From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 532 Rice Grain Thruster

"The civilization of the VSC-16 galaxy calls themselves the Kerong people. Their planets are large and their technology is highly developed. In their main sequence galaxy, they have completed the transformation of three habitable planets."

"Very strong—don't they have the ability to travel through wormholes?"

"According to the description of our ancestors, they should have existed. But for unknown reasons, they did not explore further in the universe." Wu Da's expression was very indifferent, and he even shrugged in Ye Ming's usual way : "Maybe they feel that the adjacent galaxies are worthless, or maybe they think that rash exploration will lead to war. In short, they just concentrate on building and exploring this galaxy."

Ye Ming raised his eyebrows slightly, and said in surprise: "The executors don't care about them?"

"They probably have some kind of contract with the executor. The ancestors' understanding of the executor was also learned through them."

Ye Ming frowned: "Neutral civilization?"

"The executors are not the destroyers of the universe, they just attack and interfere with the civilization that has violated the taboo technology." Uda was silent for a few seconds and said: "Although I think this is absurd, the Kodo race is in the star star. The fact that it has reproduced and continued smoothly also proves this."

Ye Ming fell into a long thought, and after a while he raised his head: "So, can we be sure that the executors are just as we guessed before, what they execute is the set reaction process-they are actually A purely intelligent mechanical civilization?"

"There is no evidence of this so far."

Ye Ming hummed and fell into thought again.

In any war, figuring out the origin and purpose of the enemy is the most important task. That's why human beings are so "generous" to the Canglan Star people—to a large extent, it is to understand the origin of the executor through them. Similarly, the reconnaissance spacecraft that humans are about to set sail will also advance along the star road where the executor came, preparing to have a "pre-battle communication" with the opposite side.

These are all for the purpose of understanding, communicating, communicating with the enemy, and even quelling the war before the start of the war.

The leaders of the Human Community Alliance have made many plans and drawn many red lines for this purpose-as long as peace can be achieved, human beings don't even mind making some concessions in order to seek opportunities for development.

But the premise of these is that the executors can communicate and are willing to communicate.

But now, after hearing what Wu Da said, Ye Ming felt that this executor was a bit weird-why did it feel a bit similar to the human immune system?

——Assuming that the technological development of a civilization touches the "taboo", it is similar to virus invasion or infection, then if the universe is viewed as the human body, the executor is the activation of the white blood cells sent by the immune system.

In other words, they are anti-virus software, and those that touch the "taboo" are computer viruses.

Ye Ming was very upset by this guess.

It feels like I have somehow become a villain.

"I can't figure it out a bit." After a long silence, Ye Ming looked at Wuda again: "It's the man-made singularity technology that attracted the executors, right?"

"That's one of the most intense spatial fluctuations."

"Then what about you back then? Is that right?"

"According to the records, the ancestors should have carried out experiments to extract void energy—you call it vacuum zero-point energy."

"Hmm... It probably means that disturbances to the original rules of the universe will attract executors." Ye Ming closed his eyes, and opened them again a few seconds later: "But I still don't quite understand why, after mastering these, Will it threaten the rule of the executor? Or will the universe be destroyed? The universe will be destroyed, isn’t this a joke..."

Uda nodded calmly: "Yes, we also can't figure it out."

Ye Ming thought for a long time but couldn't think of a reason, so he put it aside, then looked at Wu Da, and suddenly smiled: "Then you still dare to build artificial wormholes with us?"

Uda had always been very calm, but when he heard this, he suddenly fell silent. After a while, he laughed at himself: "You are not afraid, so what do we have to be afraid of? Besides, you have to admit... human beings and us , have a very similar commonality in the pursuit of truth.”

Ye Ming was speechless for a while.

The people from the Canglan Star once transformed the earth, which is already an academically recognized history... No one can deny it, but hearing Wuda’s words, I always feel that human beings have been affected even by their nature to pursue the truth. The enlightenment and influence of the Canglan Star people...

This feels a bit like that.

But he quickly put aside this little bit of displeasure - even if human beings were once enlightened by the Canglan Star, it is a fact that human beings are doing better now.

"Okay, it seems that you have to count on finding that Krong person, right? It's impossible to ask them for help."

