Such a move by Piltover is already very much in line with Piltover's peaceful positioning.

So, not all scientists are politically gifted.

It can even be said that most of them do not.

These are two completely unrelated fields, and it can even be said that there are quite a few gaps and differences in common.

For science, it is natural to strive for excellence in everything, and there is no room for sloppy eyes.

But politics is not like that.

If you overdo something, you will get bad results.

People like Heimerdinger can already be said to have a good political talent.

Heimerdinger co-founded the nation of Piltover and helped it grow.

This is something that ordinary politicians cannot do.

It can be said that Heimerdinger has the ultimate talent at both ends.

It's just that Heimerdinger's genre is too old-fashioned and sometimes too conservative, which is somewhat inconsistent with Piltover's theme of "progress".

Therefore, Heimerdinger finally stepped down.

But for more scientists, once they step into the political line, they are in a state of doom.

But Laura was certain that her son-in-law, Jace, was not such a person.

Jace, who had just stepped into a political situation, looked exactly like an ordinary scientist at the time.

I fantasize about that kind of justice and beauty, and I fantasize that I can have a great career.

Of course, Jace was also splashed with cold water at the beginning.

Jace discovered that the world was not as beautiful as he was.

On the seemingly glamorous round table, there are actually many unknown activities.

It's like telling a child that there is no Ultraman in the world.

Facing the powerful strength of other nobles, Jace, who was aware of this matter, felt a deep despair like other scientists who had just entered the political arena.

In this case, there are generally two reactions.

The first is that there is depression.

Despair produces depression, which is a normal thing.

When one's fantasies are shattered, people will be helpless.

And in the political arena, a person who is slumped and has no background is unstable.

In the end, it will only be eaten up and wiped out by those who want to expand their rights, thereby taking their place.

Just being a puppet at the mercy of others is already a good ending.

Even if you want to protect yourself, it is not so simple.

When you have a clear intention to quit, there will be various other officials looking for you, wanting you to do some "facilitation" for them at the last point of time.

While it may sound like nothing, it's a dilemma.

And this kind of thing is like going to a fan shop for consumption. After the first time, there will be a second time, and even more and more, close to countless times.

After all, there will always be people who say that you can make it easier for him, why can't you make it easier for me?

Once you accept a proposal, you step into more of this murky water.

Even if it is completely rotten, it is not enough to accept all the proposals.

Because in the political field, no matter what kind of person, they hate the so-called bad people.

Not to mention that among them, some people want the "convenience" of delegation, but it is not so convenient.

Maybe it's not even convenient to say the word, it's a pure trap.

Once you step into the trap, you are fooled and fall into the trap of others.

At that time, you don't have to withdraw yourself, and the position is no longer yours.

What's more, it was directly involved in a considerable event.

Becoming a scapegoat, a scapegoat, and finally being wronged and imprisoned, or disappearing from the world, this kind of thing is perfectly normal.

But refusing is not so easy to refuse.

On the Valoran continent, those in the political arena are quite narrow-minded.

If you are unwilling to help at the last moment of leaving, not only will it not have a positive effect, but it will also attract the hatred of those people.

When a scientist truly loses the political umbrella, these retaliations follow.

Because of this, it is said that politics is a quagmire.

As long as you step into it, it is difficult to get out of the whole body.

The last time the last time, it will also leave a foot of muddy water.

There will be no good results in the end of the collapse.

Another kind of result that is easy for naive people who have initially stepped into the political field after they recognize the reality is to "show majesty".

That is to say, these people are not only not hit by it, but are more targeted.

They swear, they are determined, no matter what method they use, they will change this pedantic status quo.

They want to change all this completely and become great men of the new century.

Their intentions may be good, but their actions are just the opposite.

Because they felt the deep roots of those nobles, they were even more reluctant to join forces with these rotten bones.

So, these people took a tough approach.

They used their power, used their positions, and adopted a series of tough measures against those nobles.

At this time, they have not realized one thing.

These rights are not entirely their own.

In the political field, to put it bluntly, it is a community of interests.

There is no country on the Valoran continent that was established on the basis of no common interests. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Only when everyone has the same goals can your position be recognized.

This is also the case in any country on the continent of Valoran, or in any position in any country.

Even those high-ranking MPs are no exception.

Once the values ​​are different, the direction is different, the purpose is different, and the interests are different, no matter how high the position is, it will be unstable.

Heimerdinger is a perfect example.

And those scientists with more long-term and ambitious goals have not yet realized this reality.

They think they see everything clearly, but they are still in an endless fantasy.

I fantasize that I can become a node that changes everything and become a great person who changes everything.

But in the end, their fate against the nobles is often more tragic than the first type.

Even a second before they died, they thought they were contributing to a great cause.

Thinking that he can make a name for himself in the history, or let the pedantic people sober up.

But the truth is often cruel.

Their disappearance, no one will remember.

Not to mention the masses, even the nobles themselves who are the executioners will forget about these things that night.

You should eat and drink, and don't take it to heart.

These two extremes are the result of history.

It is also a necessity of the human heart.

To put it bluntly, the political mind is not mature enough to understand this kind of thing.

Only truly mature politicians understand how to initiate a reform if it is to be done. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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