Nobunaga looked at the picture in the crystal ball with some emotion.

"The captain has gotten a lot stronger. "

"Before, I couldn't catch up with the captain, but I could see the captain's back, but now, I find that I can't even see the captain's back. "

"Sniping a Dharma protector with one shot, that's too strong. "

Wojin nodded beside him.

"And that's just one of the captain's abilities. "

"It's us, dragging our feet. "

Nobunaga glanced at Wojin and said, "Of all the people I have met before I met the captain, I think the most talented is the little imp Feitan, even though I won him at that time. "

"But I know that if you give him time, he will overtake me. "

"But after meeting the captain, I suddenly found that Fei Tan is an ordinary talent, the captain is a real genius, and I'm probably a waste. "

"Like now, you see, we don't even have a little bit of use. "

"I suspect that the captain alone can get rid of them all. "

Wojin asks a question.

"Nobunaga, who do you think is stronger between the captain and the Jin Fulux seniors we met during the hunter exam?"

"This ......"

Nobunaga thought for a while, shook his head, and said, "I don't know, I can't see through the strength of the two of them." "

Maggie looked this way.

"Rennes is our captain, we are a team, there will always be things that need to be done by us, just find your own position and watch those four people well. "

"If there is any abnormality, react in time. "

"Now is not the time for small talk. "

Wren withdrew his sniper rifle.

"20, all done. "

"Right now, there are only four district bishops left. "

"The problem shouldn't be very big. "

Wren was about to leave, but suddenly turned back and glanced at the location of the wreck, Wren remembered that above the deck, he seemed to see an iron cage, and the thing inside the cage made Wren a little concerned.

Because it's weird.

"With their trip this time, they shouldn't bring anything meaningless. "

"However, it is more important to deal with the four district bishops first. "

Wren patted the bird NPC's head, and then flew in the direction of the island base.

Leap down.

"Rooney, how's it going?"

Rooney zoomed in on the picture.

"Captain, the four of them, have arrived only 10 kilometers from the island. "

Wren nodded.

"10 kilometers is still a safe distance for us, and there are only four people left, and we can take this opportunity to use them to try the defenses of my renovated island base. "

Wren pulled out his ID card.

"Activate Defense Mode!"

The next moment, the monster NPCs lurking in the water moved one after another.

A self-detonating electric eel swam next to the four of them.

Kodoro glanced at the approaching self-detonating electric eel and felt that something was not quite right.


After that, his face changed suddenly.

A telekinetic bullet shot straight at the self-detonating electric eel.

"Kodoro-senpai, what are you doing attacking this electric eel?"

"This is not an ordinary electric eel, it has a nian on it, it is a nian beast. "


And at this time, the electric eel exploded and suddenly exploded, before Kodoro's bomb was close.


The huge explosion created a vacuum in the water, and the strong impact made the four of them involuntarily retreat, but after all, the four of them were all experienced telepathizers, and they reacted.

Advance defense was carried out using the mind.

There were no injuries, just some gas was consumed.

But Wren's purpose was also achieved.

It is unrealistic for a self-detonating electric eel to blow up a district bishop.

Kodoro had a vigilant expression and said, "Everyone be careful, there may be other people in the other party's team that we don't know, and they are very powerful people who release the ability of the system." "

"This damn scavenger squad is so insidious. "

Reyes thought that if it hadn't been for Cordoro's reminder just now, he would definitely have been blown up.

All four of them used coagulation.

Anyone who approached anything with a message would be attacked by four people.

The two self-detonating electric eels were destroyed before they could get close.

However, among the defenses set up by Wren, there are not only self-detonating electric eels.

There is also the electric eel.

Unlike the self-detonating electric eel, the attack distance of the electric electric eel is farther.

Current, which can be transmitted through seawater, although there will be a lot of loss.

However, when the number of electric eels increases, there will be a lot of effects.

The hand of the Bishop of the Youth District twitched involuntarily.

This feeling reminded the Bishop of the Youth District of some not-so-good memories, when he was a child, he was abused by electric shocks.

"There's electricity in the water!"

Cordoro's face sank.

"It's still those electric eels that can not only self-detonate, but also remotely release electric points. "

"Expand the scope of our attacks. "

As soon as Kodoro's words fell, he shot a few bullets.

Suddenly, a cloud of pitch-black water dispersed near the four of them.

The female prefectural's skin touched a little, and immediately, a strong burning sensation hit him.

When the female precinct bishop looked over, she saw that this part of her skin had turned black, and the skin around her, as well as the muscles under the skin, were all bad.

"This black water is poisonous. "

"Don't come closer, everybody. "

But at this moment, all around, more black water balls exploded.

Little by little, diffuse.

The Youth District Bishop gritted his teeth.

"I use my telekinesis, and you all come to my side, and I rush to the island as fast as I can. "

The next moment, the figure of the bishop of the youth district began to change.

It becomes massive, and green scales grow on the surface of the body.

limbs, turned into claws.

The whole person turned into a huge lizard.

"Come here!"

There are three district bishops left, and two years have passed.

The bishop of the youth district swept the three of them into his mouth, and then, suddenly, he increased his speed.

The self-detonating electric eels, one after another, rushed over, fearless of death, and attacked the lizards.

Constantly, consuming the qi on the lizard's body.

Finally, a wound was blown open on the lizard's body.

Wren looked at the crystal ball, his eyes narrowing slightly.

The telekinesis abilities of these cultists are quite interesting, and if they were Kurolo's abilities, they would definitely find a way to collect them.

But unfortunately, I can't copy it, I can't steal it, I can only decompose it.

"It's not easy to get closer. "

"Even if you use your hole cards, it's the same. "

"Because, I still have hole cards!"

A giant monster NPC appears.

This is Wren, who deliberately used more death thoughts to create guards to protect the base.

There are four of them.

They are giant eagles, snakes, crocodiles, and cats.

Scavenger Guards.

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