From star abyss

Chapter 1001 215 Empire Line (10)

But now, he was basically given a critical illness notice by Astra, and he knew that no matter what he did, he would die.

I had always been concerned about the gains and losses of efficiency, but after hearing this, I suddenly let go.

Li Ozi bit his straw and leisurely enjoyed the cool air under the bench. He was really peaceful, just like an old grandfather.

[Anyway, death is inevitable. The matter on Dragon Island is almost finished. Others are looking for the blueprint for the infinite dragon magic set. Before that... forget it, Dragon Island is also a death. 】

So what else is he busy with?

After having some free time, Li Aozi discovered that Long Island was indeed pretty good. Among the many different cities, countries, and civilizations he has experienced, Long Island is really the most suitable place to settle.

Needless to say, the Four Kingdoms of Azure Star, as long as the technology tree is low, it is a restricted area of ​​life.

Although the environment of the Crystal Tower is good and relatively affluent, the academic atmosphere is too strong and the degree of involution is comparable to that of Xingyuan Xiaojiangsu. It is completely unsuitable for an idiot like Li Ozi.

The empire, the temple, and the group each have their own problems. Although the benefits are good, Li Aozi's identity is not too bad anywhere, but Li Aozhi does not agree with their narrative creed and code of conduct.

He was considered a prince in Osholia, but the infrastructure was so bad that he didn't even want to live there.

Looking around, one can see that the natural environment here on Longdao is quite generous. It has been accumulated over thousands of years and has a very rich heritage. In addition, it is a city of immortality, the pace of life is quite slow, and the business environment is good. It is a high-magic environment. There is no shortage of energy or materials. After he rectified the underground forces, the atmosphere became even better.

"If it doesn't work out, I'll settle down here for retirement in the future. I have a house, pets and a nanny. Anyway, I'm going to die sooner or later. Wouldn't it be better to enjoy the happiness and then die in a place with a better environment?"

Ever since the thought of frivolity came to mind, Li Ozi was out of control.

Facts have proved that although it is shameful to show off, being happy is really happy.

He shut down his personal communications and spent a whole week enjoying the luxurious life.

A plate of tomato and meat sauce noodles usually costs only 3 kroner in a restaurant on Long Island.

Without blinking an eye, he bought it directly and filled it with grilled chicken tenders, fried sausages, fried chives, cheese eggs, grilled fish and tofu and other small ingredients with a stroke of his pen, adding up to 33 kronor. Highlight a tyrant!

He no longer cares about temporary merchandise stores and just goes shopping in supermarkets in scenic spots!

It turns out that he is reluctant to treat himself well, or he just copes with the situation, and even if there are good things, he doesn't know how to enjoy them.

It's different now. He no longer has any worries. He can go to the cafeteria whenever he wants and eat all he can. He can buy discounted products whenever he wants. It's a pleasure to buy directly.

Even if he meets a beggar on the road, Li Aozi will generously give out ten coins!

After a week of crazy spending, Li Aozi looked at his bill and saw that he had spent a thousand Yuan Yuan crowns!


Li Ozi compared his usual consumption and immediately discovered something unusual:

"Aren't I here to enjoy life? Why don't you spend more than I usually spend on entertaining people?"

After realizing that he had been fighting for most of his life but had no talent at all to enjoy wealth, Li Ozi broke through.

He walked dejectedly on the city streets, recalling a life in which he seemed busy but seemed to have accomplished nothing, and fell into deep doubt.

This suspicion has not diminished over time.

When he walked into the restaurant and prepared to eat, the ordinary residents of Long Island taught him another lesson.

"A rice bowl set, lemonade, a big one."

Li Ozi even extravagantly added a side dish for himself:

"Two fried chicken legs, sprinkle more cumin and no chili."

"Okay, just wait a moment, I'll be ready soon."

"Hello waiter, we're ordering some food here."

"Hey, okay, here we go."

The waiter quickly wrote down Li Aozi's order and immediately rushed to the table next to Li Aozi. Since the distance was very close, Li Aozi could see the customers at that table as soon as he raised his head.

This is a family of four, an ordinary dragon-born couple, with brown dragon horns and muddy ocher vertical pupils. It can be seen that they are not of noble blood.

The husband is wearing a coat and looks like a low-level manager of the company. He has a broad face and big ears, and there are some traces of hair on his face. His background is obviously not too high. His ancestors probably evolved from dragon beasts three generations ago, and he is barely a dragon. He is of mixed race, but his eyes are very bright, his words are neither humble nor overbearing, and he is very likable.

The wife is an elf-mixed dragonborn, with a pretty good face, but the dragon clan’s rank is obviously not high, and there are obvious traces of atavism, with scales from the neck to the arms, and the words used when speaking are relatively rude, and there is no culture. look like.

They brought their children with them. One was still in the stroller. He was a shy and cute baby. The dragon horns on his head had not yet developed. The other was probably equivalent to a seven or eight-year-old human, with very traces of dragons on his body. Apart from his eyes, there are almost no dragon features visible.

Generally speaking, both parents have dragon-like characteristics, but the child does not. This situation shows that the dragon bloodline has degenerated, but for some reason, Li Ozi always feels an inexplicable sense of intimacy when he looks at the child.

Logically speaking, such a family should have a very low status on Long Island, but the couple seemed very happy.

"What is this? Husband, I can't read it. Please help me read it."

"Let me see, dear, the dish you are talking about is called carrot banana."

They were chattering while ordering, and my wife seemed to have never seen these dishes before, she was always yelling.

"Wow, can threads be pulled out of bananas? It's amazing! Is it magic? None of the druids in our forest can use magic to cook."

The wife of the elf-hybrid dragonborn was extremely envious.

Li Ozi could clearly sense that none of their family had the aura of Taoism.

The illiteracy rate in Jingyuan is very high. Although their strength seems good and their rank is quite high at first glance, in fact they cannot even afford to learn the path.

Not to mention like Leos, even among the nobles, there are not many people who have no talent and can rely on their family background to provide him with literacy and learning.

The husband is an honest man, who probably has studied for a few years. He took the menu, looked at the description on it and introduced:

"No, dear, it's different from the ones in the Elf Forest. This is the specialty of our chefs. There's no magic, it's all handmade."

"It's all handmade? How did you do that! It's amazing, let's try it-do you want a piece, son?"

In contrast, their son appears calmer and more mature. The light ocher vertical pupils blinked, keenly catching the price on the picture, and then said:

"I can do it. But the price is too high, it costs 45 kronor..."

"It's okay, son. Dad paid his salary today. Please have a good meal with your mother and little sister."

"Thank you for your hard work, Dad. If it weren't for us, you wouldn't have left your hometown for so many years and went to Long Island to work..."

"Hey, what's this? The point of making money is to give our family a better life."

The husband smiled:

"Since you and mom are curious, let's order one to try."

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