Fury Ocean

Chapter 176: : Assault, Blind Dance

Chapter 176: Raid, Blind Dance

The crank arm turned over, kicking the sickle with a kick in the volley, Qiao Langjun jumped out of the battle area with his insensitive body shape. Eight {(一 中文 网 [W] WWW.81ZW.COM. The audience felt that there was a flower in front of them, and the roar in their ears was suppressed first and then back, and in the blink of an eye, the direction of the assault had been changed, and they swooped towards Fei.

"Fighting skills!"

A few people who saw the process jumped up from their seats, were shocked by the pilot's operation, and were deeply puzzled by their choice.

Before the war began, the three mechs' positions were standard positive triangles. If Qiaolangjun turned around after a straight impact, the sixty-degree angle must be lowered or even returned to zero to achieve it. Less means that the attack is delayed, leaving the opponent a chance to fight back. Zeroing has the greatest impact. Niuben tested the difference in this regard, and calculated based on the start of the dual-engine mech, about: 1.3 seconds. For pilots at this level of Newn, 1.3 seconds is too long, enough to complete dozens of command inputs, determine the victory and loss of a battle.

When Qiaolangjun rushed towards the hunter, he didn't take a straight line, but a little radian, plus the superposition of the angles when turning over, one hundred and twenty degrees up and down. This angle, combined with a less standard turning, not only maintains the progress, but also resolves the attack of the hunter.

This is the power of God of War technology, and also the difference between God of War and ordinary pilots. In the case of equivalent mechs, it is completely possible to achieve instant killing. If on the battlefield, the difference in strength between the master and the mediocre under the complex situation will be enlarged, the God of War will have the opportunity to defeat or even kill a hundred opponents in one battle.

The battle was completed for the God of War level, and the audience applauded madly. At the same time, it was strange to Niuben's choice. Why did he give up the attack on the hunter and rushed to Andrea's flying puppet. At this time, everyone did not know that Newn was facing extremely difficult choices.

Chase or not chase.



An increase in the number of people does not mean an absolute increase in combat strength; well-cooperated and trusted comrades-in-arms can wield the effect of one plus one more than two, otherwise they may interfere with each other, or even worse than one person fighting. Both Newn and Andrew understand this truth. To avoid that situation, the two vowed to fight for their teammates and made some agreements that can help increase "trust and friendship."

The problem lies in the agreement.

The three-second agreement is not only to prove to the outside world that his victory is worthy of the name, but also a hidden clause that is inconvenient to say: After the game, if one side (supposed to be Niu Ben's main attacker) is knocked down, he will give up his title. ; If not knocked down, you will get the equivalent rights in the next championship fight. For example, Niu Ben's main attack on Newn. As long as Newn is not knocked down in the battle, he can attack for three seconds in the next game. Andre can only passively defend and cannot counterattack.

In the face of Andre, Pride such as Nunn also values ​​the opportunity of three-second attack, and vice versa, if Andre can seize the opportunity, the victory will be more sufficient.

It is worth mentioning that, before the war, both Andre and Newn felt that Niu Ben would choose Newn from the Black League as the first main attack. Andre also deliberately reminded whether the inquiry needs to be adjusted to be more fair. Method. Nunn rejected the offer and responded that he was the profiteering party in the three-second agreement.

Both sides are people with identity, and they are very polite. They have considered every aspect very carefully, but they have not considered whether Niuben would refuse. This is not an omission. From the perspective of Niuben, he needs to defeat both of them in order to win. The dispersion of the attack will inevitably lead to a longer pinch time, which is not conducive to fighting.

Niuben couldn't even understand this reason, and the two were convinced that he would seize the opportunity. In fact, even if you take this into consideration in advance, two people will not take it seriously.

At best, this agreement can not be achieved, just hit it.

The reality is so marvelous. Niuben came aggressively, but did not make a substantial attack. Instead, Nun cut off the opponent with the attack, and Niuben turned around after dissolving ...

How to calculate this account?

Not chasing, no matter, being teased by his opponent in vain, Andre had reason to disregard the account after the war, and even asked for three seconds in turn; chasing, participating in the war, actively violating the oath under the spotlight, and losing his reputation.

Promise is sometimes worthless and sometimes weighs more than a thousand dollars. Born from the royal family, he must abide by strict rules while enjoying respect, and at the same time maintain the royal face and dignity; accepting the one-two proposal has put Newen under great pressure, but because the opponent is from the Red League, it can be said to be "tactical use" If the breach occurs again, the consequences are unpredictable.

