Fury Ocean

Chapter 221: : Becoming famous in World War I (again)

Many years later, when people talked about the battle of ghosts and sorrows, they regarded the ambush of the Buddhist temple as the key. ㈧㈠Chinese network WwΔW.ん 8⒈Zw. From the point of view of 21, the total number of enemy mechs annihilated at this stage exceeded 300, and the most elite pioneers of the coalition were basically wiped out. As for the commando, only a few people were slightly injured, and the destroyed mechs were also Get replenished in the shortest time.

This is a miracle, almost a miracle. However, when future generations resumed the deduction, few people accepted the decision at that time, and some experienced celebrities would even warn their students that they should not be easily imitated when facing similar situations. The rest did not stab words and say a sentence Meaningful words.

"If you have six Gods of War and one God of War, try them."

This sentence is full of emotion. In the future, people will see that six of the commandos have grown into God of War, and the rest are all four or more. Although they did not reach this level when they participated in the Battle of Guijianchou, they also reflected the strength of the basic skills, and their limitlessness. potential. As for the God of War, that is the title of the freshman in the fourth Star Wars, referring to those who can stabilize the God of War.

There are hundreds of mech war gods on the Red List. Many rankings are controversial. The first place may not win the 100th. This is something everyone who knows the Red List knows. However, this situation does not exist when talking about the class God of War. It is generally recognized after the war that nine and a half people in the entire Thomas Starfield are qualified. Each of them has one or another special talent, or it has been transformed.

In other words, no matter how hard an ordinary person works, it is impossible to reach the level of a **** of war.

It is not enough to have a group of powerful subordinates. Many factors played a key role in the Battle of the Buddha Hall. For example, the butcher did not come forward to induce the enemy, and eventually brought a powerful mech team into a loose sand smasher. Even if the commando is stronger, it is not easy to win.

This is related to the fighting method of Mech. In places like the Buddha Hall, there are obstacles everywhere, and long-range firepower is basically invalid. Close combat, the number advantage is greater than the long-range impact on the bombing time. In actual combat, the formation of the three-party coalition forces was completely disrupted in the previous march, and the empty number advantage could not be played; on the contrary, on the commando side, the three-person team cooperated with each other and knew what to do in one action and one pause. Instead, they have the upper hand, playing more and playing less.

The formation of such a fighting situation more and more shows the great role of the butcher. The subsequent battle proved this. When the butcher's identity became ineffective, the pressure of the commando suddenly increased. Not only was there no way to replicate the glory, and the casualties increased. There are other factors such as the environment, the status of the two sides when they entered the war, and the smooth implementation of the cut. Among these factors, any changes made, the results may be completely different.

Of course, the environmental factors on the battlefield are equal for both parties. To play all these factors, the commander is the key. In the case of the butcher, letting him serve the commando wholeheartedly is not something that can be done with a few threats, and attack is the king. Therefore, after the war, on the one hand, people acknowledged that this was Niu Ben's battle for fame, but also felt that this victory had luck, and gave a more secure plan for the situation.

The commando should guard Taniguchi and block the tired division from the valley with an absolutely advantageous geographical position. In that case, the three-party coalition forces cannot deploy their forces and can only use a little bit of refueling tactics; according to the development of the situation later, the commando should be able to support the arrival of the reinforcements, or they can win. It should also be mentioned that the three-party coalition forces do not know the depth of this side. If the casualties are too large when they are blocked, they may choose to retreat. On the contrary, according to the actual play, the commando may fail or even be wiped out. In that case, the battle situation of the entire front line will be rewritten.

There is no doubt that blocking is more secure, but this is a derivation made by the latecomers, given how the situation has evolved. For the parties involved, when the Battle of Ghosts and Sorrows began, although the commandos "reserved" reinforcements, they were totally unpredictable in terms of size, arrival time, and force composition, and they could only plan according to the existing situation.

The last and most important one, at that time, Niu Ben and most of the commandos thought something completely different.



"The conditions of the Cape of Good Hope are difficult, the manufacturing capacity is extremely limited, and important components depend on external transportation."

