
Ren glanced ahead. When synthesizing the large colorless crystal, Renn came here once. Aylin managed his territory well.

Compared with the other six regions, Aylin is more like a real country. The governor, while the managers of the other six regions are more like warlords.

Similar to the gangs on Meteor Street.

Greedy and only caring about themselves.

An army appeared in front of Renn and others. When Renn's car appeared At that time, this army also discovered the existence of Ren~ and others.

Immediately, a bullet was fired.


The first bullet was a warning.

Ren's voice deepened.

"Weeks of use, wrap the car, - just rush over"


Immediately, a layer of air covered the car.

The bullets fell on the car and could not cause any damage to the car.

Ren stepped on the accelerator, and the engine roared.

The car was traveling very fast.

Several soldiers stopped him On the route of the car, they were directly knocked away. Soon, the two cars broke through the obstruction and arrived outside the walls of Aylin City.

The location where Ren chose to break through was not the tight spot of the coalition forces of the six regions, but A relatively weak position, otherwise it would not be so easy.

The eight people got out of the car.

Xiaodi put the car into the eye fish, and then, the eight people jumped onto the wall with a slight jump.

The soldiers on the wall, no Meeting Ren and others, he looked nervous.

Ren took out his ID card

"Aelin, we're here."

"Now, this should be the West Gate."

Ailin's eyes lit up when he saw the flashing light on the ID card.

"I'll be right over."

Ai Lin quickly headed towards the west city gate.

"team leader."

Ai Lin saw Ren and others, with a hint of surprise on his face.


Ren waved his hand.

At this time, the people next to him lowered their guard and showed happy expressions. From the way Renn and others entered the city, they could tell that Renn and others were very strong.

Not an enemy, but one of our own, so of course he was very happy.

One person followed closely next to Aylin

"Lord Aylin, is this the support you are talking about?"


The young man's expression was a little worried.

"They are indeed very strong, but after all, there are only a few of them"

"It may be difficult for us to defeat the coalition forces of the six regions. Aylin shook his head and said:"Ralph, you, the captain, are not ordinary strong men. Don't worry, since the captain is here, he will definitely help us win.""

Ren looked around.

"Now, is this city all you have left?"


Aylin said:"I didn't expect that six of their regions would unite. Two of them were still on good terms with me, but they both betrayed our alliance.""

"Therefore, we failed to hold it."

Ren nodded.

"In that case, don't waste your time."

Ren looked at Maggie and others.

"I'm responsible for the west side"

"East Side, Xiaodi, Nobunaga, Brian"

"South, Wojin, Kurapika, Sayaka, Maggie"

"Aelin, you can handle the rest by yourself, okay?"

Ai Lin nodded repeatedly.

"I have no problem. In fact, I have the confidence to deal with both sides. Captain, you are responsible for one direction, is it really okay? How about I send some soldiers to you?"

"Need not."

Ren shook his head.

"It's enough for me alone."

When Ralph saw Ren's arrangement, he showed an expression of disbelief.

He really couldn't believe it.

Ralph knew a little about Aylin's strength and knew that Aylin was very strong, but he didn't reach the level of one person. It can withstand all the troops in one direction.

The army is not just about the number of people, but also a variety of weapons.

Bullets, artillery, and even rockets.

The army of the six regional coalition forces and the army of the real country It can't be compared, but it is also a real army, with many powerful weapons in it.

At the same time, the news that Aylin received support also reached the ears of the coalition forces in the six regions.

At this time, the headquarters, The leaders of the six regional coalition forces were really gathered together.

A man from outside hurriedly walked in and reported the news about Ren and others.

A fat man with a big belly said disdainfully:"It's just two cars. It's just 10 people." , even if they are telepathic people, so what, can they still block our guns?"

A woman showed a hesitant expression.

"According to what I know, Aylin seems to be a member of a team called the Scavenger Team. The one who supports Aylin this time may be the Scavenger Team."

····Seeking freshness···

"The strength of this team is extraordinary."

"Do you still remember the war between the Angola Church and the World Government three years ago? The powerful Angola Church fell suddenly, and among them, the scavenger team was said to have exerted a lot of effort."

The fat man glanced at the woman

"The Angola War is a war between the Church of Angola and the World Government. To put it bluntly, it is the World Government that defeats the Church of Angola. What role can an individual play in this?"

"Whether you believe it or not, I don’t believe it anyway"

"If the power of an individual can defeat the army, what else does the army need? With so many people and so much gunpowder, wouldn’t it be wasted?".................

"I still say that no one is vulnerable when facing the army."

A young man raised his hand

"The scavenger team you are talking about, I happened to hear about it recently, saying that their strength is all exaggerated, and many of their records are false."

"Moreover, they are still fighting against match-fixing in the Sky Arena. They are a team that only wants to make money but does not care about face. I don’t think such people are really that strong."

The fat man grinned.

"That's it, no need to worry at all."

Slap on the table

"We have given Aylin enough time to surrender and reduce casualties. However, if he is ignorant, then don't blame us for being cruel."

"Launch a general attack!"

"Today, I want to see Aylin’s head!"

The other five people looked at each other. Except for the woman who was a little hesitant, all the others nodded immediately. So

, the order was given.

The troops of the six regional coalition forces quickly closed the distance from the city. They were only a few meters away from the city wall. Less than a thousand meters away, the muzzles of guns and cannons were all pointed at the wall.

The soldiers on the wall were extremely nervous. The troops outside were too strong.

They couldn't stop them at all.

No matter the number of people or the firepower , are completely inferior to the army outside.

And at this moment.

A figure fell from the sky.

It landed in front of the six-region coalition forces.

With its back to the wall. One person, facing the entire army to the west._Look

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