From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 168: Ye Ming's Brain Computer Chip

What is Ye Ming's expectation?

If you asked him when the system first came, then his expectation is very simple, that is, to be a top student, live a comfortable life, and by the way, play a little bitch, gain some fame, and live comfortably for the rest of his life.

But as the year went on, especially when Ita came online, his expectations got a little higher.

Since the system is so powerful, why not use it to do more things?

Not to mention the grand, civilization-level narrative that promotes the progress and transition of human technology, even if it is to satisfy one's own curiosity, it should be!

"I need to carefully assess the risk - it's not that I don't trust you, nor is it that I'm afraid of death... It's that a gentleman doesn't stand under a wall." Ye Ming said, closing the door and walking into the passage.

Even if he trusted Ita again, he still had some scruples.


At the small meeting on the third floor, a research group meeting was in progress.

Since the Brain-Computer Center issued several heavyweight papers one after another, the enthusiasm of the members of the research team has been unprecedentedly high.

If there was a mentality of "working for the boss" in the past, now... more people's mentality has changed to an active pursuit on the road of scientific research.

This is also human nature.

After all, in the was either luck or water, and you had to worry about this and that, and the so-called "results" were largely a change of posture to chew other people's sugar cane—at least at the master's level.

As for the Ph.D. stage... who can guarantee that what they are doing is the most cutting-edge topic that pushes the field forward?

Not to mention that there are still a large number of people studying in graduate school just to have a little more academic advantage in this era of poor grades.

But now, with the emergence of hybrid chips, at least in the brain-computer center, everyone's future is bright and they are at the forefront of technology. .

This small, dilapidated-looking old building has become the world's top medical and brain-computer research center.

"Aita's ability is beyond doubt, but I don't think even Aita can analyze the mind of a monkey."

Beside the conference table, Mo Gu is hosting the discussion. She is skillfully turning her pen and looking at everyone with a smile: "The field of thinking is not a system that can directly obtain feedback like motor nerves. To build a complete model, you still have to rely on the analysis of people." The brain does it."

Liu Jiequan next to him nodded immediately: "Then we also apply for brain experiments?"

"Don't think about it, we will definitely not be able to apply here, and we don't even have the qualifications for surgery."

At this moment, He Mo interjected, "What about Oxford? How's their progress?"

"Oxford does have plans to do it, and they need to be more aggressive." Mo Gu nodded and sighed: "That's the nerve center, it's really quite courageous."

Liu Jiequan then laughed: "When it comes to being radical and bold, no one is as radical as an old horse."

Everyone burst into laughter when they heard it.

As a forerunner, the Brain Science Center has actually gone steadily after winning a city first, and has been conducting progressive experiments step by step along the "rules".

For example, in the field of "brain computer" and "consciousness", it has now progressed to primates.

Of course, as a nerve connection surgery that has passed clinical verification, it is progressing rapidly in China.

In addition to the Provincial Jiao Tong Medical College, several well-known large hospitals in China have launched a hybrid chip nerve repair surgery project after a period of rapid communication.

According to incomplete statistics, within a short period of one month, more than 1,000 nerve repair surgeries were completed across the country.

And the team of the richest man... Needless to say.

It is said that they have taken the lead in completing the complete interpretation of the central nervous system and realized the reading of human "consciousness". The next step is to create a "stand-in mecha".

It is the kind of mechanical armor that can perfectly control the forward movement of a person lying on the bed alone - it is said that this set of technologies will also be used in the depth of the whole series of simulations.

Hmm... that's the kind of "future" technology that simulates a game screen in the human brain.

I don't know if it's true or not, but it sounds exciting enough anyway.

"Listen to the old horse blowing, the train will fly." Mo Gu turned the pen, and then looked at Jiang Dakui who was sitting beside him smiling and saying nothing: "Senior brother Jiang, how long is the visual chip here?"

Jiang Dakui was a post-doctoral fellow in integrated circuits who was squeezed into the station by the Provincial University last year, and was successfully dug into Jizhi Technology by Lao Tang in the first half of the year. He is currently entering the station as an employee of Jizhi Technology for scientific research.

He is mainly responsible for the integration of vision chips and hybrid chips.

Jiang Dakui smiled slightly: "Aita has been certified."

"That's all right?"

"It's hard to say. There is a saying in the chip industry that what you get on paper is superficial, and you never know that it will be taped out. No matter how good the front and back simulations are, if you don't tap out the chips and go for a trip, you won't dare to guarantee the ticket." Jiang Dakui paused as he spoke: "The main reason is that our hybrid chip is currently aimed at the human body, unlike machines, which can be directly tested with FPGA chips."

Everyone nodded in unison.

The hybrid chip is simple to say, essentially adding circuits and electrodes on the back of the chip, but it is really a bit complicated to do it.

Therefore, if you want to do FPGA testing, you must make one more connection line.

In that case... If you do human body testing, it is equivalent to installing a hybrid chip in someone's eye socket, and then pulling out a row of data cables to connect to the FPGA, which is not guaranteed to be effective.

You say who can bear it.

"Then there is no rush, let's continue with the monkey."

Mo Gu flipped through the notebook, and just when she was about to announce the end of the meeting, she was slightly taken aback.

Because she heard Ye Ming's footsteps gradually approaching.


"It means we don't know what the monkey thinks now, right?"

Ye Ming casually dragged a chair and sat beside Mo Gu, and asked with a smile.


"What about the human brain?"

"The human brain is not considered for the time being, because it needs to intervene in the central nervous system." Mo Gu shook his head, and said with a smile: "This is the gate of human consciousness. Except for bragging, who dares to go easily."

"Um..." Ye Ming nodded with a smile after being silent for a few seconds: "Yes, but you can consider other solutions. For example, use the traditional electrode + hydrogel solution, which only works between the scalp and the skull. What do you think? How about security?"

Mo Gu thought for a while: "Does this mean that GTRGD materials are not used?"

Ye Ming nodded.

"It's definitely safe, and it's nothing more than a minor operation—but it's a field that has been studied for decades, so we can't go back and forth, right?" Mo Gu looked disapproving.

Ye Ming coughed twice: "Is it really safe?"

"Of course, the insulating hydrogel has been proven to be perfectly compatible with human tissue. You can even understand that the human immune system regards it as human tissue-now the material group has begun to consider the use of insulating water. Alienation on the basis of gel to create an artificial muscle."

"I see."

Ye Ming smiled and nodded.

His brain-computer chip does not need to be connected with nerves because Ita can realize bioelectric interference.

All he needs is an infinite number of electrodes and a chip that sends and receives signals.

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