Uda nodded: "Actually, in the universe as we know it, once a war starts...the ending is often devastating, especially for civilizations that live on a single planet, because destroying war resources is the end. The best option for war."

Ye Ming was silent, then smiled slightly.

"So, some battles have to be fought."

"Are you really confident?"


"What weapons do you have?"

"Sorry, it's still a secret."


In the next few days, Ye Ming participated in several meetings and met with several bosses. On the one hand, he was reporting on work, and on the other hand, he had a firm belief.

Then he flew directly to Jiangcheng.

As the first human city to ignite controllable nuclear fusion, Jiangcheng is at the forefront of everything related to "electricity"-now residents' electricity consumption has dropped to a dime, and even plans to introduce free electricity for residents policy.

The results of such measures are remarkable—Jiangcheng has the highest penetration rate of household appliances in the world, and it is also the first city to completely cancel gas stations.

Because of the business card effect, the International Controllable Nuclear Fusion Energy Center is also located here.

Three black commercial vehicles drove into the gate of the energy center without a sound. After a while, a group of professors and senior engineers went out together and stood in a row outside the building.

When Ye Ming stepped out of the car door, a group of people headed by Director Huo Liang were all smiling and applauded.

"Teacher Huo, Academician Luo, Academician Chen, Academician Du..." Ye Ming shook hands with these teachers who fought side by side ten years ago and said hello one by one, smiling constantly: "I haven't seen you for a long time, and you teachers still have the same demeanor. .”

"How can we be better than you?" Academician Huo Liang laughed loudly, holding Ye Ming's arm: "Come on, let's go into the house."

As a group of people returned to the living room together, everyone chatted about the daily routine.

Almost all of those present here worked with Ye Ming on controllable nuclear fusion reactors and fusion engines in the past, but Ye Ming has never been back to Jiangcheng since Yaoyue went to the sky. Therefore, there are many people here who have not seen each other for several years.

Now Professor Huo Liang has become the director with the identity of the chief scientist and fuel expert of Yaoyue, and everyone else has also been evaluated as academicians one after another. Everyone is happy.

"Why don't we hold the meeting here?" Ye Ming was very happy to see his old friend for the first time, but he was busy after all and didn't have much time to chat.

Professor Huo Liang nodded with a smile: "Okay, you have the final say."

"Uh...then I'll really start?" Ye Ming looked at everyone and smiled slightly: "There are still three months before we can conduct two-dimensional deployment experiments. How long is the fission propeller?"

——When designing rice grains, various propulsion options were considered, including controllable nuclear fusion, fuel rockets, etc., but in the end, a controllable nuclear fission engine with a correspondingly simple structure was chosen.

That's right, a fission engine, not a fusion engine.

Although fusion can generate higher energy and turn it into driving force, the current two-dimensional deployment design scheme is extremely complicated, and the means to realize controllable nuclear fusion are also very complicated. Compared with the fission engine, it is much simpler and faster. It can't be much slower.

Hearing that Ye Ming went straight to the topic as soon as he opened his mouth, everyone present laughed knowingly.

Ten years have passed, and sure enough, this guy's style has not changed.

But today, no one answered him immediately, but all eyes were on Professor Huo Liang.

Ye Ming was a little puzzled, and also looked at Professor Huo Liang.

Professor Huo Liang smiled slightly: "Let's not talk about fission thrusters first, let's talk about fusion thrusters."

Ye Ming was slightly taken aback: "Fusion thruster? Helium-3 fusion?"

Professor Huo Liang shook his head slightly: "We have just completed cold nuclear fusion."

Ye Ming's pupils shrank instantly: "How did you do it?"

"Do you still remember what we said when we first ignited the fire? The Ni people have been engaged in cold nuclear fusion based on high pressure."

The scene at that time immediately appeared in Ye Ming's mind - he still remembered that when he inspected the laboratory building with the group of people present, when the lace news mentioned it.

"Well, what then?"

"They didn't make it, but we did it." Professor Huo Liang exhaled slowly: "Of course, it can't be regarded as that kind of alchemy-like cold nuclear fusion, it can be regarded as a kind of high-pressure cold fusion."

"And according to our calculations, it is naturally more suitable for 'narrow' 'spaces'."

As he spoke, Professor Huo Liang clapped his hands together: "In two-dimensional space, it is very easy to realize."

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