Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 448 Seventh-Level Tiger Shark

As the special skills of high-level water magicians, "Ice Arrow" and "Ice Shield" complement each other for offense and defense.

A volley of fire from the Navy Guards' magic crystal guns on the "Duke of Windsor" only managed to carve out a few white spots on the "ice shield" in front of the tiger shark's head.

The high-level super combat power on the battleship can only use long-range attack skills while standing on the side of the ship. No one dares to go to the sea easily.

If a sixth-level great swordsman and a sixth-level monster fight on land, they can still escape if they lose.

But on the sea, if the great swordsman faced a sixth-level tiger shark, he could only pray for God's protection.

Even the extraordinary water-type combat power that has reached the level of a seventh-level magician does not dare to say that he can get rid of a sixth-level tiger shark at high speed on the sea.

"Boom boom boom"

The magic crystal cannon roared, and the two "ice shields" instantly fell apart.

But it is a pity that the buffering interval of the magic crystal cannon is not as fast as the tiger shark's ability to condense the "ice shield".

"Brush brush brush"

Another dense burst of "ice arrows" attacked the stern of the "Duke of Windsor", and in an instant, more than a dozen Navy Guardsmen were pierced by the ice arrows.

The naval guards who were hit still maintained the movements they made before they died, turning into human ice sculptures.

As the captain of the silver battleship, Lisa was of course given special care, but Maggie on the side waved her one-handed magic wand, and two "ice shields" were erected in front of Lisa.

"Bang bang bang"

The ice arrow hit the ice shield, and both shattered into ice cubes at the same time.

On the bow deck, a magic crystal spaceship slowly rose from the cabin.

Needless to say, apart from the life-saving boats used by ordinary crew members, the magic crystal spacecraft is only prepared for the top brass of the battleship.

With a staff of several hundred people, it was a problem for a twenty- to thirty-meter magic crystal spaceship to take away a hundred people.

When Fei Fei appeared on the watchtower of the "Duke of Windsor", he saw Maggie and Martha at the stern of the ship grabbing one of Lisa's arms and running towards the bow of the ship.

No matter how terrifying the high-level sea beasts are, they can only lament to the sky.

"Maggie, Martha, let me go!" Lisa twisted her body, but the power of the high-level magic archer was not enough in front of the great swordsman.

Even though Martha was not much stronger than Lisa, a pair of small hands clasped Lisa's arm so tightly that Lisa couldn't break free.

"Lady Lisa, don't forget your mission this time. If you don't bring things back to Saint Trite, think of the crew members who died!"

Fei Fei was still puzzled. From what Maggie said, Lisa had already found the fragments of the artifact, and half of the people died for it.

The Silver Battleship has a full complement of 1,500 people, but now Fei Fei sees only 500 on the deck. Even if the mechanics in the bottom warehouse are included, there will not be more than 550 people.

The two tiger sharks pressed forward step by step, dropping ice arrows as if they were free.

Watching the three women step into the magic crystal spaceship, Feifan confirmed that the three women were safe and planned to return.

He accidentally obtained one of the "Poseidon Palace" fragments, but he had no intention of collecting them all. It would be too time-consuming.

However, when the spacecraft slowly lifted off and Maggie and Martha appeared on the deck again, Feifan was a little dumbfounded.

The three girls are considered his friends and have a slightly distant relationship with Masha, but Popova is like a sister to her.

Standing at the highest point of the battleship, Feifan watched two tiger sharks leap high into the sky, release a round of magic skills and then plunge into the sea.

To deal with these two tiger sharks, you can only kill them within a few seconds while they are in the air.

"You can't let your skills go unused!"

Staring at the sea behind the battleship, Fei Fei whispered a prayer.

The magic crystal spaceship that had already risen into the air slowly stopped. It only needed a wind acceleration from the stern to escape from this sea area.

Just at this moment, an accident happened!

A tiger shark that was twice as big as the following battleship jumped up from the sea, its sharp fins streaked across the magic crystal spaceship in the sky, and fell heavily back to the sea.

Feifan looked carefully with his huge and frightened eyes, and saw a figure clearly visible on the back of the huge tiger shark.

No, to be precise, it's not a human being, it's a member of the sea tribe.

The transparent periosteum like butterfly wings on both sides of the head opens and closes, and the hair on the head is as thick as a human finger, dancing in the wind, like venomous sea snakes.

Deep sea naga!

As the "general clan" among the sea clan, the Naga clan is naturally capable of controlling sea beasts.

The tiger shark that attacked the magic crystal spaceship looked to be at least level seven, which meant that the Naga Tiger Shark Knight was at least level seven.

The sea surface was churning, and the Naga Knight stood on top of the tiger shark and appeared on the side of the battleship.

The magic crystal spacecraft attacked by the tiger shark had disintegrated in the air, and the hull fragments mixed with the navy guards fell into the sea one after another.

Following the Naga Knight's gaze, Fei Fei saw Lisa holding a shell the size of a washbasin, moving between the fragments of the ship's hull, doing a beautiful somersault, and squatting steadily on the deck of the battleship.

This was the last chance to escape.

The Naga Knight feinted with the trident in his hand, and the huge tiger shark was directly loaded onto the side of the silver battleship.

"Creak, creak, creak"

Bursts of harsh metal tearing sounds echoed around.

With these two consecutive blows, Feifan confirmed that the Naga Knight and the tiger shark beneath him both belonged to the power system, relying on the strength of their bodies to run rampant.

With super strong defense and powerful destructive power, the two belong to the melee type, and are more difficult to deal with than the "magic type" tiger shark that sprays "ice arrows" randomly at the stern of the ship.

The ocean is different from the land, and the combination of Naga Knight and Tiger Shark is almost unsolvable.

A magician or Lisa, a magic archer, can't break through the defense with long-range strikes, but it's extremely difficult to just lock the target.

Looking at the huge body of the tiger shark, the flexibility of this sea beast in the ocean is nothing short of abnormal.

"Bang bang bang"

"Creak, creak, creak"

The two tiger sharks at the stern of the ship released "ice arrows" from time to time. The Naga Knight controlled the tiger sharks and pointed at the ship's hull with one word: collision.

Feeling the trembling floor under his feet, Feifan estimated that if this happened a dozen times more, the silver-class "Duke of Windsor" would be in danger of disintegrating.

The two tiger sharks at the back of the ship are only level six and can be easily dealt with.

The difficulty is that this seventh-level tiger shark can only "ram with brute force".

Extraordinary is that the water magician class has reached the seventh level, the great insurance specialist has the sixth level, and the magic swordsman level. According to Anthony's letter, the fifth level is guaranteed, and weapons with the insurance master skill can be comparable to the sixth level.

The sixth level versus the seventh level, the extraordinary battle across levels has only been heard of by the guy "Winter Night Feather" Boscante, and otherwise, it is just a legend.

A certain swordsman, a certain Dharma god, all showed their genius at a young age, and challenging them to a higher level is as simple as eating a meal.

Thinking of Boskant's identity, Feifan made a preliminary battle plan.

Without him, it's just a "sneak attack".


The seventh-order tiger shark, which held the waves under its body, headed straight for the weak point of the ship's hull that had been hit three times.

The tiger shark with its long mouth will close its mouth just before impact and use its hard upper jaw to hit the ship hard.

The time for an extraordinary sneak attack is now.

The mouth is one of the weak points of almost all Warcraft sea beasts.

The colliding Tier 7 Tiger Shark suddenly saw a human suddenly appearing in the recessed hull, but due to inertia, it could not brake suddenly.

The moment his mouth closed, a meter-long crescent-shaped "air-piercing slash" was thrown out by Fei Fei.

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