Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 411: Evaluation (Part 1)

Danjiris wants to evaluate Yu Yue, and Yu Yue also has the heart to evaluate Danjiris, he waits to see if the reception of Master Wulan Tower is sincere enough for a while, if not, then turn around and leave, and what cooperation is there to cooperate? .

Fortunately, although Danjiris was stingy, the first meal for Yu Yue and his party was arranged carefully.

Yu Yue and his party were invited to the Ulanta restaurant.

The restaurant is spacious, but compared to the magic hall, the decoration is much simpler, because Danjiris insists that you must concentrate on eating when eating.

Regarding eating, she and Yu Yue coincided with each other.

She also believes that eating is very important, and the strong must be able to eat.

What made Yu Yue didn't expect was that the feast of Master Wulan Tower was quite particular.

There are two starters.

One is a salad, which is made with lettuce, ice sea sweet shrimp, grapefruit meat, and strawberry as the main ingredients. It is served with olive oil, lemon juice and a little honey. The taste is refreshing and sweet;

One is caviar.

As we all know, Crocodile has three treasures: vodka, caviar and the beautiful and kind-hearted Crocodile country girl.

The location of the Ulan Master Tower is deep into the Arctic Circle, and there are even more "four poles": polar night, aurora, polar air and extremely delicious caviar.

The most luxurious caviar in the world is produced here. It is made of sturgeon roe. It is black in color and is crystal clear and round. 1 kg will sell for nearly 30,000 yuan.

For the soup, it is venison soup with a very unique flavor.

The side dishes are venison steak and fish steak.

The venison steak is tender and juicy.

The fish steak is made of sockeye salmon, a specialty of Binglong Bay, with deep red flesh and beautiful stripes. It is fried until slightly browned. Dice sweet peppers and cucumbers as side dishes. Cook the fresh mushrooms and cream together into a sauce. On the fish pieces, the aroma is strong.

The main dish is the protagonist and is always the top priority.

The protagonist today is the crab.

Not an ordinary crab, but a deep-sea king crab!

Fresh king crabs have plump and plump legs, which can be eaten raw. The mouth is moist and springy, so there is a crab leg sashimi;

Charcoal grilling, in addition to the sweetness, adds a subtle burnt aroma, so there is a charcoal grilled crab leg;

There are also exotic crab shell soup and crab meat mud.

The most important thing is a pot of casserole king crab with oriental charm.

The approach is actually very simple:

Prepare the ingredients, shred the cabbage, kelp, and tofu skin, cut the king crab legs, peel the clams, and remove the shrimps;

Add water to the casserole, heat to seven parts, add the cabbage;

After the water is boiled, add kelp, green onion and **** slices;

Slightly blanch the bean curd shreds;

The crab needs to use a slotted spoon, put it into the boiling soup, wait until it is hot and then boil once to remove it for later use;

The same goes for shrimp;

The same is true for razor clams;

Finally, add a little abalone juice and some salt to taste;

Turn off the heat, add shrimp, crab, razor clams and shredded bean curd, a pot of steaming and delicious king crab casserole is OK!

The king crab grows in cold deep waters. It is green and pollution-free. Its meat is huge and plump. It is loved and respected by people. It has an unparalleled sweet taste and rich and delicate meat quality. It is known as the "king of crabs".

King crab is rich in protein and trace elements, which has a good nourishing effect on the body. Chinese medicine believes that it has clearing away heat and detoxification, replenishing bones and marrow, nourishing muscles and activating blood, clearing the meridians, strengthening the limbs, continuing the injury, nourishing the liver and yin, and filling the body. The effect of gastric juice.

The most important thing is that it is very fresh and a few crab dishes bring people's feelings about the ice sea into the deep.

Sitting in the tower, while enjoying the food, while admiring the mysterious and gorgeous aurora in the sky outside the window, it feels not too good.

The dessert is ice cream cake, with the bottom of the chocolate cake, put coffee ice cream, strawberry ice cream, grapefruit ice cream, and also ignite high alcohol, pour the liquid flame on the top.

According to Danjiris, this dessert is called "Fire Ulan".

Yu Yue asked Xiaoyou if it was delicious.

Xiaoyouyou do not use words to express, but directly express it with actions. It is the wind and the cloud, and it is too high to eat, and it has been speechless for a long time.

Yu Yue nodded secretly, okay, since the pomelo is happy to eat, then even if you Ulan Master Tower passed the assessment.

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