"In the early days of the cloud tide, the star road was cut off, and no one could be replenished."

During the intermission battle, Gu Gu was worried about Gukou. Thirty or forty basically intact mechas were arranged neatly, and some people in the valley moved outward. On the open space next to Mech, a group of desperate coalition captives turned upside down, miserable and extremely tired. These people seemed extremely peaceful, some couldn't stand it, despite the cold weather, they slept loudly.

I am a prisoner of war who am I afraid of. Everyone held the attitude of "already surrendering anyway" and listened to fate.

"Even if there is organic armor, there is still someone to drive. Infantry can pull people together, mecha is not."

In front of the group of prisoners of war, Niu Ben meditated silently.

"That counts ..."

The preliminary interrogation has already yielded results. The three-party coalition has three thousand main forces and five hundred pioneers. The main battle assault mech, heavy mech and the modified transport mech are behind, and it is estimated that it is about ten kilometers from the Buddhist temple , Is struggling to follow the mark made by Pioneer.

Ghosts and sorrows traveled hard and communication was not smooth. Now they should not have heard the news of the battle ahead. Even if some of the pioneers return to report, they only report that they have been blocked without knowing the result.

This is very important. Niuben is now considering that comparing the mech powers owned by the federation, it is easy to estimate the approximate insiders of the two empires. They will also be stationed in their original territories, and they will be able to send limited armored forces. This unit, if not all, should be the best of the three parties.

Now, this elite is trapped in a ghost cave, struggling in the dark, if the people in the valley are like this ...

Kill them all, the big picture is for sure!

A moment of silent thought in his heart, Niu Ben took a deep breath.

"Kill them all."



"Kill it all?"

The sleepless captives were frightened, and even the battle-hardened 38th Division fighters widened their eyes with shock.

"Is it so inappropriate to kill all these people?" Thomas Thomas said incessantly. The others either turned their attention or kept their heads silent. Obviously, they all had different opinions in their hearts.

Everyone was thinking about how to deal with these prisoners, but there was no good way. There are dozens of captives, and there are only a hundred commandos. It is impossible to take them with them, and it is not realistic to keep them in guards. There is a dilemma.

In silence, a voice suddenly sounded.

"It's not easy, can you only kill the prisoners?"

People's eyes shifted and they saw a little angry eyes.

Liu Yiyang, once a young man full of sunshine, later almost got wronged because of spy investigations, and later became a friend of Niuben. No matter whether it is a mech contest or this seizure of power, he can be called a **** Niuben supporter. The rest of the trainees were very surprised to see him stand up and question Niuben's "decision", and were very worried.

"Cough, don't mind ..." Han Lin'er held Liu Xieyang's hand and dragged it a few times without moving.

"Liyang burned, talk nonsense ..." The little fox essence struggling on the other side.

"When things don't work out, can you only kill people?" Those who can stand here are not a bit ruthless. Now that Liu Xieyang has stood up, he is ready. "In that case, how are we different from them?"

"You still say!" Han Lin'er died suddenly, raising his leg and kicking him on the bottom.

Perceiving the restlessness around him, Niu Ben woke up from his contemplation, looked back at Liu Xieyang calmly, and did not immediately respond.

At the intersection of the four eyes, Liu Yiyang soon realized the pressure and nervous expression, but insisted on refusing to give in.

The atmosphere at the scene became tense and it was difficult to breathe.

The butcher grinned aside.

"Stupid boy, I don't understand people." Defu shook his head and was more lazy to speak.

"The cow ... the teacher ... has no reason to kill the prisoners casually?" Lin Shaowu tried to persuade him, but then the exit turned into a question like Liu Yiyang.

"Of course not. Killing must be justified, or it will kill the same as the butcher, and slowly become a poor worm that everyone hates."

Niu Ben turned around and glanced at the pallid looking prisoners of war, saying calmly: "They are still useful, they can't just die for nothing."

People around me didn't notice the deep coldness contained in the last sentence, and most of them were relieved. The little fox spirits and Liu Xunyang were particularly prominent. The expression seemed to be glad that "the building in my heart will fall and be restored." Say something like "Boss has his own intention in the heart, you worry about it blindly" and so on.