"Must Alice be right, everything is a trap?"

Watching Qiaolangjun leave, the Nun in the cockpit thought more and more seriously, and had a bad feeling in his heart.

At this time, he was determined to think of it. Just because of this hesitation, the tone of the game was determined, and no chance of reversal was found.



The black mech raged on, and while he was surprised, Andrei wasn't as imaginative as Nunn, and he didn't have that time.

There is extra space without any interference. The powerful power of the twin-engine mech makes Qiaolangjun ’s degree wave; from his sight, Qiaolangjun screams like a raging bear. The squealing sound was harsh, smashing into the face like ice cubes.

"Choose me?"

While inhaling, Andre's lip corners were slightly raised, his left hand was flying across the console like Feiyun's waist, his waist was slightly bent, his left foot was pedaling lightly on his right foot, and the change from static to moving was unexpected. The last moment was still, and the next second was already drifting away, staggering the opponent's travel route and attack range.

It wasn't until the mecha changed its position that the smoky rocks and dust caused by the pedaling of the feet were scattered, and raindrops flew in all directions. A series of impact sounds hit the eardrum, and numerous small and thick stones hit the body of Qiaolangjun. After smashing, it turned into a smoke-like diffuser, and was torn by the wildly hit mech.

With just one dodge, Andre ’s deep operation skills, precise judgment, and strong fighting consciousness are perfectly reflected. When ordinary people seem to be overwhelmed, his timing of movement is just stuck in the opponent ’s “ca n’t change direction” The distance between the points and the cross-cut just happened to be Qiao Langjun's attack range, including the opponent's wingspan length and weapon range.

Impeccable! For most of the pilots present, even if they were pre-judged in advance, they probably could not do better.

"Unconventional operation!"

The admiration sounded, and the red lightning shot from Feiyao's left arm.

The saw chain, Andre's exclusive weapon, is the only one who uses soft weapons among all the players in the mech competition. In the game that Andre broke the time record before, it was this saw chain that entangled the opponent's head and almost chopped it. Today, Andrei doesn't have such high requirements for Niuben, he just hopes to trip his foot or cut it off.


The audience ’s response was always slow. When exclaiming, everyone heard a “scream”, as if someone was blowing in their ears, and it was like a kind of high substance passing by their sides. When the senses were attracted by the hearing, everyone drew a flower in front of them, and a whistle, the flying magpie flew into the sky.

What the **** was born?

Some people are still looking for the reason. Qiaolangjun has rushed past the position of Feiyu before the war. Not only did he not pause, his degree increased again.

It was unimaginably fast. The black figure was running stiffly and leaning, and the afterimage drew an arc, just like when the skater entered the curve.

The huge iron foot is stepping on the ground, and the chaotic stone flying is countless times more intense than before. Visually, Qiaolangjun does not seem to run on the ground, but plows out an arc trench on the ground. Behind him, Feiyu's body is still in the air, and the direction of the inverted flight is Baidu angle with the original direction of Qiaolangjun, and the distance is widening. However, this is only the initial state. As Qiao Langjun's leaps and bounds, the angle of the lines on both sides has rapidly decreased, and the lines of travel have also diverged from parallel to parallel.

Only then did people notice that Qiaolangjun did not know when to throw the huge shield in his hand, and the flying disc threw the flying cricket like a flying disc.

At that time, Feiyu completed the magical operation to the apex in almost impossible situations, and counterattacked in time. Unfortunately, it was no longer as fast as Xuanfei's shield, and due to the attack posture, he was really caught off guard. . In a hurry, Andre still completed an operation that ordinary people could not imagine, cranking his arms, turning, squatting, and using his arms to run sideways.

After all, it's too late.

If you just evade the counterattack, Hida will be able to do better. Now, the curved arm is half completed because of the left arm attack, and the turn is completed one third because of the attack posture. The squat range is sufficient, but the angle is not accurate enough. In a blink of an eye, the squeezing between the steel was completed in an instant, and the high-rotation alloy shield, like a violent hurricane, bumped the heavy mech stiffly. If it wasn't for Andre's response in time, and the contacts were already working hard to retreat, then this collision alone might have broken his arms.

In that case, the mech contest will have another record: spike!

