A huge space appeared in front of the 5 people in Rennes.

An altar in the middle.

Around the altar, there were dozens of people standing, and the momentum on their bodies was completely different from those in the previous passage.

Wren looked over.

This altar was different from the two Wren had seen before, with a hollow middle and blood gushing out of it, like a fountain.

fell all around, splashing all the clothes of the people around them red.

"Who are you?"

"Why are you here?"

"Do you know what this place is?"

"Dare to come here, look for death!"

Wren did not answer the man, but directly raised the pistol in his hand.

"Do it!"

The next moment, Nobunaga rushed out.

Wren kept pulling the trigger.

A bullet that hits a cultist.

Maggie's eyes came out with a line in her hand, and she formed a net on the ground.

And Xiao Di is the convex eye fish in his hand.

Because of the stimulation when he was a child, Drop's brain has some problems, and after Wren promised to eat enough, Droplet immediately agreed to join the scavenger team and do things for Wren.

In addition to her bad memory, Droplet also has emotional distortion.

Even when he heard the news of his imminent death, his emotions would not fluctuate much.

Crushing, a complete crushing.

The strength of these evil god churches is not as good as the two that the scavenger team encountered before.

And the strength of the scavenger team has improved a lot compared to before.

In the face of the five people of Rennes, these cultists of the evil gods have no strength to resist at all.

In less than ten minutes, all the cultists in the entire space fell.

"Droplet, put the corpse, and the altar, all into the eyefish. "

"Good. "

After a short time, 5 people returned to the surface.

Wren looked in one direction, feeling his gaze.

A teenager suddenly withdrew his gaze, his chest rising and falling.

"He found me!"

"It's terrible, so far away, they can even detect my presence. "

Maggie looked at Wren.

"Wren, what's wrong?"

"A little friend, I guess the goal is the same as ours, but we solved this evil god church first, and he should have no ill will towards us. "

"Let's go back. "

Back at the hotel, Wren immediately summoned the dismantling machine.

"Droplet, let the eyefish spit out those things. "

Xiao Di nodded, and then a corpse was spat out.

Wren threw it into the dismantling machine.

"Break down successfully, gain experience 57. "

"You've been upgraded, current level, thick-armed, decomposer. "

Immediately, the appearance of the disintegrator also changed.

Wren doesn't care much about the level increase of the decomposition pilot.

Because only the decomposition speed has been increased to a certain extent, and in addition, the probability of decomposing small crystals has increased a little, but these have not had a big impact on Rennes.

The first time he came out of Meteor Street before, the net worth of the scavenger team has reached more than 100 billion rings.

And last time, from the Great Elder, I got another 200 billion precepts.

Although a large part of it is said to be broken down by Wren.

However, after decomposing the colorless small crystals, the overall value will not drop too much.

This means that the property of the scavenger team is almost 300 billion rings and nuns.

As far as the entire hunter world is concerned, this is considered a rich man.

However, for real hunters, the importance of the nun is not high, and some rare things cannot be bought with money.

Finally, everything was broken down.

Maggie had the food brought to the hotel.

Back to the room.

"DNF panel!"

"Gunner, level 38. "

"Sword Soul, level 33. "

"Street Fighter, level 32. "

"Sorcerer, level 20. "

"Paladin, level 25. "

"Spear Swordsman, level 15. "

"Sharpshooter, level 15. "

For a year and a half, Wren spent most of his time busy with the affairs of the base, but the level of several characters has still increased a lot, especially the gunsmith, who is only 12 levels short of sleep.

After awakening, it will definitely be much stronger than before awakening.

"Magicians, spear swordsmen, and magic spearmen have all reached the level of transfer, and this needs to be carefully considered. "

Wren thought about it seriously.

There are a total of 7 roles, and what Wren needs is 7 characters to deal with different situations.

Melee heads-up, undoubtedly Sword Soul.

Melee one-to-many, it's Street Fighter.

Ultra-long-range, is a gunsmith.

"If you're a magician, there are a total of 4 career directions. "

"Elementals, summoners, magicians, battle mages. "

"First of all, the battle mage is needed, and the sword soul, the street fighter function overlaps, the demon scholar, this is a bit of a character, the burst output of the elemental master is very high, however, the summoner will be more effective for me in comparison. "

"The number of scavenger squads is limited. "

"There are too many people, and it's not suitable. "

"At this time, the appearance of the summon can take on a lot of work. "

Wren was sure.

"Transfer, Summoner. "

The next moment, the three words magician gradually disappeared, and it was the summoner who appeared instead.

Wren looked at the skill tree on the right again.

"Magic Star Ball, Stand-in Straw Man, Elf Summon: Ice Ness, Elf Summon, Yad Yan. "

Wren then looked back at the swordsman's panel.

Wren chose the Darkblade, a class similar to the Assassin, but Wren was currently missing an aspect.

"Penetrating shots, G-grenades, Shadow Steps. "

As for the Magic Spearman class, Wren chose the Conqueror.

In fact, these four professions, Wren doesn't like it very much, the basic role of the magic spearman, Wren uses it very rarely, and the choice of the conquest cannot be based on the wave of damage of the conquest.

It can be used as a starter in melee combat, and then switch to other characters immediately.

"Here's the trick aspect. "

"Mind ability master skill, progress 73%. "

"Sword Master Skill, 18% Progress. "

"Master of Gunsmith skills, 12% progress. "

"Master of Martial Arts skills, 49% progress. "

"Theft mastery, 80% progress. "

"Painting mastery skills, 10% progress. "

"Culinary mastery, 16% progress. "

Wren closed the DNF panel.

"In addition to that, the progress of Atrak's power is currently 5%. "

The cult that had just been defeated only gave Wren 1 point of Atrak's power.

"In addition, I also learned the ability to see through weaknesses, and the prerequisite is to be in contact with the other person's mind. "

"The success rate of seeing through is determined by the strength of the other party. "

The boy from the cemetery followed the scavenger team into the city, and after seeing Wren and the others enter the hotel, he came to another building not far away and sat on the roof.

After hesitating for a moment, the boy took out his phone.

"Mi Ji, help me check the information of a few people. "

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