The butcher's expression was hiding in the corner, his emotions were extremely complicated.

"Don't be sad, I think you're good." De Fu comforted him, with a bright smile on his face.

The butcher flinched backwards, thinking that Lao Tzu would fall into Pingyang, and follow whatever you want.

Niuben himself did not notice that he now has a strong contagious effect on words and deeds, and has unknowingly affected many people, even his opponents.

"If you want to say the difference, you will die on the battlefield. Soldiers go to the battlefield to kill and win. There is no difference." After answering Lin Shaowu's question, Niu Ben did not ignore Liu Xieyang and continued: "But in specific affairs and time periods, such as Now, this matter is different between us and them. About this, you will see later. "

Turning his attention to the rest of the soldiers, Niu Ben went on to say, "Little Thomas just said something wrong. There is a reason for killing, there is a reason for not killing; killing or not killing is not because there are many people but few people. It depends. The last time we killed two prisoners, the next time we had to kill them, whether it was twenty, two hundred, or two thousand, we still had to kill. "

The indifferent tone made the atmosphere tense again. Before everyone could regenerate association, Niu went straight to the captives, and called one randomly according to the ranks of the coalitions that had been divided in advance.

Defu knew that the show was coming, and ran to yell all the way.

"Get up, call you, hurry up!"

The captive was frightened.

Niu Ben looked at him and asked, "Ji Peng people?"

"Uh ... yes." Some aspects of the race could not be changed, and there were too many ways to verify that the captive could not deny it.

"During the march, how will you deal with the federal captives? How will you treat the indigenous villagers?" Niu Ben continued to ask.

The problem came suddenly, and the captives who were spotted were frightened.

"Come on!" De Fu was on the side.

"Oh." As a prisoner, he talked about how to treat the prisoner. The prisoner was frightened and weird, and his voice was not very coherent. "POWs are handled according to international conventions. Civilians have nothing to do with war, so ..."

"False." Before he finished speaking, Niu shook his head.

"Little bastard!" How blessed would it be to be blessed and kick the captive's ankle with one kick. In the crisp sound of the fracture, the captive fell to the ground, hissing miserably.


The screams awakened the drowsiness. After dozens of captives whispered to each other, they consciously dispersed and gathered into three clusters.

In the face of crisis, man's instinct is to escape, even if he knows that he will die, he will try to delay the death time to others, even looking forward to miracles at the last second. The reaction of the prisoners of war now fully proves this. Ji Peng, Huffman, Star Thief, and the three parties are very clear and different.

Everyone knows that Hualong and Ji Peng are feuds. Since the young teacher specifically asked whether the captives were from Ji Peng, he might be targeted.

What a faint and subtle hope, so soon to be seen, caught, and motivated others.


De Fu's eyes were brightened by the captive's actions, and he raised his thumbs towards the few who left the team first.

"Look back."

No one dared to talk back, or even face to face with this angel-faced, viper-hearted child. At such a time as being captured and tried, everyone knows this perverted baby, compared to what the butcher can call it kindness.

The wounded captive was hissing at his feet, and Niuben refused to look at it any more. He pointed at a tall man with his fingers and asked the same question.

"Don't be silly, you must have been instructed in this regard."

Unlike the previous one, the captive mocked: "I won't tell you."

"Oh." Niu Ben nodded and turned to the next.

Behind him, Blessing did not hesitate to take another kick, hung big, hung high on the captive crotch.

The strong man's expression was frozen on his face, and his body bent as if broken. "I'm frightened, I've been struck by thunder, silly you!" De Fu followed a note and beat his throat and chin together with his chin.

A life ended here, the third person over there still refused to give in, but resentfully yelled at the bull.

"Well, you ..."


When a gunshot sounded and the captive fell to the ground, Little Thomas strode over and smiled at Defu.

"He scolds people."

"... forget it." De Fu waved his hand generously.

In a blink of an eye, the two died and were seriously wounded, and the captives were completely awake, cursing eagerly. More than a dozen soldiers here gathered around and stopped the riots with Sen Leng's muzzle.

