Full-time cartoonist

Chapter 80 Letters from readers (please follow up)

"I recently read a work called "The Garden of Words". It's really interesting, but I'm just worried about the bad ending. I want to say to the author, please be merciful! Let Takao and Yukino be together!"

Naoko Takeuchi always likes to express her thoughts in her works, talk to readers, and share her life.

In the stand-alone book of "Sailor Moon", she also dedicated a space to thank the readers.

Respond to a selection of readers' letters.

This cute character is one of the reasons why readers call her "Naoko-hime".

Most of the big guys in shounen comics would not do this.

In short, Naoko Takeuchi's readers have developed the habit of reading the author's chatter, and it is also very interesting, making them feel closer to her.

At this moment, many young girl readers have seen the comics recommended by the author Ji Qingqing.

""Garden of Words" sounds very interesting and feels like a very fresh love story."

"Isn't it bad to recommend other comic magazines?"

"This is how you are straight."

Naoko Takeuchi, who is pure and kind, like a princess, is just such a person.

next week.

"Weekly YOUMNG JUMP" suddenly discovered that the proportion of female readers has increased slightly.

"Is it the effect brought about by "The Garden of Words"?" the editorial department thought.

Young Jump, which advocates "love, violence, and power," has few female readers. After thinking about it, the only comic that can suddenly attract female readers to buy the magazine is this short comic that was serialized recently.

"Can I contact Mr. Tori Akino?" the editor said, "Let "The Garden of Words" be serialized for a long time."

"let me try."

Hibiki Higashino refused. This film was not suitable for long-term serialization at all, and he didn't have that much time.

After painting for more than a month, his body could hardly bear it.

If I continue to work like this, I am really worried that I will get liver disease, be hospitalized, and have surgery.

Subsequently, the Jump editorial department strongly requested that "Chess Soul" be suspended until it is fully restored before serialization.

He absolutely doesn't want such a thing.

Seeing that his attitude was very resolute, the editor of Youth Jump left in anger, leaving only a carton of letters from readers.

Hibiki Higashi is very curious about this. Is there anyone threatening with a blade?

He was a little disappointed when he thought that the editorial department would definitely screen and hinder the author's updates.

After rummaging through it, he first took out a pink letter.

"Tori Akino-sensei who could draw "The Garden of Words" must be a very gentle person.

I like this story very much. On a rainy day, I met a person who warmed my heart.

There is still a gap between the male and female protagonists, but I know their mutual love is true.

The comic has reached its fourth episode. I read in the magazine that it will end in one episode.

Teacher Yukino rejected Takao's confession.

I hope there will be a reversal in the end, otherwise, I’ll curse you.

Even if you curse the person you like, they won't agree to your confession.

An ordinary high school student"

Seeing this, Higashikata shuddered, what a vicious person, he went so far.

"Alas," he sighed.

Ever since "The Garden of Words" revealed that Yukino was the teacher, Akimiya Akemi stopped talking to her.

He always looked at his feet worriedly, fearing that Hibiki Hibiki had evil thoughts.

Even slippers worn indoors have been replaced with fully covered ones.

Hibiki Higashino himself does like feet, but they are similar to breasts and legs, not that perverted.

It is clear that the heart of a villain is used to judge the belly of a gentleman.

He read the next one.

"In the fourth episode, there was something that moved me very much. After learning that Yukino was a teacher at the school, Takao was very dissatisfied.

She knew her identity, but she didn't know anything about Xueye.

Even the identity of the teacher was not told to him.

However, when she learned that there was a girl in Xueye's class and her boyfriend liked Xueye, so she felt jealous and organized all the girls in the class to slander Xueye, which caused her excessive psychological pressure and finally had to resign, but she still stood up. Confronted the girl and slapped her.

This is probably the most intense conflict in the fourth episode. It’s not abrupt at all and it really feels good.

As for the last chapter, whether it is sad or happy, I have no objection. I just hope that the male and female protagonists can come out and welcome a better tomorrow.

I hope Tori Akino-sensei can also have his own Yukino-sensei. "

I looked at the mailer and saw that she was also a girl. Hibiki Higashikata was very moved. The girl was really thoughtful and not as rude as the boy wrote.

He decided to take out the letters from "The Soul of Chess". As expected, the letters from "The Garden of Words" were more worthy of collection.

"There is faint thunder and a hazy sky, but I hope the wind and rain will come and I can stay here."

"There is a faint thunder, a hazy sky, even if there is no rain, I will stay here."

These two lines of "Thunder God Tanka" turn out to be the transformation of the male and female protagonists before and after.

"Actually, even if it doesn't rain, I will stay here." On a sunny day, the male protagonist went to the Garden of Words, and the female protagonist was indeed waiting for him there. At this moment, I thought there would be a happy ending.

Without the rainy day assist, Takao can stay. With Yukino.

Alas, there is another line.

It is the identity of teachers and students, and the difference between adults and minors.

In terms of status, the two are not equal.

"Miss Yukino, I think I have fallen in love with you."

When Takao confessed like this, Yukino was obviously very happy.

But she still said: "No, Miss Yukino. You should call me, teacher."

Still haven't let go of this age gap. Takao worked hard for a long time, but in Yukino's eyes, he was still a child.

Understanding this, I actually don’t have any angry emotions. This is just the result of the work coming naturally.

However, there is one last thing to say, I can definitely stay here even if it doesn’t rain. I feel this way. "

Dong Yexiang was a little surprised and looked at it really seriously.

It feels like it was carefully thought out shot by shot.

I am someone who really likes "The Garden of Words".

He himself recalled this work, constantly experiencing the feeling in the story, and the reader's letter was the same idea.

He doesn't know if he has the same idea as Xin Haicheng, but in his opinion, this reader is indeed his confidant.

Hibiki Higashino is very happy for such a reader who reads the work seriously.

The name of the letter is Gao Xueji.

Some familiar names.

Hibiki Higashino has a very good memory, and he quickly remembered the name of a member of the Musashino Animation Department at the animation festival.

I just don’t know if it’s the same person.

Maybe there will still be contact.

After Higashino Hibiki finished reading the letter, he didn't put it away in a hurry.

He looked at Akimiya Akemi, who came over on time to draw comics, and said to her with a smile.

"A reader has written in. Come and take a look."

Thanks to Pan Xingxing for the point coin reward.

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