The mech flew into the air, and a long saw chain trailed behind it, like a dead snake with a cramped vein. Andrei's heart also flew to the sky with the mech, fluttering and not feeling the slightest weight.

In the cockpit, various alarm sounds came into one. You don't need to look at him to know that the left arm of the mech is dead, the armor is distorted, the black liquid flows along the crack, and the circuits, transmission, and fire control system inside are furnished. Compared to this, the right arm is in a better condition, but it also loses its inconvenience. For mechs that are sensitive and quick to win, such injuries are unacceptable, and it is an unspeakable shame.

There was a bang, and the audience around the playing field set off an explosion-like sound, and then people appeared in amazement. When they achieved a huge advantage in one fell swoop, Qiaolangjun did not turn around and chased, but continued to add and chase. That refracted shield!


The two engines were running to the extreme, the roar sounded like a beast roaring, and when the black mech ripped open the ground, the red and black mech in the far end suddenly started, whistling towards the battlefield.

Just like the audience around him, Nunn was just applauding Andre's wonderful performance and was secretly alert. He never dreamed of it, only in the blink of an eye. At the critical moment, Nunn no longer thinks about those that are not available, and rushes over to support them as quickly as possible. At the same time, Andrew's thoughts instantly completed the shuttle from heaven to hell, struggling to shoot the case, and howled since the entry.


The sound didn't stop, and when he landed, Hida forcedly turned to shoulder to avoid the impact of the head and neck while the crank arm twisted, and the left foot popped out of the hook at the same time. Usually this is a part that is only used when the mech is climbing. At this moment, Andrei used it as a tool for reducing, fixing and balancing. The effect is surprisingly good.

The carp was upright ... Just like Niu Ben's side rollover, although Feiyu's movements were not standardized, although his posture was ugly, he completed self-rescue in the shortest time. When he stood up, Andre's hand waved to the extreme, his wings spread behind him, and the next operation was about to be completed.

"It's unconventional again!"


"Be careful!"

Exclamations and sighs sounded at the same time, along with a warning from Nun; the battle situation changed so quickly, Andre only noticed that during the decisive battle, the communications that were directly open to the public were not turned off.

I didn't notice anything more than that. When I heard the sound turning back, a black light rushed towards the face. The huge alloy shield was spinning wildly, and the fierce friction between the air seemed to burn.


The impact was destined to be born again, and the mech groaned ahead of time as if it were spiritual. The angry cry echoed in the arena, which contained unspeakable humiliation. Andre once again regretted his "impulse". If he wasn't busy spreading his wings, why use that extra precious time elsewhere.

There is no way to make it better, Hida has no choice but to increase the turning movements, it looks like taking advantage of the trend and taking the initiative to meet them.

The operation was almost perfect, the alloy shield passed by, and in the short tearing sound of tooth acid, the shield flew far away and flew away, leaving a flying wing in place and beating under the action of residual power. It's like a fish being thrown ashore.

A heavy and rough shield, two simple and rough attacks, once caused Fei to **** his arm, and once cut off one of his wings; you know, the name of this mech is sensitive and fast. The reason is that it can fly like an aviation mech.

Now, the dream of the blue sky has come to nothing, and it has no claws.

"Opportunity!" Two raids, while Andre was embarrassed, but Newen captured the fleeting fighter.

Two-on-one is always dominant, the black mech just throws the shield on the way of Gao Benjin, and is inevitably affected by inertia, and his body is spinning in place.


The hunter wielded a sickle of death and slanted a semicircular trajectory from bottom to top. Bright red reflected in countless pairs of eyes around him, like a bloodthirsty demon in hell.

Unlike Andre, who was forced to confront him, he is now prepared, with sufficient time, four times with a sickle and a long handle, and the three feet in front are within his attack range. It is impossible to avoid.

He was very precise, the timing was right, the technical operation was impeccable, and everything was perfect. Scarlet Sickle

"It's bad!"

The moment Nunn had just started and hadn't waved his sword, Lin Jie's head was exclaimed in the box.

After many days of companion training, Lin Jie manipulated the flying cricket simulation to participate in Niuben's tactical design and worked out up to seven schemes. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is a coincidence and luck that Qiao Langjun threw a shield twice and smashed Andre into disability. It is unexpected that Niuben has done countless simulation exercises before. What he lacks is to find or create suitable opportunities. In actual combat today, due to some unforeseen factors, this plan is better than expected, but because of this, Lin Jie knows the state of Niuben at this moment better than anyone and knows that he cannot avoid it.