Niuben looked as usual, went to the fourth prisoner of Ji Peng, no longer asked questions, but just looked at his face quietly.

It was a pretty handsome face. The military uniform was dirty but neat, and the attitude of standing and sitting was very careful. Unlike other people, there was no cursing from beginning to end. Similar details show that this young man has received a good education and is quite well-educated.

Howling, the young man tried his best to control his emotions, trying not to look too embarrassed, but his hands were shaking slightly and his face was sweating.

"We are soldiers and prisoners of war."

"I know." Niu Ben watched him calmly and said, "When all this is over, you can report me."

"You ..." The young man was quite resourceful. He found something else from the mockery, and some hope appeared in his eyes. "Can we survive?"

"No matter what." Niu Ben turned around and De Fu smiled forward.

"I said!" Yamada yelled suddenly.

"Yamada, you dare ..." Someone was angrily yelling.

"Bang!" Thomas pulled the trigger in time.

The sound of gunfire sounded, and the stoppers crashed to the ground, blood and brain stained Yamada's face.

"Ah! Ah, ah!" The bitter repression of the tide countered like a tide, and Yamada screamed and knelt on the ground, her spirit tending to collapse.

"Pretend to be stupid." Once again pre-empted by Thomas, he was furious and rolled up his sleeves to prepare for his sentence.

Niu Ben reached out to stop him, squatted down, and pinched Yamada's chin with his hand, forcing him to look around: "Actually this question doesn't make much sense. It's not a military secret in the first place, and I know the answer. Take a step back, even if you don't know , Just ask them. "

Begging Yamada to see the two bands of Star Thief and Huffman, Niu Ben said, "Do you think they will be the same as you?"

Where the sight falls, there is only evasion and fear, and no one refutes.

No one disputed the representative's attitude. Yamada couldn't scream when she pinched her chin, and she sweated more on her face.

Niu Bendan said: "Ask you if you want a way to live, you can choose not to be brave. But please don't cry."

Face to face with those clear and indifferent eyes, Yamada shuddered inexplicably, his mind became awake.

"Live, live?"

"Answer the question first," Niu Ben said, looking into his eyes.

This time, no prisoners around tried to interrupt again.

"I said." Yamada gritted his teeth firmly. "In order to smoothly implement the plan and prevent accidents, all military camps and villages encountered during the march were destroyed, and personnel ...

The surroundings were quiet. The faces of the 38th Division's soldiers showed the expression "as it is," without much surprise. The students seemed angry, and Liu Xingyang wanted to ask questions again, but was used by Thomas with a strong arm. Drag.

"Good boy, save your energy."

Gaze flickered over the little fox sprite, and Big Thomas sighed, "It's not bad to be able to die simply after being caught. You should think about it, if it was ... it's us, now it will how about it."

People around me noticed this move, first went to see the little fox, and then turned to look elsewhere.

Woman, the topic that can never be avoided in the war, and with my feet to think and know, what kind of situation will the little fox spy fall into the enemy.

The little fox spirit could also understand the meaning of the words, and unhappyly shook off the hand holding Liu Xiyang, twisted his waist and turned, and left alone.

"I'll tell you, if you don't do serious business, you know you're worrying blindly." Han Liner complained, and the fart followed behind the little fox, whispering comfortably. "Fang Fang, hey, I said Fang Fang ..."

On the condition of little fox spirit, there is never a lack of suitors around. Han Liner is the most eager one and the one who has been rejected the most.

"Love you!" Zheng worry had nowhere to vent, and the little fox was furious. "To love your Tianshan Qinglian."

"Tianshan Qinglian" has a provenance. All Hualong people know who it refers to. The most popular girl singer in the Federation. She is one of the three female idols tied with Qin Mengyao.

"Look, misunderstanding isn't it." Han Liner grumbled and explained quickly: "People who like Qinglian don't have one billion and 800 million, not more than one of me. Besides, I didn't do anything, either ..."

"Not drooling at the photo, right?"

"This ... how do you know?"



