Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 483 Good news from afar

Due to the lack of manpower, no one will be watching the magic detection stone plate on the Black Pearl all day long.

Francis, who was wandering around in the bottom warehouse accidentally, saw the stone plate coming into the cockpit abnormally, and when he saw the clouds flying rapidly out of the porthole, he noticed that the Black Pearl was already moving at full speed.

"Captain, according to our speed, we can see the spaceship in a quarter of an hour! We will know if it is the Navy Guard's spaceship by then!"

Even though Dax was the only one in the cockpit with a serious expression, the adjutant actually comforted Fei Fei.

Fei Fei asked Gu Lie to spread the news to Lighthouse Island through the sound transmission copper tube.

It has been more than a month since I took the Black Pearl to sea. It is strange that the big bosses on the lighthouse island are not worried.

The war in the rear has not expanded. The vanguard army led by a "Naga Eye" knighthood is playing hide-and-seek with the Silver Fleet on Lighthouse Island.

After losing more than a dozen black iron warships, the Saint-Nazé could only lead the fleet to cruise offshore of Lighthouse Island, and no longer rashly pursued the provocative "Eye of Naga" Knights.

Olanto's Griffin Knights have joined the battle sequence, but apart from serving as a warning mission, they have not yet gone head-to-head with the Sea Legion.

However, many powerful high-level sea beasts have felt the super combat power of this terrifying monster.

Lighthouse Island received news from the Black Pearl in the middle of the night.

A surveillance spacecraft suspected to be on board the "Bicrates" was discovered.

Lieutenant General Wellington told the soldiers on duty to inform him as soon as possible whenever there is news about the Bicrates.

Half an hour later, another message came into the lighthouse outpost war room.

Compared to when Fei Fei left, the war room was almost full of people.

The top brass of the Navy Guard gathered in one room, including the support representatives from the Kingdom of Olanto and the two seventh-level knight captains from the Principality of Bitland and Tal.

In the near future, the Dwarf Hammer and Ax Legion and the Elf Archer Legion will arrive at the Lighthouse Island. The small Lighthouse Island will gather almost all the top legions in the entire continent.

"Your Excellency, Commander Wellington, the Black Pearl has confirmed that the alert spacecraft discovered belongs to the golden battleship Bicrates. Now the two magic crystal spacecraft are returning to the Bicrates."



Almost all the Saints in the entire war room let out excited shouts.

The dark cloud of war hangs over Saint Trite. If the "Bicrates" is just a majestic warship, it is better to say that it has become the spiritual pillar of the Saint Trite people.

This gold-class battleship is the only sea fortress still in service during the last war between the two clans.

What is the concept of a salvo of two hundred magic crystal cannons? It can almost directly vaporize a main force of the Sea Tribe.

The most glorious achievement of the "Bicrates" was to kill the royal legion that the Nagas were proud of in one concentrated fire strike.

The powerful power of the magic crystal cannon, almost no one can resist the temptation.

The proud Hai clan people are no exception.

In the war between the two clans five hundred years ago, the Naga clan had a pure magic crystal cannon army to participate in the war.

More than two hundred Crow dragon turtles, carrying turtle shells the size of houses and carrying two hundred magic crystal cannons, joined the battlefield in a mighty manner.

The "Bicrates" was ordered to attack, but it only had a shapeless Dragon Turtle artillery regiment. Coordination was its biggest weakness.

In one round of volley, most of the Dragon Turtle Magic Crystal Artillery Regiment was lost. In the second round of focused fire, a four-armed Naga legion commander was directly blasted into slag.

The subsequent indiscriminate free bombardment swept the magic crystal cannon army into the bottom of the endless sea.

Until the six-armed Naga King of the Naga tribe appeared and shouted the famous slogan "The Naga tribe, the darlings of the ocean, can only believe in the power of the sea."

From then on, the people of the Hai tribe abandoned the magic weapons and items spread out on the mainland like worn shoes.

Most of the weapons of the Sea Tribe are made from the horns and teeth of sea beasts. High-grade metal weapon materials such as deep sea fine gold and trench mineral silver are exclusive to the Sea Tribe nobles.

