From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 658 Cherish the time when human beings are still reasonable

Before going down the stairs, Azshara saw the battleship's main display screen.

The armrests are hard and the carpet is soft.

But when she saw the contents of the main display screen, Azshara's heart turned cold instantly.

This display screen occupies the size of a wall, and it is displaying countless light spots and marks from a high-dimensional angle, but even so, she can judge at a glance that the marks on it show What matters are all the spacecraft in this airspace with a radius of millions of kilometers.

In the picture, each spaceship of the First Fleet is locked by the warships of the human fleet, and numbers of different colors are used to indicate the probability of attack.

In silence, Azshara turned her head to look at Yang Wenzhi.

Yang Wenzhi naturally knew that a fleet leader like Azshara was no stranger to this kind of star map, so he smiled immediately: "It's just a tactical map."

Azshara pursed her lips and nodded silently, the melancholy in her eyes was so thick that she could no longer melt away.

The half-moon-shaped door inside the command hall slowly opened, and Azshara followed Yang Wenzhi's guidance into the conference room.

Compared with the area of ​​the command hall, the conference room is not large, but the style is very consistent, and they are all extremely simple. There is nothing else on the plain table except for two small flags placed on the main seat.

The host and guest were seated on both sides, and just as the door was about to close, Azshara took a last look at the huge screen.

In the silence, at the moment when the door of the conference room was closed, Azshara finally looked at Yang Wenzhi who was sitting opposite.

"Mr. Commander, if we did not agree to your request before, would you have launched an attack?"

The smile on Yang Wenzhi's face slowly disappeared, followed by a sense of extreme solemnity.

He also stared at each other, and nodded solemnly after a moment.


As soon as this remark came out, the faces of all the Krong people changed at the same time, and the resentment in their eyes rose involuntarily.

And all the members of the human race put away their previous smiles and became extremely serious.

Once you enter this door, it becomes a business.

There should be a degree of relaxation.

This includes attitude as well.

Azshara took a deep breath, and slowly raised her hands, imitating Yang Wenzhi's appearance and placing them on the table.

"So, what exactly do you want in our galaxy?"

"We want your unbreakable friendship."

"Friendship? Friendship threatened by the main gun?" Azshara stared at the other party, and she tried to hide her anger as much as possible——when it was clear that the human fleet was still locked on its own fleet, what humans showed at the beginning The kindness that came out disappeared in her heart.

"It's not coercion, we just want you to understand that we have capabilities beyond your imagination." Yang Wenzhi looked calm, reached out and took out a document from the drawer, but did not hand it to the other party, but slowly said: "The past communication In the middle, the message you conveyed to us is that you are only respected by the power of the executor, stubborn and arrogant..."

"Are we stubborn and arrogant?" Azshara could no longer hold back when she heard this, and anger rose in her eyes: "We have witnessed the rise and fall of countless civilizations in tens of thousands of years, and the ones that most meet the standards of arrogance and arrogance , only you humans!"

Yang Wenzhi's expression did not change, and he still stared at the other party: "Then may I ask, where are we arrogant?"

"You..." Azshara said the words but retracted them instantly.

His Majesty specifically warned her not to mention the executor again, as it would anger humans.

"Is it because we dared to resist the executor, so in your opinion, it is arrogant?" Yang Wenzhi stared at Azshara, and said word by word: "Your Excellency, please think carefully before answering, because this involves our treatment of you. evaluation of."

Azshara's pupils shrank to the extreme at this moment, and the hairs on her body stood up instantly!

Her sixth sense told her that she couldn't admit it! Can't answer!

The meeting room was so quiet that a heartbeat could be heard.

But Yang Wenzhi obviously didn't intend to let Azshara go, he looked at the other party quietly, waiting for the answer.

Azshara pursed her lips tightly, clenched her hands unconsciously, and pressed against the tabletop to suppress the trembling.

At this moment, countless thoughts and countless scenes of communicating with humans flashed through her mind, and finally the words of Ye Ming, the chief scientist of mankind, echoed in her mind.

——Humans have never been vegetarians.

"Sorry." After a difficult silence, Azshara shook her head slightly: "We can't stand in your position to face the problem, just like you can't stand in our position."

"Wrong, Your Excellency Governor. If we don't stand in your position, then... May I ask, in this vast universe, do we need a reason to destroy a civilization?"

Yang Wenzhi asked himself and answered: "No need. Just as the executors use the so-called taboos to destroy human civilization without traveling hundreds of millions of light years, we can also use any excuse to destroy and conquer any encounter. civilization."

"Because now it seems that this universe is unreasonable, and there is nothing in the universe that makes sense—if there is, please tell us."

Azshara was silent.

"But this is not in line with the moral sentiment of mankind. The vision of mankind is to establish a reasonable rule and a reasonable place."

"But!" Yang Wenzhi stared at her, and once again said word for word: "If all civilizations think that reasoning is wrong and unnecessary, then we will not be reasonable."

"So, Your Excellency Governor, please cherish the time when we still have to think about reasoning."

As he spoke, Yang Wenzhi pushed the document that had been converted into the Krong language to the other party.

Azshara took the document in silence, her mood was so complicated that she couldn't calm down to read the content of the document.

All she saw was the title written in huge fonts on the cover of the document.

—— "The Joint Development and Defense Plan of Humans and Kerong on the Kara Tribe Galaxy"

In an instant, Azshara's pupils narrowed again.

However, just when she was almost trembling and about to open the content, a calm and steady human female voice suddenly sounded in the room.

"Commander, it has been detected that there is a battleship group mobilization in the airspace at coordinates H13885 and Y5254, please prepare for it."

Azshara was slightly taken aback, and looked at the only human female for an instant, but soon, she realized that it wasn't the lady who said it, but the system notification sound of the ship's computer.

At the same time, Yang Wenzhi's voice also sounded: "Got it, continue to observe."

"Okay, Commander."

As the female voice fell, Yang Wenzhi looked straight at Azshara again, and the latter also looked up from the document to meet him.

"Your Excellency, it seems that your fleet is in trouble."

Azshara sat up straight instantly: "What?"

Yang Wenzhi didn't answer him, but directly swept across the table with his hand, and in the next second, a light curtain landed on the table from top to bottom.

In the picture, warships are constantly appearing from the VSC-20 wormhole.

This stargate is a two-way stargate to Antrum.

This means that the Tara tribe in the Antrum constellation once again dispatched additional warships to the Karatu galaxy.

"I hope that His Excellency the Governor General, as well as Her Majesty the Queen, will seriously consider our proposal."

Yang Wenzhi looked at the document in front of Azshara, and said word by word, softly.

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