The closest comrade-in-arms left, Liu Yeyang felt lonely, and his face turned red before he knew it.

Outsiders do not understand his actions, and even if he has an opinion on Niuben's "decision", he will not question it in public. In that gloomy day, Liu Yingyang's entire family was investigated by the National Security Bureau. He almost betrayed the crime of treason. At one time, he had the idea of ​​"being despicable and indifferent, and honest people don't report well." However, later, his investigation was finally ended with the help of some people, and he also met a group of trusted partners. After the peak and turn, the tenacious side of his character was tempered and certain beliefs were firmed.

Because it sounds naive, he carefully guards his beliefs and does not dare to speak to others.

People should be good people.

Today's things, others are at most a moral struggle, but here in Liu Yunyang is a rewrite of life beliefs, can't get through that hurdle.

Killing prisoners just because of trouble is brutal, and good people shouldn't do it.

It's that simple.

At present, Liu Xiyang feels a lot better, but he still has doubts and can't help but ask the question.

"Death is a good result. In that case, why do these prisoners of war surrender?"

Thomas frowned, thinking that the student baby was really troublesome. With my grandeur, how could there be so much effort to accompany you around.

"Prisoners of war and surrender are two different things." The conversation between Niu Ben and the captives became smoother, and Thomas Thomas had no use for it. He came over and sneered: "The real surrender should have questions and answers, right?" Big Thomas waved his hand: "Go ahead, give this child to me."

"Uh?" Liu Yanyang frowned, always thinking something was wrong.

"Yes. You think slowly."

Big Thomas sighed, released his hands, and greeted several soldiers to leave.

"It should be repaired, it's time to change, get ready. Hurry up. Didn't you? There's still time to watch the show."

Niu Ben came to power, and the Thomas brother whom he first met became a red man. Although he had no military rank and no position, he had actually assumed the responsibility of a leader. In normal times, the two brothers dedicate their utmost to the situation where Arima ran for Bo Le and the confidant died. For this change, other soldiers are very cooperative. On the one hand, the brothers' qualifications are strong enough and their fists are big enough. At the same time, everyone hopes that their old comrades can occupy a place next to the new teacher and don't be held down by those students.

Students and soldiers, after all, have a bit of a contest. For soldiers, this kind of contest is more manifested in military performance, task completion, temperament and character, rather than the usual favor.

With shouts, the already busy barracks became hotter. As the soldiers organized their equipment, they turned around from time to time to pay attention to the situation of Niu Ben talking with the captives, asking each other and guessing.

"Look, there are tough battles to be fought."

"Crap, need to talk."

"I heard that there are three thousand. This time it's big."

"Well, it's big."

The trump card is the trump card, as long as it is dare to play and it is not waste, there is basically no need to mobilize anything. On the other side, Thomas stretched out his long arms, half-embracing the young man struggling with his inner world, and aside, he sat on a rock and sat down.

"Psychological counseling, my little pony is the best ... I'll talk to you later when I make sense."

"What do you want to ask?" Liu Yanyang was a little wary of this big man who could pull the mountain and his tongue like a poisonous woman.

"It's not a big deal." Little Thomas said affectionately. "Come and come, let's talk about prisoners of war first. Regarding the true and false of surrender, prisoners of war should be killed, when should they be killed, these are very particular."

Then murmured, red-faced, red-eared, arguing and refuting, yelling at her mother.



With exhaustion and sweat, the burly man and Qingjun teenagers sat at the front of the mountain and talked. The fog around them gathered and blurred, and the light was blurry, like an immortal explaining the glory of the world, the mysterious mystery, and the endless vicissitudes of the road.

Many people are upset about this scene.

"I can't see it, this guy has some great stick potential."

I don't like Liu Xieyang too much, but I don't like Thomas to grab the limelight. I feel blessed and blamed.

Unexpectedly, these words resonated with the butcher, frowning and staring at the venomous glare, echoing indignantly: "Yeah, that's not a big man."

"Huh?" Tak Fook tilted his head and looked at him, asking, "What's the matter, you've been fooled by the pony?"