"This person is better than me." After Lin Jie, Mo Fan followed his mouth and clenched his fists unknowingly.

Every smart pilot understands that it is far more difficult to grasp the fighter than one or two extraordinary operations. In the past, I knew that Niuben would be vulnerable. In the past, Mo Fan repeatedly tried to capture the fighter. The result was only small gains, and sometimes completely failed. . Similarly, whenever Mo Fan seizes the opportunity, Niuben has no good way to deal with it, and he always suffers.

When facing this situation, Nuenci can not only capture and perform a perfect blow, but also admirable.

"There is no external armor ..." Following the red sickle, Ye Fei's expression was never so serious, and he even weighed his words: "Half arm ... the best result."

Hearing this sentence, the people next to him were a little cold. As we all know, Fei Fei only has the most reliable time to comment on Mech, and of course, his level, at least in this room, deserves to be the first.

The three masters have already said that other people can only keep in their hearts even if they have doubts. More than a dozen pairs of eyes stared at the stadium, only to see the red flash flash, as if dividing the opponent into two.

How is this going?

In sight, the black mech is gripped with both palms, or should be called to hold the blade, and the body flies into the air as if losing weight.

"This is impossible!"

In the hunter's cockpit, Newn's narrow eyes narrowed and his expression was incredible.

He didn't need to observe the data, just by feeling he knew that the blade encountered obstacles and cut into the steel armor, but failed to really split the opponent. For some reason, the black mech seemed to turn into a ball of mud, thick, but extremely light. As a result, the death scythe "chopped" it, causing less serious damage.

In principle, Newn certainly knows why this is.

But ... that's mech!

Even if there is no external armor, even if it is slightly shorter, Qiaolangjun weighs more than 30 tons. How can such a giant made of steel float like leaves? However, the fact is in front of him. With the momentum of rotation and the action of the hunter, the black mech “floats” in the air with his hands and is about to get out of the predicament.

Not only that, Newn also felt some other abnormalities ... Somehow, the blade that cut into the palm of the opponent was shaking, and the frequency was very high, which caused an electric shock. After a few times, she even got rid of it. sign.

Twin engines, really so powerful and amazing?

Turning his mind back, the feeling of anxiety in his heart further aggravated, and Nuenci realized that this gave him too many unexpected opponents with at least the strength of himself.

Can't lose!

While awake, there was no pause in his hand movements, and the hunter waved his sword.


Despite the shock brought by this interception, the current situation is not bad for Newn, even more favorable than just now. In the face of that sharp knife, Qiao Langjun was not seriously injured, but his hands were stuck by the blade, leaving him in an undefended state. Shicai could seize such an opportunity. How could Newn miss this time, and immediately pushed the sickle forward, his body moved forward quickly.

Sure enough, after a short "fly", the weight of the black mech returned, the resistance in front of the blade increased, and the adhesion became tighter. At this time, Nunn had taken a few steps forward, keeping his left hand pushing the knife, and his right hand did not hesitate to make a punch.

When this punch was hit, suddenly a fierce light lit up in the arena, making people mistakenly think that the energy bomb exploded. However, in fact, the light came out of the sickle of death, without energy impact, only glare and fluctuation.

"How does this work!"

Guanghua flickered. I don't know how many people jumped out of the seat. Some angry students' faces were deformed and they shouted desperately.

"laser weapon!"



As we all know, mech athletics is different from the battlefield. Not only are high-power weapons not allowed to use, but also some means that can bring additional damage to the pilot are also limited. On this basis, the player's protection in the cockpit has also been simplified to prevent those auxiliary equipment from affecting operations.

In the final analysis, the purpose of mech competition is to learn the operation skills, not to check who has more damage and more offensive means. If replaced by the battlefield, these restrictions will be lifted, as long as they can kill the opponent, do everything.

For example, the deformed armor that appeared before was because the radiation was disabled and the laser weapon was also included. Even if it does not contain energy impact, the pilot ’s eyes are destined to be affected because of no special defense equipment, and even blindness may result.

After all, it ’s off-site, and the center of the battlefield is dazzling. No one can see the battle clearly, and they do n’t know the current situation of Niuben. The only comfort is that the battle did not end with the emergence of the light, but instead became more intense and the sound of collision continued.

