Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 440: Orchid

Yu Yue approached the floating and glowing beautiful carcass again.

He said: "If you bounce me again, I won't do it."

Danjiris bit his rosy lips to make a mark, and whispered "Yes".

This time, Yu Yue leaned very close, his face almost touching the girl's flat abdomen.

——Dangiris floated one meter above the ground, and her young girl was just about the height of her abdomen and Yu Yue's face.

The girl could feel a slightly hot and slightly humid breath spraying on her lower abdomen.

Yu Yue asked: "How are you? Are you still nervous?"

Danjiris tried to adjust his breathing: "Huh-it's okay now, but...but I can't guarantee that I can keep..."

Yu Yue said: "It seems that the biggest obstacle to completing this set of arcane constructions is your psychological obstacle."

Dan Jiris said: "No, of course not!"

The biggest difficulty in completing this set of constructions is the technology, design, and ability issues, not my problems. I can't let my problems be used as an excuse for you to shirk.

Thinking like this, she bit her Dan lip and said: "I have to...or else, I can try to touch..."

Yu Yue asked: "What to touch?"

Danjiris said: "Of course...touch my body... Take your time and let me get used to..."

The three words "Of course it is" are said with excitement, with a meaning that you should not ask knowingly, but the words that follow are like mosquitoes, seemingly embarrassed to speak out.

She did prepare, but obviously not fully prepared.

Yu Yue knows that gentle contact can reduce defenses, such as petting a dog's head, such as rubbing a cat.

So he stretched out his hand slowly, first touching her calf, but looking at the girl's bare feet.

The incomparably tender little feet are not enough to describe them as soft as gelatin, they are almost transparent because of powdery jade.

The arch of the foot is curved, bending out two indescribable arcs.

The toes are like fresh and tender garlic.

The mellow and shiny heels showed a slight yellow under the lightly rubbing, and the ruddy bumps appeared, which aroused people's pity and cherishment.

The calf is smooth and delicate, as white as snow and as greasy as jade.

She was tender and white, and it was unbearable to touch, as if even the lightest touch would cause damage and destruction.

But this softness makes people want to take a bite.

Danjiris' body is very hot, very hot.

Yu Yue felt that his fingertips seemed to be burned.

Her body is extremely smooth, as smooth as the shiny green poplar leaves blown by the spring breeze, as smooth as the calm lake, as smooth as the best satin in the world.

Her body is still very soft, like fog like rain like wind, as soft as water, like grass as soft as catkins.

Gradually, Yu Yue no longer feels that her body is hot, but instead feels that her body is a bit cool, like snow, morning breeze, moonlight, rain in late autumn, like a branch just taken out of the cool and deep water. The ivory-colored lotus root resembles the sobbing of a whispering whale from the distant ice sea.

Everything becomes natural.

Of course, Yu Yue didn't just caress the girl's body, he was mainly looking at the arcane structure of the girl mage.

He watched very carefully, very carefully.

Look at it inch by inch without missing the slightest detail.

He is analyzing them.

The closer he gets, the more he perceives the infinite mystery contained in the "Orchid Fantasy" structure.

Yu Yue is no longer the usual leisurely and casual state, he has unknowingly immersed in the research and analysis of the god-level arcane construction, he is fully engaged...

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