"Oh!" The butcher blew old blood.

Being blessed with sorrow, he had nothing to do. He turned his eyes around and asked, "Don't notice, when did the two of you commit adultery?"

The butcher wanted to curse and dare not to say, but to say no, sadness and sorrow, I saw pity.

"Just give me a break, Erye!"

"What the **** is going on?"

"Yes ... that's it."

After a few hesitations, the butcher finally told the truth: "Two days ago, the pony and the cow had a big fight."

"Well, I was there." De Fu nodded. "what happened?"

"I think it's fake now." The butcher watched the look of blessing and tentatively said, "Intentionally made it to me."

"Oh?" Defu almost laughed and asked, "Why are you fighting?"

"In order to ..." The butcher twisted and said, "Otherwise, how can I believe that Niu Da intends to treason? No, Niu Da does not treason at all. They want me to believe that Niu Da intends to expand. Flag, star robber. "

The words were so blessed that he looked at the butcher with incredible eyes.

"I'm right?" The butcher's heart sank to the bottom, his small body trembling slightly.

Blessing suddenly smiled, his smile was mild, his eyes were pity, and he reached out and patted the butcher's shoulder.

"Are you worried about revealing your identity and being of no value?

"Oh ..." the butcher

"You think too much," Defu converged with a smile, and said solemnly, "Sometime in the future, Niu Da will definitely go into the blue sea."

"Uh?" Butcher's eyes brightened again, and he asked quickly: "Why?"

"You are worried that those are all true. Niu Ben has the federal must-have. Be guarded. The more important reason is that I want to go to the blue sea, but I can't go alone, and I will accompany Niu. "

"You're going?" As if swallowing a toad, the butcher opened his mouth for a while and bemoaned, begging: "Stop telling the truth? I've already boarded the thief ship and can't get down."

"Hey you, really."

It was rare to be honest, but it turned out to be a liar, so blessed that he was too lazy to talk with him again, raised his legs in anger, and gave the butcher a head.

"Little bastard, wasting my time for nothing."

Yan Fufu finds a place to play by himself, leaving the butcher to lie on the ground, with a lot of doubts lingering in his heart.

Niuben has what the Commonwealth must have, does it? What is it

Niu Er is going to the blue sea, right?

The doll's tone was so strange, it was a little pony, little fox, little bastard, etc.

Is he old



Strange to say, the butcher was captured for Niuben and Blessed. The torture he suffered after being captured also came from the two of them. Niuben even turned him into a cripple. Even though he was cured, he could not return to fullness and experienced so many injuries. Of course, there is a lot of anger and hatred accumulated in my heart, but in this strange team, the butcher hates most not them, and even ... even willing to spend time with them.

Sometimes, the butcher himself feels weird, scolding himself for being mean, and wondering what is going on. It is a pity that he has not received any education and cannot analyze much reason. He can only start from the intuition.

After much deliberation, he really found some basis ... or judgement. After what he said just now, the butcher became more and more convinced that he was right, Niuben, and Niu Er, both facing himself to a wicked person, an enemy, and not looking at him like a monster. . Looking back, the words that Niu Er said when he seduced his enemies were clearly vivid descriptions of the past ... Otherwise, he would not do that.

Niu Ben is also the same. Although he is so cold and scary and powerful, he never treats lepers like other people deliberately to avoid the butcher, and even walks rather than take a few steps.

This is already good. The butcher recalled that he had only encountered one such person before, and that person had said to himself that if he continued to do so, he would evolve from indulgence and abuse to anticipation of abuse, completely distorted, and turned into an inhuman creature.

These words sound complicated, but the butcher wanted to slowly ponder, study them carefully, and verify them in the future.

It's a pity that the man is dead and miserable.

Now, the butcher is annoyed that he is changing to what the man said, because he sometimes thinks in his heart that if it continues like this, it seems good.

It ’s not bad to be beaten, scolded, and blindfolded, is n’t it masochism?

Mind issues can be slowly considered. The reality is that the butcher needs to survive, not only for himself, but for revenge for that person. When I was first captured, there was no hope. Now that I have hope, I must seize it anyway. However, he was not sure if he could live, specifically, whether Niu Ben was willing to let himself live.

