Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 412 Coward Walker Graver

Thieves, killers, and assassins all like darkness, and shadows are the favorite place for Shadow series professions to launch sneak attacks.

Just like "Winter Night Feather" Boscant, night elves practice shadow skills and have a natural advantage over other races.

The chuckle on Walker Graver's lips is captured with extraordinary sensitivity.

Then, Walker Graver saw the thin figure rising up, and a finger blade radiating with cold light easily passed through Feifan's neck.

"Ha!" Walker Graver was overjoyed.

He was still afraid that the blood from the spurt would splash onto his face, so he couldn't help but turn his head.

But the moment he turned his head, the extraordinary sight in front of him disappeared.

"Afterimage?" A coquettish voice came from the thin figure.

The extraordinary figure facing Walker Graver walked out from behind him, the dagger between his neck just changed direction.

"Are you a thief? But even thieves are not so agile, right?"

If the two words couldn't be confirmed, now after listening to the whole sentence, Fei Fei was sure that the gray figure in front of him who couldn't see the image clearly was a woman.

A high-level shadow assassin?

The two guards on the side saw Fei Fei being attracted and launched sneak attacks from both sides.


He rushed directly behind Fei Fei, rescued Master Walker Graver, and returned to the Mutual Aid Association to get promotions and raises all the way to the top of his life.

Unfortunately, the beautiful wish did not come true. The lower bodies of the two guards were frozen into statues. Their arms were waving randomly, but the one-handed swords in their hands were still some distance away from Fei Fei.


The thin shadow assassin asked again. Although his tone was urgent, he did not dare to make any unnecessary movements in his hands.

The attack just now was a sneak attack. Once it failed, she would have to consider Walker Graver's personal safety if she launched another attack.


The dark gold dagger leaned against Walker Graver's neck. Walker Graver was startled and felt blood flowing down his neck, but fear took up most of his mind and he did not feel any pain.

Feifei said calmly: "Let your people throw away their weapons and handcuff themselves!"

Following the extraordinary intimidation, three black stone shackles were dropped on the ground.

Handcuffs made of black stone can affect the heart of the brave and the heart of magic, limiting one's own magic and combat power.

"Eh? Quick! I'm not kidding!" He said, trying to cut back and forth on Walker Graver's neck with extraordinary gestures.

"Ah, ah! He's going to die! Hurry, listen to him! Do you want to kill me? Think about facing President Walker's wrath when you go back? Aren't you afraid?" Walker Graver yelled tremblingly. I prayed in my heart that Fei Fei wouldn’t be a fool, and he would die if his hands shook!

"Dang! Dang!"

There were two sounds of metal hitting the ground behind him, and the two guards were the first to compromise.

Fei Fei stared at Gray Shadow, who was silent for three seconds, then took off the finger blade and threw it on the ground.

Holding Walker Graver in his arms, Fei Fei kicked the shackles at his feet twice, twice backward and once forward.

"Move quickly! I don't have the patience!"

Another dagger appeared out of thin air on Fei Fei's left hand, and seemed to have accidentally scratched Walker Graver's cheek.

"Ah! Ah! Come on and do what he says. Don't you want to live?"

At this moment, Walker Graver was really scared, with runny nose and hysteria.

The two guards bent down, took the shackles into their hands, and made two "click" sounds to complete the self-binding.

The gray shadow was like a flame, beating twice, and a delicate and thin figure appeared in front of Feifan.

Like Fei Fei, the shadow assassin in front of him wore a black visor, but he was wearing a black leather armor, which made Fei Fei's eyes brighten.

"The figure is pretty good, but I don't know what he looks like?" Feifan murmured to himself.

Walker Graver, who was holding a dagger, replied with a flattering look on his face: "Your Excellency, she just has a better figure, but she has a devil's face. If she is beautiful, that's fine. There is no problem in giving it to you! "

Feifan almost laughed out loud. The loyalty of such a personal escort assassin was guaranteed first of all, but being yelled at by Walker Graver would make even the most loyal subordinates feel resentful.

The magic crystals on this airship have not yet been harvested. The hostages in their hands and the two guards behind them are not difficult to deal with.

The threat that made Fei Fei vigilant came from the girl with a black mask in front of him.

Through the porthole of the rescue ship, the battle outside was still fierce. From time to time, the ship was hit, or quickly left the battlefield, or crashed into the dark sea.

As long as the airship that Fei Fei is in is not the target of the main attack, Fei Fei will have time to leave calmly.

Thinking of this, Feifan loosened the dagger on Walker Graver's neck and joked casually:

"Hehe, I just like a good figure. If the lights are turned off, aren't they all the same?"


"Hahaha, your Excellency is right, it seems we can be friends! As long as you let me go, how about I let you live a noble life in Freeport?"

Walker Graver is lucky. Once such people get out of trouble, they will probably retaliate immediately.

Feeling the extraordinary breathing behind him, Walker Graver felt that he was too wise.

"Also, I have several fairies at home who are more beautiful than Momir. I will let you choose two at will! No, choose five! How about that?"

Even though the thin shadow assassin in front of him was wearing a visor, Fei Fei still felt the killing intent beneath that trembling petite body.

Fei Fei said humbly: "The gods tell us that what we hold in our hands truly belongs to you!"

Walker Graver wanted to turn his head and curse shamelessly.

"But Momir signed a slave contract, but unfortunately it was signed with my father! If you have the contract, I will give Momir to you!"

A slave contract?

The slave contract in Walker Graver's words, that is, the master-servant contract, is completely different from the slaves sold by slave traders.

Master-servant contract, blood-word contract, equal contract, symbiosis contract and soul contract, among which only the master-servant contract is an unequal contract.

But the premise of the five types of contracts is fairness and voluntariness!

The Momir in front of me may have signed the contract unfairly and voluntarily.

"Momir is an orphan raised by my father. There are many free ports like her. If you don't mind, you can choose as you like when you arrive at the free port!"

Walker Graver still refused to give up and was determined to trick Fei Fei into going to Freeport.

You know, Freeport is the most well-informed, apart from the Faith Eagle organization, it is the Mutual Aid Brotherhood.

Even if he was caught in Feifan's hands and could not warn him, as long as his figure appeared in the free sense, I believe that within a quarter of an hour, his father would know the news of being kidnapped.

"Hmph! I want her, why don't you want to?" Feifan, who seemed a little embarrassed, tightened the dagger tightly, making Walker Graver scream.

"Yes, yes, but you have to go to the shore. You can only sign the contract by going to the Underwriters Association!"

If both parties sign a contract fairly and voluntarily, they must also be able to write a contract letter.

For example, the Duke of York's Blood Word Knight signed a blood word contract.

Some monsters automatically recognize their masters and sign contracts of equality or symbiosis with humans.

Sometimes blood is needed as the medium of the contract, and sometimes the contract can be completed with just an oath, but most of the time, the medium of the contract is needed.

"Eh? Isn't this a coincidence? I happen to have a contract in my hand!"

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