and Mo pursed their lips, eager to try: "Can it be used to design chips soon?"

"I have to wait a while, I need to configure the EDA server first."

Paint and Ink was full of enthusiasm: "Then hurry up - can you write down the requirements and immediately generate the layout?"

Hearing what she said, Ye Ming looked at her helplessly and innocently.

Paint and Mo giggled: "I think you can do it..."

Ye Mingxin said that it would be fine if it was Ita, but this AI was "Aita" - Ita was killed and Ye Ming was not allowed to call this soulless AI Ita, saying that she could not afford to lose that person.

"By the way, can we talk?"


"Wow! When did you train?"

"I hung up and let it watch movies for half a month."

"Wow! I want to try!" Qi Yumo became excited, gearing up: "How to try? Voice or dialogue?"

"Wait... I've connected a speaker."

As he spoke, Ye Ming turned on the speaker and microphone.

He has always used the microphone because of the need for video conferencing, but the speaker is purely for decoration, and has not been touched except for the first day when it was heard.

"I still have to open a test app...Okay, let's talk!"

Ye Ming clicked on the dialogue test, and a blue circle jumped out on the display with a ripple in the middle.

"It's so simple..." Qi and Mo sighed, and tentatively said: "How are you?"

While the ripples were beating, a slightly formal female voice also sounded from the speaker: "Hello, Aita is online, can I help you?"

"Wow, your name is Aita?"

"Yes, what's your name?"

Qi and Mo rolled their eyes: "You can call me Miss Seven."

"Hi Xiaoqijie, do you want me to chat with you?"

"..." Qi Yumo covered the microphone and looked at Ye Ming: "What do you think I will reply?"

Ye Ming said dumbly: "You just treat her like Siri, just chatting nonsense."

"That won't work, Siri is so stupid... Let me tease her."

"Aita, can you sing?"

"Not very good, but if you teach me a few lines, I can probably do it."

Qi and Mo continued to cover the microphone, blushing a little: "Then let me hum a few words?"

Ye Ming shrugged: "Whatever."


Qi and Mo peeked out the window, took a deep breath, and hummed softly.

"The same moonlight, why can't it illuminate the shape of the future..."

Following the song she hummed, Ye Ming also waited curiously.

Because the AI ​​interaction is purely a black box, he doesn't know how this Aita will react.

But he knows that singing is definitely not possible-it doesn't have that function.

After Qi and Mo hummed a few words, they stared nervously at the monitor.

Two seconds later, there was a burst of warm applause from the monitor.

"The same moonlight, really well sung! A few more lines."

Paint and Ink: "..."

So throughout the afternoon, Ye Ming's office was full of joy.

Half of the people in the research center came to him and talked to Aita one after another.

It’s not that you haven’t seen AI chatting—there are several AIs on the market, and some of them have done a good job in terms of dialogue alone. If you deliberately follow the AI ​​chat, you can chat for a long time.

But the AIs on the market still have one thing in common, that is, as long as you don't go along so well, it's easy to chat to death.

This Aita has shown great adaptability in this respect, at least she is not easy to chat to death—or in other words, she can complete the continuation and switching of topics in a less blunt way.

That's a big deal.


Five thirty in the afternoon.

"Aren't you ready to get off work?"

Listening to the teasing from the speaker, everyone laughed.

Sheng Fei propped his hands on the edge of the table, pointed his mouth to the microphone, and said with a smile: "We beat the workers and don't leave work."

"Then I will accompany you to the end."

"Then I'll test you, Xiao Ming..." Sheng Fei rolled his eyes, "There are four people living in Xiao Ming's dormitory, named Xiao Hong, Xiao Hua, and Xiao Lan. May I ask what is the name of the last one?"

"Xiao Ming."

"Fuck!" Sheng Fei turned to look at Ye Ming: "What is the logic of this analysis?"

Ye Ming shrugged: "The black box. It should be a sharp turn of the analysis."

"Niupi... But this is no longer the brain teaser that has been around for a long time."

"Then I don't know." Ye Ming glanced at the time, smiled and issued the eviction order: "Don't play anymore? I still need to configure the automatic wiring system."


As the crowd dispersed, Ye Ming also exhaled softly.

The person who came to the room in the afternoon is no one more professional than him in the field of AI. Of course, he can hear that Aita is stuck in logic in some places, but he must also admit that as a chat AI, Aita's performance today It is enough to kill all the "peers" on the market in seconds.

But...these are all false.

Everything depends on whether she can do her job well.

After closing the door, Ye Ming took out the sensor.

"Ita, configure the EDA smart terminal."



"What's up?"

Ye Ming looked at the cartoon girl who was drinking Coke on the monitor, and he smiled slightly: "It feels like your chatting is more blunt than Aita."

After two seconds of silence.

"What did you say?" Ita's voice raised half an octave: "I'll give you a chance."

On the monitor, the cartoon girl stood up and kicked a series of kicks in the void.

"Okay! Enough...so soft!"


Watching Ita control the image and sit down again, Ye Ming exhaled lightly.

Good guy, this is still a cartoon image, if she is allowed to control the robot, can't she act like a broken boulder in front of her?

After a while, Ye Ming opened the Jizhi EDA client by himself.

"Now, you design a chip project, and then use Aita to complete the intelligent wiring, and you don't need to intervene."

As his voice fell, the client was beating rapidly, and a chip demand was soon generated.

"start testing."

Time seemed to be suspended, and after a while, countless dense circuits appeared on Ye Ming's display.

"Circuit generated."

After a pause, Ita's voice sounded again: "No emulation, I'll check."


Time passed by second by second.

It involves the detection of tens of millions of logic gate circuits. Obviously, it is a bit difficult for Yita's current small water pipe.

Just when Ye Ming was waiting until he was getting hungry, Ita's voice finally sounded again.

"95 points"

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