Hisoka took off his coat, reached around his back, and tore it gently. Then a spider pattern was torn off. Hisoka looked at Chrollo

"My tattoo is fake"

"However, you are right about one thing"

"I really want to have a fight with you."

Hisoka looked at Ren

"Ren, can you give Chrollo to me?"


Ren shook his head and said,"I must make Chrollo pay the price with my own hands."

"Well, that can't be helped.

Hisoka shrugged and said,"Chrollo, I can't help you anymore. Just ask for your blessings.""

"I don't have anything to do here, so I'll leave first."

Immediately, Hisoka turned around and left.

Hisoka had indeed been looking forward to fighting Chrollo for a long time, but Hisoka would not choose to fight Ren because of this.

Although Hisoka is a pervert, he is not Silly.

Just like Feitan.

Feitan's character is that he can't stand stimulation and is a paranoid. Once someone offends Feitan, Feitan will fight to the death and try his best to get revenge.

But this time, Feitan faced Nobunaga, did not choose to fight back.

Because, Chrollo caused the matter.

Moreover, it was not because of the interests of the brigade, but purely because of Chrollo's own personal issues.

Therefore, Feitan would not help Chrollo carry the case. This is the pot.

At present, Hisoka is not sure about blocking Ren.

Franklin quickly stood in front of Chrollo.

"Captain, you go first, I'll stop them!"

The next moment, Franklin's fingers were disconnected.

The thought bullets poured out.

The thought thread in Maggie's hand extended out and formed a net. All Franklin's thought bullets fell on the thought net, but they were unable to break Maggie's Nianwang.

Maggie in this world is one level higher than Franklin.

Lane raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at Franklin

"Laser Cannon!"

A laser shot out instantly. It hit Franklin between the eyebrows.

A blood hole appeared on Franklin's forehead.

The bullet suddenly stopped.

Franklin's eyes widened.

"Leader, go quickly~!"

Chrollo's expression changed and he took a deep look at Ren.

"Rayne, you're going to regret it."

After that, he turned around suddenly and left quickly without looking back.

Renn followed.

But at this moment, another figure blocked Renn's face again.

Pike Notan

"Don't even think about hurting the leader!"

Pike Notan blocked Lei.

However, before Ren could do anything, Maggie's thread of thought had already wrapped around Pike Notan's body, tightly binding Pike Notan.

Little Didi appeared behind Pike Notan, and the bulging-eyed fish hit Peck Notan's head.

Immediately, Peck Notan fainted.

But in the end, Peck Notan still bought some time.

Chrollo Taking advantage of this time, he had escaped far away.

However, this distance was nothing to Renn.

Renn's speed was much faster than Chrollo.

Franklin and Pike Notan helped Ku Lolo bought a certain amount of time, but after Franklin and Pikenotan failed one after another, the distance between Ren and Chrollo became closer and closer.

A trace of anxiety appeared on Chrollo's face.In the original work, Chrollo's face is always expressionless.

Even if he is caught by Kurapika, Kurapika can kill Chrollo at any time.

But, it is different now.

Ren is Chrollo's obsession.

Moreover, the troupe in this world is different from the troupe in the original book. There is nothing pure about it.

Chrollo's thoughts are not that pure either.

This can be regarded as what Ren brought to this world. change, butterfly effect

"It's no use, Chrollo"

"You can't escape today"

"No matter what, I will kill you."

Chrollo glanced back at Ren

"Kill me, Ren, and you will become the kind of person I expect. Is this what you want?"

Ren sneered.

"What kind of person I become is beyond your control."

"Having said all that, you are still not afraid of death."

Chrollo stared at Ren.

"I'm not afraid of death, I'm just, there are still things I want to do that I haven't finished yet"

"Meteor Street, I haven’t finished transforming it yet"

"Transform Meteor Street? Ren said:"Don't say it so nicely. Meteor Street doesn't need your transformation at all. You have done so much, and you say it is for Meteor Street.""

"But in fact, you are only doing it for your own benefit"


Chrollo gasped heavily.

"I'm just unwilling"

"Why? People like you obviously have such good talents, but you don't think about making progress. You completely waste your talents."

"The scavenger team you formed is all rubbish."

"Maybe I will die in your hands today"

"However, the Phantom Troupe I formed will never disappear."

"As long as there is one person alive, the spirit of the spider will be passed down forever."

"This is where I am better than you, Ren!"

Ren smiled.

"Chrollo, let me tell you two pieces of news."

"The first one, Feitan, Finks, Peeling Lev, and Kubi, these four people have quit the Phantom Troupe, and naturally they have abandoned your spider spirit."

"Second, Shadow is dead, Franklin is dead, Knight, Anthony, and Pike Notan have all been captured by our scavenger team."

"You are the only one left in the entire brigade"

"Chrollo, when you die, not a single person in your brigade will be left. How can your so-called spider spirit continue?"

Chrollo was suddenly startled.

"Feitan and the others betrayed the brigade?"

"This is not true!"

Ren showed a smile

"Of course it is true. What you (Li Haozhao) did this time made them very dissatisfied with you. The brigade is a group of thirteen of you, but you regard the brigade as your own. thing"

"Regarding our scavenger team, you didn't tell any of the four Feitan people."

"They are not stupid, so why would they still sacrifice their lives for you?"

In the original work, the spirit of the brigade is the backbone of the brigade. Chrollo's brainwashing was very successful in this regard, and he washed his own brain.

But in this world, when Chrollo's influence on Ren exists When you are obsessed, the existence of the brigade is no longer pure.

There is already a crack.

This incident has only widened the crack.

In front, there is no road, there is a cliff, below, It was a torrent.

Chrollo's footsteps stopped abruptly at the edge of the cliff.

Renn raised his gun.

"Accept your fate, Chrollo."

Immediately, pull the trigger

"Laser cannon luck!"

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading

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