And while Ren was concentrating on research on Greed Island, an undercurrent was surging in the Kingdom of Feros.

Church of Angola.

The archbishop sits directly above, and two rows below are the district bishops sitting upright.

The entire top level of the Angola Church is here at this moment.

The archbishop looked around

"Last year was a quiet year for us"

"It's just a trivial matter to divide the church, but we failed twice in succession with the scavenger squad. 24 guardians and 5 district bishops all died in the hands of the scavenger squad."

"And Nitro, the Hunters Association"

"I just got the news that all members of the Kuto Thieves Group are dead."

"The Hunters Association has noticed us and is taking action"

"And now, finally, it's time for us to counterattack."

The Archbishop stood up

"Our church in Angola, after decades of preparation, is finally completed today"

"We have gained the power to rule the entire world"

"It's time, let���People know about the existence of our Church in Angola"

"Plan, start!"

All the district bishops stood up.

The archbishop raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp.

A worldwide storm was slowly beginning to unfold.

At the border of the Kingdom of Feros.

A young man was swaying. , walked out of the woods.

Next to it was a piece of land. On the land, several people were busy. The young man suddenly seemed to smell something and was attracted to the few people on the land. After that, he rushed towards these people and stood there. Before these people could react, they bit into each other.

Blood spurted out.

In an instant, all of them fell to the ground. The young man's eyes were red, he chewed in his mouth, and glanced at the corpse lying on the ground. Showing a hint of disgust, he swayed and walked along the road outside.

Not long after the young man left, the body on the ground suddenly twitched a few times.

Then, it stood up.

It turned into something similar to the young man before. state.

His eyes were red and his body was staggering as he walked outside.

Soon, countless villages were attacked.

The unkillable monsters infected countless people.

Moreover, as the number of monsters increased, the spread of The speed is getting faster and faster.

Countries surrounding the Kingdom of Feros have received the news and are on standby.

They have mobilized their troops to go.

However, there is no good way to face these undead monsters.

Even breaking their heads cannot kill them completely. Them.

Unless, let them turn into powder.

Hunter Association.

Nitro, here are the twelve teams.

All personnel are here

"You should all know the matter, so I won’t say more. There is a high probability that this thing was created by the Angola Church. I don’t know what their plan is, but this thing must be stopped."

Jin Fulisi raised his hand

"President, I have a candidate"



Jin Fulisi said:"The ability of Ren's decomposition machine can decompose everything without leaving anything behind, which is just enough to restrain these monsters."

"We can capture all these monsters and trap them in a separate area, and then let Ren deal with them without leaving any trouble."

Nitro nodded.


"However, Renn alone is not enough at all. Even the dispatch of our entire Hunter Association is not enough, and this is not just a matter of our Hunter Association."

"Publish a bounty, and all those with telekinesis abilities can take it."

"Remuneration will be paid by the world government"

"Establish a blockade first."

From the appearance of the monster to its discovery, less than a month has passed. However, the monster has spread over a considerable area, including three countries adjacent to the Kingdom of Feros.

One country even has a third of the country. All the territories were occupied by monsters.

An email was sent from the Hunter Association to all forces.

However, there were not many responders.

The ten old men did not even read it and deleted it directly.

Meteor Street

"Leader, do you think we should participate?"

Chrollo shook his head.

"We in Meteor Street have been abandoned by the world. The current crisis the world is facing requires us to go, but they have never shown any sympathy for us before."

"You won't forget what happened to the homeless man last time, right?"

"Meteor Street and the outside world are two different worlds."

"This is their crisis, not ours."

Pike Notan thought about it.

A homeless man on Meteor Street who was in the outside world was arrested by the local government. Without evidence, he was directly convicted and sentenced to death. Afterwards, it was proved that the homeless man had not made any mistakes at all..

This incident angered many people in Meteor Street.

It made the outside world’s hostility towards Meteor Street obvious.

Rooney saw the email

"Maggie, where's the captain?"

"What's going on in Greed Island?"

"The Hunters Association sent an email"

"Let me see. Maggie read the email and hesitated for a moment.

"I went to the Island of Greed."

Immediately, Maggie came to the place where the game box was placed and inserted her memory card.

The next moment, a light enveloped Maggie.

After that, Maggie came to the world of Greed Island

"Use magnetism, Wren."

Ren looked up and looked in the direction of the sky.


Maggie's figure fell to the ground.

"Maggie, what's the matter?"

"Captain, the Hunter Association sent an email about the Angola Church."

"what did you say?"

"A monster has appeared on the border of the Kingdom of Feros. It attacks humans and is contagious, turning bitten humans into similar monsters. A large number of areas have been eroded."

Ren frowned.

This situation is somewhat similar to that of zombies.

However, zombies are a fatal blow to the ordinary world, but for the Hunter World, it will not be too big. The problem is, people with telekinesis are very difficult to be attacked by zombies.

"What does the Hunters Association need from me?"

"They need your ability, the decomposition machine, those monsters, as long as there is still a little bit left, they can still maintain their ability to move, even if only the bones are left, so they need you to decompose those monsters."

Ren raised his eyebrows.

Only bones can move, which is completely different from zombies.

But if you only need the ability of your own decomposition machine, then it proves that this disaster is under the control of the Hunter Association

"I see"

"Let's go out now"

"In this operation, our team will work together"

"You can contact Wojin and Nobunaga later and ask them to come back."

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