The light shook violently. Occasionally, two huge bodies were seen, one blood-red and one black. Both sides were clearly fighting close to each other. The surrounding rocks were splashing, and there were countless broken parts, screws, pipelines and even steel plates, with flames. Fly in all directions.

After a period of noise, the stadium suddenly quieted down. Through the thick wall, many people's eyes were stinging with light and tears streaming down.

No one turned his eyes away, more than 10,000 eyes stared at the stadium. At this moment, a line in the monitoring room dedicated to supervising technical parameters appears on the screen.

"Qiaolangjun's dual-engine power is fully turned on, the joint micro-engine power synthesis, the auxiliary engine is fully turned on, and the power exceeds the upper limit. The overflow value is 7%, 8%, 9 ... still rising!"

"It will blow up!" An old professor couldn't bear the pressure, and some murmured in a loud voice.

"Stop the game!" An officer with the rank of major major ordered decisively.

"Wait a minute!" Hu Fengzi, who never went out, came here for a few days, waved his hand to stop, his eyes became red. "Extreme testing, this is the best opportunity, the best opportunity!"

Unlike ordinary spectators in the arena, there are a large number of the most advanced instruments in the testing room. After the light is turned on, the mode is switched in time. At the moment, not only the parameters but also the clear images of the two mechas are displayed on the screen.

There, both mechs became dancers. The hunters were fierce and fierce. Qiaolangjun didn't hesitate to give in. The dexterous and powerful movements made it impossible to believe that it was a fat pier with a swollen belly. So far, the two mechs are scarred and the sparks are chaotic. It is puzzling that the battle hit to such an extent that the sickle was stuck in the hands of both sides, and no one was willing to release it.

The difference is that the hunter holds the knife handle, which can occasionally stir the injury and restrain the opponent; Qiaolang Jun frees his right hand, his left hand with a buckle, and firmly holds the knife.

"Seventeen percent of the value is really explosive!"

"Niu Ben can't see, he needs to use his knife to determine the position of his opponent, so he can't let go."

There are also several experts in the monitoring room. The researchers warned again that the major turned around and said to Madman Hu seriously: "Professor Hu, I respect your research results, but I hope the pilot can live a healthy life, so ... . Terminate the game! "

"Wait a second! A moment later!" As if the kid who was beloved of a toy was taken away, Hu madman rushed up and hugged the host to prevent him from picking up the microphone.

During the dispute, when the door slammed, the door of the monitoring room was "hit" and Yuandong hurried in person. When he saw this situation, he immediately understood what was going on.

"Hu lunatic! You ... lock him up for me!"

As soon as the words fell, the two mechas met again in the battlefield. Unlike before, the black mech suddenly snapped the long knife that had been fastened before the impact, and then crashed into the arms of the hunter with a chain at the same time. .

Only the person who can see and keep an eye on the battle process is the first time that Qiaolangjun pinpointed the exact position and distance of his opponent, and the first time he took the initiative to attack.

In the deafening impact, a dazzling long sword flew out, and the two mechas were tied by chains and fell to the ground.

Relying on the advantages of self-weight and power, the black mech's round body rides on the hunter and fists.

No longer need any skills, aim at the target and hit it.



After a moment, the light faded, and the hunter fell to the ground with his back facing the sky. According to the standard of "human", his head was smashed into a pie, and his body was no longer human.

Qiao Langjun's situation was not much better. His left arm was split with his hands in the middle and turned into a fork-like shape. His right hand could barely make a fist, the oil was overflowing, and the sparks kept flashing. Because there is no external armor, its body is leaking around, and the lack of east and west is like a fat duck that has been skinned to half, with pipelines and circuit boards exposed in many places.

Strangely, it has become like this, it can even stand up and even talk.

Unlocking the chains, the black mech left from the hunter's body, as if the thug who had just committed the horrible crime dropped his captive girl in his pants. The swaying gesture was not very embarrassing, but it was intoxicated after satisfaction With aftertaste.

With more than 10,000 pairs of eyes watching, Qiaolangjun stared forward, stretched out his hand, and twitched his fingers smartly and reluctantly.


The entire stadium was silent, the entire Kyoto fell into silence, and the entire Federation was silent, waiting only silently. Everyone's eyes focused behind Qiaolangjun. There, the still-strength Fei Ling bowed slightly, like a sneaking cheetah.


....... (To be continued.)

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