Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 442 The shell becomes a spirit

Seeing the extraordinary Fan Fan again, he did two somersaults happily and gave him a big hug excitedly.

However, as he smiled, Fanfan's shoulders began to twitch.

Feifan, who was a head taller than Fanfan, reached out and patted Fanfan on the shoulder.

"Extraordinary priests, they are all dead! I dreamed that they were bleeding all over, crying and asking me to save them!"

At this time, Fei Fei couldn't say that dreams were the opposite. As far as Fei Fei knew, no one on the crew of the "harpoon" was spared except Big Dolby, who had no trace of them.

"I should have known that the Doobie brothers were nothing! That idiot only learned the water-dividing technique and thought he was a magician!"

Fei Fei told Fan Fan everything about Kaladi Prison. At the age of fourteen or fifteen, he should know what responsibility is and what responsibility is.

"Water Bullet Technique" is the second water magic skill that Fan Fan has mastered.

After practicing another basic skill, you can go to the Saint Trite Magician Guild to be certified as a junior magician.

"Well, you can't go to the Freeport Magician's Guild until you master three magic skills!"

Seeing that Fanfan was safe and healthy, Feifan felt relieved.

He left the child magic notes from elementary to advanced levels, which of course he copied from Jacqueline's mother's notebook.

There are also magic skill books required for each class. Even the factors of failure are taken into account. There are no less than ten skill books for each class.

Fanfan nodded in agreement. Without strong combat power, he didn't want to feel the weakness in the face of threats again.

When they first met, Fanfan's two somersaults reminded Feifan that if he got the magic swordsman's skill book, would Fanfan be able to become a magic swordsman?

If we were talking about disciples, Trunks would definitely be one of them.

But just looking at physical fitness, there is really no comparison between a young master like Trunks and Fan Fan.

Fanfan was shirtless and wearing only a pair of shorts. His dark and thin body was full of strength.

Once you have an idea in your mind, you get out of control.

With a wave of his hand, the magic gold sword was split into two parts in Feifan's hands, and he handed the smaller stabbing sword to Fan Fan, who was ready to teach him some fighting skills.

Between opening and closing, the swords in the hands of the two men collided fiercely.

In terms of strength alone, Fan Fan is no weaker than an intermediate swordsman.

"Extraordinary priest, are you a magic swordsman?" Fanfan asked, staring at Feifan with fiery eyes.


Suddenly, two rotating elemental dragons, one blue and one red, appeared around Feifan's body.

He turned around and struck down with his sword. A large stone not far away seemed to have been struck by an invisible blade. Fire spread out and a deep groove appeared.

Fanfan jumped to the big stone and touched the still warm sword marks with a face filled with admiration.

Feifan was wondering, not to mention that the stone was only as tall as a person. After he advanced to the Great Insurance Division, even Kanyagan couldn't stop the "Breaking Through the Sky", which made him fail to cut the stone.

After touching it, even if Fei Fei held the dark gold dagger, he could not pry off a piece of stone skin from the stone.

With a raise of his hand, the big stone was thrown into the golden space by Fei Fei.

The elemental elf eggs in the space were thrown by Fei Fei on top of piles of fire magic crystals, and seemed to be missing some.

Just as Fei Fei was about to check the inventory, Fan Fan suddenly blushed and ran to Fei Fei.

The hands behind his back suddenly stretched out in front of him, holding a triangular shell in his palm.

"Extraordinary Priest, the Quark daddy you taught me said it is more powerful than the magic knowledge in those colleges. I, I picked it up on the white beach and gave it to you as a gift!"

If it was a crystal, even crystal marrow, Feifan would reject it on the spot.

But the triangular shell was Fan Fan's heart. Even though it was worthless, Feifan was deeply moved.

A miserable childhood did not distort Fanfan's temperament. People who know how to be grateful will never become bad people.

"Thank you! Fanfan, I like this gift very much!"

Seeing Fei Fei happily taking the shell, Fan Fan, who looked anxious, also smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Triangle clams are hard to find, and anyone who can get one will be blessed by the God of the Sea.

Feifan left Bansai Island at dawn on the third day.

Since Daddy Quark has put his last lair in the open, he truly regards Feifan as one of his own.

Only Daddy Quark and the "scholar" saw him off on the small dock.

On the occasion of parting, Feifan asked the "scholar" his uncle's real name. The "scholar" hesitated and said a very common name.

But the uncle's surname is a bit scary, "Buckley", the same surname as the legendary thief who found the pirate king at the end of the endless sea.

Fei Fei pondered for a moment, and it seemed that Mr. Jones’s surname was also “Barkley”.

It is difficult to attract anyone's attention to the small island of Pansai, which is neither during the day nor on the main route.

The pure white "Black Pearl" quietly took off into the sky, its red navigation lights flashed and disappeared into the darkness before dawn.

The three people who said goodbye to each other did not know that behind the coconut trees not far from the small pier, Fan Fan was watching Fei Fei leave with tears streaming down his face.

Everyone took a lot of fire magic crystals on the volcanic island, but among the space rings that Fei Fei left for Fanfan, more of them were water magic crystals.

Let Fanfan, the trainee magician, rush all the way into the magic crystal reserve of the great magician.

Fanfan doesn’t know when will he see Fei Fei next, one year, two years? Or ten or eight years.

Feifan flying in the air did not know that there was a young man who was about to take a nap in order to see him again and strengthen his brave heart. He was awakened by the noise in the golden space.

The whole body entered the golden space, and the heart suddenly beat uncontrollably.

"Plop, plop"

Every time it beat, Fei Fei found red ripples spreading outward on the crystal egg.

If it were just this extraordinary, he wouldn't be shocked. To his disbelief, the triangular white shell seemed to be responding to the crystal egg, and blue ripples appeared all over his body.

Is this a shell that has become a spirit?

In order to make his heart feel better, Feifei took the triangular shell out of the golden space. Sure enough, the crystal egg became quiet.

The triangular shell was sandwiched between the two by Fei Fei, and it flicked from time to time, like a fidget spinner.

Extraordinary interest is lacking. If it is just a stress-relieving toy, how can it "fight" with the elemental elf eggs.

Nowadays, Feifan has mastered the control of mental power. With just one thought, the triangular shell is covered with mental power like thousands of silk ribbons.


There was an imperceptible cracking sound, and when Fei Fei tore off his mental power, he found himself on a sea of ​​blue sky and white clouds.

Without using any magic skills, Fei Fei stood firmly on the sea.

The sky is clear, but the sun is not visible.

The sea is crystal clear and there is not a single plankton.

Feifan has an indescribable feeling, and it seems that he has felt this feeling before.

"That's right! The last time we were in the Duke's Castle! The time when I was tricked and crippled by Grand Duke Vasari!"

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