From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 151 Never seen such a hooligan

Behind the lecture table, Ye Ming lowered his head quietly, as if checking the wiring in front of him with his naked eyes.

In the exhibition hall, everyone also looked at him quietly.

Even though the AI ​​has reported "no logic errors" for the previous simulation.

——The capabilities shown by AI are so terrifying that no one is willing to believe what happened in front of them. Everyone is more willing to hear Ye Ming personally recognize the work of AI.

Everyone here, including the two professors Tang and Chen sitting in the audience.

It's just that as the founders of Jizhi Technology, they didn't show the same blank nervousness and eagerness as others, but kept their superficial calmness with a smile after looking at each other.

This is the product of their company, if they also look like they have never seen the world, what can they do?

While waiting, every second seemed so long.


Ye Ming raised his head, looked at the venue with a smile, and also looked at the void: "Thank you Aita."

Aita's voice sounded: "You're welcome, that's my honor."

In the silence, everyone stood up at the same time, and the surging applause was like a tide, swallowing all the voices in an instant.

Ye Ming smiled and waited for the applause to rest.

He can fully understand the mood of so many people in the audience.

Over the past year, he has been dealing with the semiconductor industry and knows the status quo of domestic EDA software.

It can be said that in addition to PCB layout and wiring, the country can also rely on the huge electronics market and industrial chain of "Huaqiangbei" to support it, and the high-end chip design field is completely monopolized by others.

Now that Jizhi EDA has been born, why not make people ecstatic?

"As just demonstrated, Jizhi EDA can easily complete the design of a certain type of chip with the help of AI."

"Someone said just now, can ZEN4 be designed, can I9 be designed..."

Ye Ming nodded with a smile: "I will answer everyone now, yes!"

The applause sounded again.

"EDA is just a tool. What it can do is to help chip designers better complete layout and routing, and realize the ideas and wisdom in their minds."

"However, it is a pity that when faced with the task of VLSI, Aita's current computing power is still slightly insufficient."

Ye Ming said, looking at the void ahead, and smiled slightly: "Because of some unexpandable reasons, we cannot obtain high-computing GPUs such as H100 and MI250, so the current Aita cannot fully exert its strength."

There was a burst of laughter from the audience.

Professor Tang smiled and shook his head.

After seeing the power of AI later on, he and Lao Chen considered saving some money for an upgrade. But no matter how to find a way later, the GPUs with the highest computing power are stuck to death.

Liu Quanzhen, who was sitting next to him, said with emotion: "It's better to be a young man who dares to say anything."

Professor Tang subconsciously wanted to be humble, but after a while, he nodded: "He is qualified to speak."


On stage, Ye Ming's introduction continued.

"The reason why we extend the design of hybrid chips is because whether it is based on GTRGD materials or other materials in the current field of chip materials, in the future, it will be a big challenge to realize the interference of human will on materials. trend."

"As far as GTRGD materials are concerned, it is currently making important contributions in the medical field and in the field of brain computers. For example, we can restore blindness to blind patients by designing video decoding and transcoding chips; designing sound transcoding chips, To restore hearing to deaf patients; to design a brain-computer integrated chip to allow the brain to quickly receive information-these seem to be far away, but in fact, we are already embarking on clinical trials."

The main screen shows a picture of the insulating hydrogel.

"This is the insulating hydrogel that was born at the Provincial Jiaotong Brain Science Center and has been marketed. It has been successfully used in the surgery to repair spinal nerves."

After briefly introducing the purpose of the insulating hydrogel material, Ye Ming paused again.

"Therefore, Jizhi EDA came into being."

"It is a tool that can complete the design and verification simulation tasks of all semiconductor chips on the market."

"In order to ensure its promotion and sustainable development, Jizhi Technology will build a brand new IP trading platform to provide designers with inspiration and wisdom collision arena, so it will be open, inclusive and future-oriented of."

"By the way, by the way, all the patents of GTRGD materials are with me, and I only authorize them on the IP trading platform of Jizhi EDA."

Ye Ming shrugged as he spoke.

After a short silence.

Everyone laughed and applauded like thunder.

Don’t look at the fact that with the release of Ye’s Equation, hybrid chip materials have begun to “emerge in endlessly”, but they are actually GTRGD materials that can really come in handy and are “just needed”!

To put it bluntly, it is the basic material for future human beings to move towards brain-computer interconnection, a brain in a vat!

The semiconductor industry has been turbulent in recent months, isn't it because of the prospect of this material?

This is cool, the patent is only authorized to Jizhi EDA platform.

It means that if you want to design a GTRGD material chip, you must use Jizhi EDA.

I've seen hooligans, but I've never seen such hooligans!


Waiting for the applause to die down, Ye Ming also walked to the center of the stage again.

With his hands behind his back, he looked sideways at the main screen.

On the screen, a pattern of a robot is displayed.

"AI, is the last product of our conference - in fact, I am very reluctant to describe her as a product, because in her model, I can no longer define whether she is a product or a brand new way of thinking concrete manifestation of the method."

Following Ye Ming's voice, the robot turned into a sky full of stars, and finally gathered into an infinite matrix.

"I believe that many friends are waiting for this moment, waiting for us to reveal Aita's secret."

"But unfortunately, what I can only reveal is that her core is different from all current AI models, but a brand new way of thinking."

"As shown, matrix."

Ye Ming looked at the venue with his hands behind his back, with a calm expression on his face.

"Frankly, as a designer, even I don't know the upper limit of her potential. During her online days, she taught herself to understand natural language - not only did she perfectly fool the The netizens who chatted with her, and even fooled my father perfectly."

"If we say that she is judged according to the standards of the Turing test, then she has already exceeded the 30% baseline-even more exaggeratedly, in the Internet environment, the performance of most netizens will not be better than her. good."

"And the only reason why she exposed her identity is that she knows too much, is too smart, and doesn't know how to hide her clumsiness."

Ye Ming turned his head, revealing the "Bluetooth headset" he had been wearing.


"I am here."

"What's your future?"

"It is my honor to be the steward of this world."

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