While Bruno and his teammates were on vacation, Udinese's management and coaching staff did not. Guidolin is already aware of Udinese's defensive problems and plans to make some reinforcements to the team during the winter break.

As time has just entered 2016, Udinese has announced two signings in succession.

On January 2, Udinese officially announced that it had signed a six-month contract with Serbian center back Nemanja Vidic. The former Manchester United captain will play for Udinese until June 30 this year.

After leaving Manchester United in July 2014 and joining Inter Milan as a free agent, the Serbian veteran was once the main central defender of the Nerazzurri in the 2014-2015 season. However, his performance was sluggish due to age and injuries. Later, after Roberto Mancini took over as head coach, Vidic was gradually reduced to a substitute player.

Vidic missed all of Inter Milan's games due to back surgery in August 2015. Under such circumstances, Inter Milan has no intention of keeping him in the team.

The two parties negotiated, and in December, Vidic reached a termination agreement with Inter Milan.

After entering 2016, the veteran signed with Udinese.

However, Erto's condition gradually fell into a downturn, which made Cancelo, a guy who was born as a right back, slowly become Udinese's main left back.

Of all the first-team players, Bruno gained the least weight. He only gained 0.32 kilograms, which is still within the acceptable range.

The morning after one day.

Along with Vidic, there is another veteran who officially announced that he has joined Udinese, and that is Ashley Cole. The England left-back also came to Italy in July 2014, when he joined Roma. But he soon fell into a slump and lost his place in the Roma team.

Then amidst the mourning, Udinese's first day of training after the winter break began.

Obviously, such a forward configuration is not reassuring. If a player is injured or his condition fluctuates, Guidolin will be stretched thin.



Before he can float proudly, these guys can't even think of floating first.

Guidolin will always have a vigilant little whip in his hand.

This performance naturally dissatisfied Sevilla, so they returned the player and Immobile returned to Dortmund.

However, in the Bundesliga, Immobile seemed a little acclimated. In the 2014-2015 season, he only scored 10 goals and 3 assists in 33 games in all competitions. Last summer, he was loaned to Sevilla in La Liga by Borussia Dortmund.

Ashley Cole, who has no ball to play, has been contacted everywhere in the past six months, but has never found a home. He was planning to go to North America and play in the major leagues, but he didn't expect Udinese to find him at this time.

In June 2014, Borussia Dortmund, which is in the German Football League, signed Immobile for a transfer fee of 18.5 million euros to fill the vacancy left by the departure of Robert Lewandowski. The two parties signed an agreement. A 5-year contract.

Udinese's current first-team forwards include Di Natale, Tero, Zapata, Aguirre, and Perica. However, Aguirre and Perica are too young and it will be difficult for them to reach the level of Udinese. His current level; Tero and Zapata are average in strength and do not have the ability to be a top forward; Di Natale's condition has declined significantly as he grows older and cannot meet Udinese's two-line requirements. .

In the first half of the season, Immobile continued to be sluggish, playing 15 games in all competitions and scoring only 4 goals and 1 assist.


Udinese, who intends to strengthen the team's lineup, also takes a fancy to Immobile. After all, the Italian forward's ability in Serie A was very strong. Guidolin believes that his condition will definitely improve when he returns to Serie A.

Don't look at Udinese's offensive power in the first half of the season, but it was Bruno's explosion. In fact, Udinese's forward staffing is very problematic.

The winter break passed quickly and Udinese gathered on January 3rd, as their first game in the new year was at noon on January 6th.


After signing two experienced veterans before the end of the winter break to strengthen the team's defense, Udinese continued to look for targets in the transfer market, but became a striker.

In Guidolin's plan, Vidic serves as a substitute for Maguire and Danilo. In addition, the team pays more attention to Vidic's game experience. After all, during his peak period, he was the world's top central defender. His experience is very important for strengthening Udinese's defense.

Whoever is proud and relaxes his demands on himself, I'm sorry, Guidolin will let him face the wall on the bench and reflect on his mistakes.

In early September last year, Roma announced the early termination of Ashley Cole's contract.

Originally planning to conduct simple confrontation exercises that afternoon, Guidolin gave up the plan directly and waved his hand, everyone: physical training! Enhanced version!

