Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 398 Frank’s Hobbies

The Saint Trinite Underwriters Guild is located in the First Pillar District and has been established almost as long as the Free City.

Compared with the York City Association, this place is more like a downtown area.

When Fei Fei and William Kidman arrived at the office lobby, they were surprised by the long snake-like queue.

But after Fei Fei showed off his senior insurance officer badge, the waitress in the lobby led the two of them into a small reception room.

The reception room is not big. Behind the semicircular desk facing the door, sits a brown-haired young man in his twenties,

The brown-haired man is holding a scale-like steel seal, which should be used to classify and file the settled contracts.

The mid-level insurance officer badge on his chest shone brightly in the sunlight coming from the window.

The waitress walked up to the brown-haired man, bent down and whispered the extraordinary identity.

The brown-haired young man stood up directly without raising his head and came to the two extraordinary people with a smile.

"Hello, sir, where do you come from? Oh, by the way, you can call me Frank, Rand Frank!"

"York City Cordo Feifan, nice to meet you! We are here to collect insurance money this time!"

The three of them sat down, and the waitress who came back brought the coffee and Feifan nodded and thanked them.

Frank picked up the coffee, and there was foam in the center of the well-stirred coffee. This was a new brewing method with milk spread from York City.

Wait, York City! Extraordinary coffee!

Frank suddenly remembered how many days and nights he had been so busy working that he felt dizzy and drowsy.

At this time, a cup of fragrant coffee instantly drove away fatigue. Frank prayed to God more than once to bless the creator of coffee with health and safety.

Thinking of this, Frank couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart and asked: "I would like to ask, Mr. Cordo, are you the creator of extraordinary coffee?"

Silver hair, young! Insurance company!

They were all correct. Although he raised his own questions, Frank directly believed that Cordo Feifan, who was younger than himself, was the Cordo Feifan who invented coffee.

Feifan did not expect that he would become famous, but since he reported his real name, he would not deny it.

"Yes, that's right! It's the Cordo Feifan you thought of!"

Feifan really didn't expect that the reason for his popularity was coffee. Although he was handsome, Frank in front of him was a man.

After receiving a positive reply, Fei Fei watched Frank jump up in front of him and pulled himself behind the semicircular desk.

The corner cabinets on both sides were opened. In the cabinet on the left were three sets of coffee brewing equipment, and in the cabinet on the right were more than a dozen bags of different types of coffee beans!

This is a loyal fan of coffee. Listening to Frank's eloquent introduction, Feifan smiled and nodded in response.

William Kidman, who was sitting on the sofa, watched the two people's performance with interest until a quarter of an hour later, the waitress who knocked on the door took a paper bag sealed with wax and placed it on Frank's desk. Go up, close the door and leave.


William was born with his fists clenched to remind him of extraordinary business.

Feifan, who was smiling bitterly, grabbed Frank, who was talking endlessly, and licked his lips at the paper bag on the table.

"Oh, hahaha! Work, work comes first! But where do you live, Mr. Extraordinary? I will visit you next shift. You don't know that I also have several sets of sterling silver coffee pots at home for you to appreciate! "

"Okay, okay!" Feifan Xinda said the address of his water castle, and Frank happily took the quill on the table and wrote it down without asking if he could go in.

Frank sat back in the armchair behind his desk and opened the paper bag on the table. A yellowed parchment contract inside fell lightly on the table.

Generally, contracts are written on kraft paper or parchment. Only contracts with large insurance payments are written on animal skin or magic beast skin.

From the moment Fei Fei saw the golden contract, he had vaguely believed in the existence of gods.

In the Brave Continent, even heinous murderers will pray to the gods they believe in before they die, asking for forgiveness from the gods.

In this world, there is basically no market for “atheism”.

There are different opinions as to why the gods who returned to the Kingdom of God after "Twilight of the Gods" did not come to the mainland again.

Some scholars say that the gods fell, but more people believe that the gods fell into slumber after the divine war, waiting for believers and loved ones to gather their faith again and awaken the gods from the kingdom of God.

William, who was sitting next to him, stood up, came to the table, and picked up an exquisite silver box on the table.

This is not the first time that William Kidman has come to the Underwriters Association to ask for money.

Being familiar with the journey, William opened the box, took out the silver needle, and pricked his finger lightly.

With a little force of his finger, a bright red drop of blood dropped on the blank space in the lower right corner of the contract.

Feifan took a quick look and saw that Old Jones's autograph was correct. As long as the contract recognized William's qualifications as Old Jones' agent, that meant that the gods also recognized it.

Gods are watching the world and sensing everything.

This is also the basis for Frank's peace of mind. If the contract is not recognized, William is deceiving the gods.

God's punishment has priorities, but the Underwriters Association's own guard force will punish the liar as soon as Frank presses the alarm bell.

Every drop of blood was absorbed by the parchment. If there was no change in the contract within three seconds, Frank would immediately send a warning.

Fortunately, the moment the blood beads disappeared, a scale appeared on the contract.

The three of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief. There was no accident and everyone was happy.

Frank put on a black blindfold, turned around, and fumbled to put the contract back into the bag. After that, he took off the blindfold and walked to the window sill, pulled up the curtains, and threw the paper bag into an inconspicuous wide slit.

"You two, please wait a moment!"

After speaking, Frank sat upright and lost interest in talking to Fei Fei.

Yes, the conduct of insurance companies is quite good.

Generally, if the amount of insurance money involved is relatively large, it will almost never be known to a third party except the person in charge.

Just like Feifan's quick glance, he just saw the old Jones' signature. He still has this kind of professional ethics.

"ding ding"

In less than a quarter of an hour, a pleasant bell rang on the windowsill.

Frank came to the wide slit, stretched out his hand, and took out a shiny amethyst card.

"Amethyst card is universal in mainland China. After you go out, you can find a bank to check the number of gold coins in it."

After sending the two of them out of the association, Frank regained his enthusiasm and told Feifan that he would visit them every few days.

Fei Fei and William walked on the main street of the First Stone Pillar District and asked the street vendor where the nearest bank was.

There were not many pedestrians on the road, so Feifei asked casually: "Is it a fixed-amount property insurance?"

William: "Yes!"

Feifan sighed heartbrokenly: "Why not buy battle damage insurance for the entire battleship? In that case, we only need to go to the dock provided by the Underwriters Association to directly receive the brand new battleship!"

This tone was as if the sunken black iron battleship belonged to him.

William said calmly: "No money!"

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