Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 430 Momir VS Boscant

A pickled whitebait two fingers wide, two slices of black bread, plus vegetable soup with a green leaf floating on it, was Boscant's dinner.

Two searches by the City Hall Sheriff's Department and the Navy Guard found no trace of this "Winter Night Feather", which shows Boscante's superb hiding skills.

He used the remaining light healing scroll, but suffered two injuries.

The biggest disadvantage of magical tools such as healing scrolls and healing scrolls is that they are not controlled by a magician. Although they are simple and easy to operate, it is a pity that the width of the treatment is not enough.

If Momir's attack is like Mambato's giant python, which is vicious and cunning, then the extraordinary space skill attack is the two rows of densely packed serrations of Erya Alligator.

Momir's blow directly pierced Boscante's heart. If it weren't for the night elf's powerful vitality and the effect of the light scroll, "Winter Night Feather" lying on the damp wooden bed would be a dead man.

The extraordinary space attack seemed sharp and opened more than a dozen bloody holes in Boskant's lower abdomen, but it was not fatal.

After simply applying trauma medicine powder, Boscante could feel the tingling on his stomach. It would only take three more days for his combat power to return to its original state.

It was midnight, and Boscant woke up hungry.

The space belt is only the size of two drawers. In addition to mission necessities and some weapons and clothing, there are also some potions commonly used by assassins, but there is no food.

The night he arrived at the monastery, he ran into the kitchen to steal food, but was almost discovered.

Naturally, he could only live on the only poor meal the old nun brought every day.


A crisp sound sounded in Boscant's ears.

The "shadow trap" placed at the entrance of the corridor was triggered.

Boscante rolled out of bed, ignoring the pain in his lower abdomen, and came to the side of the door with a dagger in one hand and a dagger in the other.

I just hope it is the servant of God who watches the night, Boscante prayed in his heart.

At the entrance to the corridor outside the room, Fei Fei, who had just turned in, cursed secretly.

In the "black vision state", he saw a black flower explode under his feet. No need to ask, this was set by the cunning Boscant.

The vision in front of him fell into darkness, and Fei Fei stretched out his hand to warn. Gu Lie and others who were following him knew they had fallen into a "shadow trap" when they saw Fei Fei's appearance.

Three seconds later, Fei Fei's blank eyes reassessed.

The original requirement to silence is no longer important.

"I've been discovered. I didn't tell you what I was doing. I have to force my way in!"

Feifan took the lead and arrived at the door of Boscant's hiding place.

Feeling the distance behind the door, Feifan disappeared in front of the door and appeared right in front of Boskant's bed.

This kind of small underground storage room has no windows, and the tunnel or wall structure mezzanine is another matter.

According to the plan before arriving, after Fei Fei flashed into the room, Dosta directly broke through the door with a swing of his axe.

Gulie Francis followed closely, and Momir turned his finger blade and blocked the door.

Taking out the light stone, to Feifan's surprise, there was still darkness in front of him.

"Be careful, there is a 'Shadow Trap' magic circle in the house, get out!"

The few people who broke into the house held weapons and protected their hearts to guard against Boscant who was hiding in the dark.

The expected sneak attack did not appear, and Momir's exclamation came from outside the door.

In the blink of an eye, the extraordinary group of people exited the room, leaving only five black balls of light in the corridor. Momir and Boskant were nowhere to be seen.


Gulie discovered the tracking mark left by Momir on the wall and took the lead in chasing it out.

Following along, Feifan found that several people had slowly reached the ground.

The direction of Boscant's escape pointed directly to the back of the monastery.

It is a forbidden area of ​​the monastery and believers are not allowed to set foot there.


Fifty meters ahead, on the corridor, there was a sudden sound of weapons clashing.

"It's right in front, hurry!"

Feifan suddenly flashed forward, and through the moonlight, the two rapidly moving black figures in the corridor were none other than Momir and Boskant.

"Ha! Your Excellency 'Winter Night Feather', I will send you back to the Kingdom of God tonight!"

Feifan waved "The Sun Never Sets" with both hands, and more than a dozen "Ice Arrows" hit the larger of the two black shadows.

"ding ding ding"

The ice arrow was dodged and shattered.


"Shadow Attack"

Gu Lie and Francis said under "stealth", and directly used two thieves skills.

"Kordo Feifan, is that you?"

Boscante, who blocked the killing move, gasped and shouted angrily.

"The first time is luck, the second time is strength, and the third time is being favored by the gods!"

This is an article in the Assassin's Creed, which says that if you assassinate the same target twice, you will give up if you still fail.

"How about I tell you the employer's information and we owe nothing to each other?"

Fei Fei couldn't help but be stunned.

The first rule of Assassin's Creed is not to leak your employer's information, even if you get caught by mistake.

"Winter Night Feather" is the long-famous king of assassins. King, how can you lose your integrity?

"If you are not the great Assassin King, who are you?"

Faced with extraordinary accountability, Boscant wanted to vomit blood.


A mouthful of blood sprayed into the air, which looked very strange under the moonlight.

None of the four extraordinary players caused any harm to Boscant. The slow-footed Dosta caught up from behind and slashed the Assassin King until he vomited blood with a "Breaking Army" strike.

"Extraordinary Lord, please let me have a one-on-one battle with Boskant!"

Momir shouted excitedly.

In terms of job rank, both of them are at the sixth level. The only difference is that Boscant has already seen the threshold of the seventh level, while Momir has just stepped into the sixth level.

In terms of skills and methods of fighting enemies, Momir has many shortcomings compared to Boscant.

The fight had been going on for almost a quarter of an hour, and if anyone from the monastery had intervened, they would have appeared by now.

The most important thing is that as soon as Boskant was hit hard by Dosta, you challenged someone to a duel. I really admire your sharp eyesight.

Therefore, Feifan agreed to Momir's single brush, and a few people gathered around.

Boscant knew that he would not be spared, so he thrust back and forth between the five black balls of the "Shadow Assault" skill. In just two minutes, Momir's armor was full of holes.

Feifan kept a close eye on Momir, and if he lost, he would flash to save him.

Boscant, who was going back and forth between the five black light balls, seemed to be leisurely and at ease, but he was hungry and injured for many days. The surprise attack that could have defeated the enemy with one move was defeated by Momir. Block.

Coupled with the fact that the fresh troops of the Extraordinary Four were watching the battle, Boskant knew that he was probably in danger.

He fled deep into the monastery, hoping to use his connection with the monastery to escape death.

But now being blocked by Fei Fei, he shouted loudly to attract the attention of the monastery, but no one showed up until now.

The night guards in the monastery are dispatched in turn by the two knights of the monastery.

Boscant couldn't help but feel a little desperate. Maybe after he died, those hypocritical god servants would appear, first threaten him, and then ask Cordo Feifan to pay a ransom to redeem himself.

He just wants to be looked down upon by others in the League of Assassins, and Boscante is unwilling to give in!

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