The meeting between the Black Pearl and the Bicratic guard ship was full of twists and turns.

When the warning spacecraft that fired a magic bullet found that it could not escape from the Black Pearl, it tragically threw all the magic crystals in reserve into the "Magic Gathering Array".

The "self-exploding spaceship" scared Fei Fei into a cold sweat.

Don't blame others for misunderstanding. If the Black Pearl lights up its yellow navigation light, the warning spacecraft will probably make tentative contact to distinguish between friend and foe.

There are many magic crystal spaceships that have lost power and crashed into the sea, and there are also many humans who have been enslaved by the sea tribe in order to survive.

Fortunately, the Black Pearl entered a state of extreme speed, and in just one sprint, it closed the distance to the guarding spacecraft.

Feifan calculated the safest teleportation distance and dodged over without looking back.

Don't rush, the magic-gathering array that reaches the critical point will not stop at a moment's notice, and sometimes the magic crystals inside will be emptied. As a result, the magic circle can also bring you huge surprises.

Feifan jumped onto the deck, and the "ice shields" surrounding his body were spinning with white air, easily able to withstand the power of the magic crystal gun.

Top deck, speed across.

Jumping down the spiral staircase, while he was still in the air, a "Sky Shattering Slash" blasted a big hole in the floor under his feet.

In just a few seconds, Fei Fei arrived at the bottom of the spacecraft.

Several mechanics are still working hard to pile magic crystals into the magic gathering array.

"Stop everything. I am Count Hailinglan, personally named by Grand Duke Vasari, and I am searching for the Bikratis under the orders of Lieutenant General Wellington!"

Feifan didn't have time to take out the ring badge and put it on, so he rushed into the magic gathering array with a shout.

In order to speed up the magic circle's gathering speed, people who self-destruct will often throw all the different magic crystals into it.

For those who do not have a natural heart, the violent power of the elements may only be felt at the last moment.

But for Feifan, from the moment he stepped into the magic circle, his special magic power was torn apart by invisible forces.

My heart was on fire, this was the fire magic entering my heart.

There was a soreness and numbness in the abdomen, which was a sign that the violent thunder magic power was beginning to go into chaos.

There was only water magic power, which was extremely cool and cool, but it only made Fei Feifan coldly shiver for a few times.

Fortunately, the Bicrates did not receive the spoils of the Volcanic Island Battle. If the magic-gathering array was filled with high-level fire crystals, Feifan would have no other choice but to commit suicide.

"This must be Poseidon's favorite child!"

From the moment Feifan broke into the magic-gathering formation, the navy soldiers and officers who came over, together with several mechanics, looked at the young earl who was covered in light.

The "Picrates" sails in the ocean all year round, and the magic crystals it harvests the most are water magic crystals.

Although the grade is not high, dozens or hundreds of elementary and intermediate water magic crystals are still too much for Feifan.

The nosebleeds soaked the front of the magic robe, double images began to appear in front of his eyes, and there were bursts of tinnitus in his ears.

"This is the harbinger of an explosion of magic power in the body!"

Feifan smiled bitterly in his heart. Faced with this situation, he had to save himself. After losing this spaceship, he didn't know how long it would take to find "Bicrates".

The officer in the captain's uniform was the first to stand up, rushed into the magic circle, desperately picked up a few magic crystals, and quickly ran out of the array.

The woolen uniform is like an ice cube, and the chaotic interior of the magic crystal creates a burning heat on the outside.


Waves of green smoke rose, and soon the Navy Guard soldiers in the bottom warehouse smelled the smell of barbecue.

With the captain setting an example, everyone joined the team to "rob" the magic crystal.


The porthole of the bottom warehouse was smashed open by a high-level swordsman with a hammer.

The violent magic crystal was irreversible, and the magic crystal transferred from the magic circle was thrown out of the window.

The Black Pearl was left on guard at a distance by Fei Fei. Gu Lie and the others stared at the increasingly brighter light on the stone plate, holding their breath and praying secretly in their hearts.

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