The greater premise is whether Niuben can win this war, at least first.

With a belly full of confusion, the butcher slowly got up from the ground and went to find Niuben.



"Tempt the enemy again?"

After hearing the butcher's suggestion, Niuben looked at him with a strange look, and for a while did not speak. The butcher was looked at uncomfortably. It felt like the big girl took off her clothes and hugged her arms, but the other party just looked up and down without doing anything.

"The coalition was chaotic at the time. I didn't know what was going on in the back. My identity might not have been revealed."

After a few sentences, the butcher's voice became smoother and his thoughts became clearer: "First of all, let's talk about your thoughts. Do you want to block or rush in to fight. If you want to attack, you are too small, you have to remember it."

"Um." Niu Ben calmed down at this moment and nodded earnestly. "It is a trick, but if you try to seduce the enemy again, the risk will increase exponentially, and the result is definitely not as good as this time."

"Are you afraid I will die?" The butcher's eyes lightened.

"I don't want to run into trouble when entering the city." Niu Ben answered with a flat voice.

The butcher's eyes were brighter, and he asked, "Without me, are you sure you can win?"

Niu Ben frowned slightly and said, "Fighting such things, think about it, just do it, how can you be sure?"

"What are you going to do?" The butcher hurriedly asked.

"Entice the enemy." With the vote, the treatment really is different from the past, Niuben said frankly: "Fool them again."

The butcher listened to his grievances, thinking that this guy was definitely intentional, and used my idea to set me.

"I didn't originally want you to go." Niu Ben beckoned a few captives; "they, plus some arrangements, should be able to try."

"They?" The butcher suddenly realized, tentatively, "They are willing to cooperate? How did you cheat this time?"

"What's the matter, want to die?" Defu turned away and yelled.

"It's okay." Niu Ben looked at the butcher calmly. "A living road is a dead road. The living road is as I said. There is a bomb in the cockpit of the dead road. Once activated, the energy of the entire mech will detonate."

"So?" The butcher came to his senses, "sure?"

Niu Ben shook his head.

"It's wrong, don't talk about it." The butcher pondered for a moment and asked: "There is a lot of interference inside, the remote control bomb can't be too far away, right?"

"Yes, someone has to follow."

"This time is different from last time.

"Yes." Niu Ben nodded silently, a little helpless: "There must be some risk, I hope not to check identity one by one."

"In this case ..." The butcher gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go. With me, I can seduce the enemy to have a greater grasp and prevent these guys from turning against the water."

Several prisoners looked at each other, wondering what to say.

Niu Ben examined the butcher's expression and did not immediately respond.

"Don't believe me?" The butcher was inexplicably anxious, feeling strange to himself. "Like last time, Niu Er was with me."

"No," Niuban refused flatly, saying, "This time, Niu Er can't take risks with you."

"... I see, my life is cheap ..." Butcher

"No one told you to go." Fook flew away.

At this time, Niu Ben should stand up and say some words of comfort and forgiveness, so as to reassure him and inspire him. However, he did not do so, but just thought for a moment and then gave a decision.

"Get ready."

"Eh ... what are you going to prepare?" Butcher also thought that Niuben would say a few more nice words, and it was a bit surprising to see this.

"Talk to a few of them and think about it. It takes ten minutes to install the bomb. If you still want to go, you can get out."

No matter what the butcher thought about it, Niuben turned to the command post.

"How is the way over?"

"They can't get in." A soldier answered loudly.

This is a big deal. It was just learned during the interrogation that the total number of the three-party coalition's vanguard was 500. Most of them were annihilated, and some of them were cut off and blocked in the tracks. The commando had to deal with the captives. In addition, the follow-up plan was not yet determined. Niu Ben asked Andre to lead a group of people in the mouth, and waited until there was a result.

This coincides with the battle plan formulated by future generations. Now, Niuben intends to make some changes.

From the middle to the middle of the battle, the mech engine roared again, and a cloud of smoke swept the valley.


... (To be continued.)

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