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Chapter 514: Blue Rain and Tiny Herb

Blue Rain's Lounge

Huang Shaotian looked around, wanting to say something, but as soon as he wanted to open his mouth, Yu Wenzhou would instantly catch his intention, seeing his captain's smiling expression, Huang Shaotian could only shut his mouth resentfully.

Seeing Huang Shaotian's behavior like this, Yu Wenzhou shook his head amusedly, and then he was going to close his eyes and take a good rest.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

There was a knock on the door of Blue Rain's away lounge.

"Who, who, who?" Huang Shaotian regained his energy all of a sudden, he wasn't afraid that it was Tiny Herb's fans who would come to ambush them, after all, ordinary audiences couldn't enter this area.

"I, Wang Jiexi." The person outside the door said.

Song Xiao got up and opened the door, Wang Jiexi, Xu Bin, and Liu Xiaobie walked in.

"Welcome, Team Wang." Yu Wenzhou stood up and said with a smile.

"Well, I just heard that Huang Shaotian seemed to have quarreled with our fans when he entered the arena, let's see if you were affected." Wang Jiexi said with a smile.

"Hey, let me tell you, as soon as we got out of the car, the original area suddenly became quiet, so I asked curiously and continued, and then that irritable old man suddenly became angry, you don't know Their eyes at that time were as if they were going to eat us, eh, are they afraid that you will lose again, so they released the mental pressure on us in advance, okay, this must be directed by you..." Huang Shaotian jumped to Wang Jiexi began to chatter in front of his face.

Wang Jiexi rubbed his temples helplessly: "Your lung capacity is really good. I heard that more than twenty people have never quarreled with you."

"That's natural. In this regard, there is no one in the entire league that can compare to me. The lung capacity was measured during the physical examination before, you know? In fact, the doctor who can still blow it all the time just said okay, don't blow it. After a while we should get off work, when the league will hold a competition like this, I will definitely participate..."

"It's been a while." Yu Wenzhou said helplessly, "Thank you, Team Wang, for your concern."

"It's nothing. Although we are opponents, I hope to beat you in the arena." Wang Jiexi said with a smile.

Huang Shaotian curled his lips with some disdain: "It seems that the Wang team has already made a sufficient tactical plan this time, or should we just start circling right now?"

"This kind of trash talk is too low-end, right?" Liu Xiaobie finally couldn't help but say.

"Low-end but he's easy to use, boy, I think your temper really needs to be changed, you know? You were the fastest in the sixth season, right? Young people should be more stable and learn more. Learn from me, this is why I am the number one swordsman and you are still one point away. Work hard, and after I retire, you still have a chance to become the number one swordsman..."

"Your uncle, I debuted in the seventh season..." Liu Xiaobie felt a little bit pained.

"Is there? Is there? You must have remembered it wrong!"

"Well, let's just take a look. Since everyone is not affected, let's go first. See you later..." Finally, Wang Jiexi couldn't take it any longer, and said hastily before Liu Xiaobie opened his mouth.

"Okay." Yu Wenzhou nodded with a smile.

Somewhat unconvinced, Liu Xiaobie was dragged out by Xu Bin, he turned his head every step of the way, looking at him, he wished he could spar with Huang Shaotian for a few more hours.

Huang Shaotian unhurriedly gestured a middle finger, and then smoothed his hair.

Not long after Wang Jiexi left, the staff came in to remind them to enter the arena. Blue Rain's team members tidied up a bit and followed Yu Wenzhou to the arena.

It seemed that Huang Shaotian's group taunting in front of Tiny Herb Gymnasium was very effective. The moment Blue Rain team stepped into the gymnasium, the audience was quiet for a moment, and then there was a huge booing, as if being commanded by someone.

But Huang Shaotian didn't care much at all, and even raised his hand very gracefully and waved around, as if this was not a boo to him, but a welcome to him.

"Damn, this person is definitely the lower limit of shamelessness, right?" Liu Xiaobie said in an extremely displeased way among the Tiny Herb team entering the field on the other side.

Yuan Baiqing shook his head in disapproval: "Why is it the lower limit? Look at Xingxin's Ye Xiu Bai Mo Fang Rui Wei Chen..."


After the two teams greeted each other on the stage, they returned to their competition seats.

"Okay, now both sides are making the final pre-match preparations. Although the Blue Rain team has a slight advantage now, the gap between the two teams is not very big. 11:7, there is only a four-point gap. This game Team Tiny Herb has the home court advantage, so there is a great possibility of a comeback against the wind, and Tiny Herb will go all out in this match, and maybe some hidden cards will be revealed, right?" Pan Lin looked forward to it asked.

Li Yibo nodded in agreement: "I'm afraid it's not just the Tiny Herb team. If the Blue Rain team wants to reduce some physical energy consumption, I'm afraid they will go all out for this match. After all, the gap of four points is too small after all. .”

Team Happy didn't choose to watch Zuo Chenrui's broadcast this time, but watched the match directly in the official broadcast room, and some feedback would be more timely.

"Tiny Herb's side... is Liu Xiaobie. It seems to be a very conventional judgment. Liu Xiaobie is indeed more suitable to play as a vanguard. If Liu Xiaobie's hands are warmed up, the follow-up restraint against Lan Yu will also be difficult. Not too small." Fang Rui nodded.

"That's right...huh? Huang Shaotian was assigned to be the first to appear?" Zhang Jiale asked in surprise.

"Could this guy be going to the bathroom to play Tiny Herb's audience...has he really gone to the competition seat?" Bai Mo was also taken aback for a moment.

Old Wei and Ye Xiu whispered something, as if they were guessing Lan Yu's intentions for this style of play, but they couldn't come to a definite conclusion after talking for a while.

In the eighth game of the playoffs, Blue Rain played against Tiny Herb, and in the first game of the group arena, Huang Shaotian played against Liu Xiaobie Flying Sword!

Both parties swiped their cards to log in, and Liu Xiaobie instantly locked the lava map.

There is no place to hide on this map. Below the rocks is bubbling magma, which has extremely high requirements for players' positioning.

"Team Tiny Herb seems to have finally noticed player Li Yuan's Summoner Eight Notes in the map selection," Pan Lin said.

Li Yibo shook his head: "Not only Li Yuan's Eight Notes, but also Yu Wenzhou's Suokesar, and Lu Hanwen who is accustomed to open and close, and even has a lot of restraint against Troublesome Night Rain. But for Team Tiny Herb's Wang Buliuxing and Mu En, this kind of predicament no longer exists."

The advantage of the home field has already begun to be reflected in the moment when the map is selected.

With the end of the countdown, the first group arena officially began...

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