The current strength of the scavenger squad, Wren, is above Sisoka and Kurolo during the Youkexin period.

Nobunaga, Maggie, and Wojin, these three people are all at the upper middle level of Yin Beasts.

With such strength, there is basically no danger when entering the Island of Greed, even if you face the three Explosive Demons head-on, there will be no problems, and as for Leiza in the game.

There is a lot of discussion about Leiza's strength.

Some people believe that Leza is stronger than Siso and Culolo.

Some people believe that Leza is weaker than Siso and Culolo.

And from Rennes's point of view, Leiza's strength should be at the same level as Sisoka and Kurolo, and it's hard to say who is strong and who is weak, after all, there has been no real fight, but the level is the same level.

These three people are all stronger than ordinary telekinesis, and above Wren's telekinesis mastery level, they are at the level of telekinesis masters, but they are not at the level of Jin Fuli and Nitro.

Wren isn't worried about Leiza.

The definition of Leiza in the game is GM.

A man who maintains order.

Wren didn't mean to break the rules of the Island of Greed, after all, what kind of existence this game is, Wren understands very well, and entering the game is equivalent to relaxing.

"However, the teleportation function of this game client is still very easy to use, no matter how far away, you can teleport people over. "

"In the future, if the scavenger team has a base, they can adopt a similar arrangement. "

A week later, the four people involved in the battle basically recovered.

Wojin and Nobunaga didn't go to the Sky Arena anymore.

Because, it doesn't mean much anymore.

The purpose of Ren's visit to the Sky Arena was originally to negotiate with the Sky Arena about the disposal of corpses, but he didn't expect to encounter two cults one after another.

After breaking up the two cults, Wren changed his target.

The corpse disposal in the Sky Arena, Wren can no longer look down on it.

Wren is now eyeing an existence similar to a cult.

Rooney is gathering information all over the world.

Brian is raised to the 180th floor.

"Maggie, come here. "

"Good. "

Wren pointed to the cloth on the table, these cloths were compiled by Maggie in the past few days, except for the first day when it took a little more time to study how to weave cloth, after that, Maggie's speed was very fast.

"I had an idea to give our scavenger squad and make a unique outfit for us. "

Maggie nodded and said, "I should be able to, it's not a very difficult thing, it's easier than weaving." "

"That would be great. "

"Then I'll let everyone choose their own style, and when that's done, we'll make the next step," Wren said. "

"Yes. "

Wren called Nobunaga and Ogin in and told him what he thought.

"If you have any favorite style, you can look it up on the Internet, and after that, you can make it into the same style. "

Wojin said: "It's about the same as what I have now." "

"Nobunaga, what about you?"

"I wanted a set of clothes that would fit the style of a swordsman. Nobunaga said, "Just like the one you told me, Captain, what is death like the wind, always accompanying me, this temperament." "

Wren nodded.

"I see. "

Soon, Wren found a few pictures from the Internet.

"What do you think?"

Both Okin and Nobunaga nodded.

"Then it's decided. "

Maggie's speed is very fast, using the line of thought to control, Maggie can control ten lines at the same time to cross and shuttle, after determining the model, the production of a set of clothes, not even an hour.

In the afternoon, the four of them decided on the plan, and by the evening, it had been completed.

Wren took his clothes out.

"Nobunaga, it's yours. "

"Wojin, yours. "

"This set is mine. "

The rest is naturally Maggie's.

Bryan, Rooney, Sayaka, none of them, after all, they are not really members of the scavenger squad.

"It's made from the web of a giant spider, so it's much stronger than ordinary clothes in terms of toughness, and it's more resistant to dirt and has a better heat retention effect than ordinary clothes. "

The lower body is a plain style of pants and the upper body is a short shirt.

And Nobunaga's clothes are somewhat similar to Yasuo's, Wren found the similarity according to his memory, Nobunaga was very satisfied with the shape of this outfit, the only difference is that this outfit is not the blue of Yasuo's clothes.

Wren is the style of the gunsmith.

Maggie is similar to the one in the original book.

In addition to the same color, the four people's clothes have a pattern on the back.

One gear, a few stars around it.

The gears are similar to the DNF logo.

The star represents the number.

There are no stars behind Wren's back, but there is a sun that represents Wren's captaincy.

Maggie has a star on her clothes.

Nobunaga two.

Three pieces of nest gold.

Depends on when you join the Scavenger Squad.

Brian was a little envious.

Wren took the client of the Island of Greed out.

"This is a gift from Kim last time, it's a game. "

"I decided to go in and explore. "

"This game is different from normal games, after entering, people will disappear, so, Rooney, Sayaka, you have to be responsible for seeing this game client, in the case of a few of us entering. "

Rooney nodded, glanced at the game client, and his mood was a little complicated.

When he got the game client, Rooney spent a long time cracking it, but Rooney tried countless methods, but to no avail.

There is no progress at all, and there is no hope at all.

This once made Rooney wonder if his computer skills were not good.

Nobunaga looked at Brian.

"Brian, hopefully by the time I come out of the game, you'll be on the 200th floor. "

Brian clenched his fist.

"Master, don't worry, I'm sure I will. "

Wren plugged in the game client and inserted the memory card into it.

One game client with four ports.

Wren was a four, each holding a memory card.

"Let's go inside. "

But that's when Rooney turned to this side.

"Captain, there's an email for you. "

"What mail?"

"It has something to do with Meteor Street. "

Wren frowned.

"I'll come and take a look. "

Maggie and the three looked at each other and followed behind Wren.

Wren looked at it for a while, and his face sank slightly.

"It was sent by the Great Elder. "

"It's said that Meteor Street is facing a big dilemma, civil strife has broken out, and we need help. "

Wren looked at the three Maggie.

"What do you think?"

"The pay is very good, the only problem is that this is civil unrest, and we, strictly speaking, are no longer people from Meteor Street, and logically speaking, we should not be involved. "

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