Among Udinese's central defenders, Maguire has good talent, but he still lacks experience; although Danilo has been the main force at Udinese in recent years, he is about to turn 32 years old. The status has declined. Although Domic and Erto can play as central defenders, they are not genuine central defenders, and both of them are not young.

The players who were scolded in the face did not dare to say a word, and captain Di Natale remained silent. During the fourteen-day holiday, Di Natale gained 2.07 kilograms. He felt that the coach looked at him like a fat pig about to be slaughtered.


"To be exact, it's 1.57 kilograms." Portolucci said, holding back his laughter. "The team has done well, so everyone should be more relaxed."

Guidolin will never allow anything that is complacent and ultimately leads to capsize in the gutter to appear in his team.

Udinese's idea of ​​signing Ashley Cole is similar to their signing of Vidic. They both use him as a substitute player at the left back position, and also plan to use the experience of the former world's number one left back. .

However, he still has no place in Dortmund, and the Hornets plan to continue renting him out.

Guidolin and Giaretta's original intention was to loan Immobile for a week, but after Bruno learned that the team was interested in Immobile, he suggested that the team sign Immobile directly.

Guidolin thought that Dortmund would be very happy with Udinese's purchase. Unexpectedly, the Hornets refused directly. They said that Immobile is Dortmund's not for sale and is a very important member of the team.

"This is not a good sign." Guidolin said with a dark face without smiling, "Drill these guys hard and tell them that half of the season has not passed and there is still a long schedule. Laugh now and be careful about the season. Crying after it’s over.”

"I know!" Seeing Guidolin's serious expression, Portolucci immediately paid attention to it. He couldn't help but sigh that he could only be an assistant. It was such a small thing that he didn't think too much about it. Guidolin was able to notice the slightest difference and became alert. This was the difference.

Bruno, Guidolin and Giaretta have analyzed and discussed that if Dortmund is asked to buy Immobile in the winter transfer, an offer of 10 million euros will be enough to satisfy Dortmund.

In the afternoon of this day, the team had their first joint training after the Christmas break, and Guidolin was furious.

Udinese's current left-back is Brazilian Gabriel Silva, but since last season, the Brazilian's state has been very sluggish. This led to many times when Guidolin had to let Erto and Cancelo play as left backs.

"It's so fun during the holidays, right? Now, as fun as the holidays are, I'll make you even more fun today!"


Immobile's old club Turin is very interested in him and has been negotiating with Dortmund to loan him back.

"These bastards can't even gain two kilograms in two weeks by raising pigs!" Guidolin said angrily.

However, Cancelo is not a left-back after all, so there are still many problems in playing left-back. Guidolin hopes that Ashley Cole can bring out Cancelo after joining.

Not to mention fighting on two fronts, Di Natale's performance in Serie A in the first half of the season was not very good. He only scored 7 league goals and was not among the top five in the Serie A scorer list. Compared with last season, The 11 goals scored in the same period were 4 goals less.

Guidolin consulted the physical fitness consultant Bordon, who gave a positive answer. There will be no problems with such intense training.

Guidolin has his sights set on Borussia Dortmund striker Ciro Immobile. The 26-year-old Italian forward moved to many Serie A teams in his early years, and his worth was established while playing in Turin. In the 2013-2014 season, he scored 22 Serie A goals and won the Serie A Silver Boot.

"Look at you, you have gained an average of 1.57 kilograms in one week." Guidolin roared with a livid face, "You just keep eating and eating during the holiday, huh?!"

As a time traveler, although Bruno didn't know much about Serie A, he also knew that this guy had the same attributes as Di Natale. He was a late bloomer who became more and more prodigious as he got older. After the age of 30, he won the Serie A Golden Boot twice.

As for the two young central defenders, Bochniwicz and Bubonjic, they were originally lottery tickets drawn by Udinese. However, two years later, these two have not shown much talent and Udinese has given up. These two people have plans.

That afternoon, Udinese contacted Borussia Dortmund and inquired about the possibility of Immobile's transfer.

After a period of investigation, Guidolin recognized him, and then the two parties signed a six-month short contract.


Guidolin just swore. If you really treat him as a treasure, then he has nothing to say. The problem is that Guidolin didn't see how much Dortmund valued Immobile.

Obviously, Dortmund knows that Udinese needs a striker now and wants to raise the price!

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