Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 453: Fighting Beast (middle)

The beef is grilled, but before serving, the crispy skin on the surface of the skewers should be cut off with a knife and served on a plate. The rest of the meat should be coated with honey mustard and continue to be baked in the oven. Repeat this process Until you finish eating, make sure that the beef you eat is crispy, tender, and full of flavor every time.

Moreover, when the meal is served, the chef's movements are chic and quick, just like a performance, giving people a kind of enjoyment.

Beef has high protein content and low fat content, so it tastes delicious and popular, and enjoys the reputation of "the pride of the meat".

The coat of the West Siberian steppe red cow is purple or red. It is a long-term cross-bred breed of short-horned bulls and Mongolian cows. It is bred on the lush West Siberian steppes. Its meat is delicious and tender, and it is an excellent raw material for cooking delicacies.

Beef’s amino acid composition is closer to the human body’s needs than pork, and can improve the body’s ability to resist disease. People with weak body, weak muscles and bones, chronic anemia, and yellow and dizzy faces.

All in all, although the Great Rakshasa School has various ancient quirks, the roast beef is very delicious, and the small pomelo is very happy.

It's just that others don't seem to be so happy.

Bruchev was worried that the food would not suit his appetite, so he asked.

Yu Yue said: "Different food cultures in different regions, and differentiation brings charm, which is exactly what people travel."

Bruschov smiled, and wanted to say something, but found that Yu Yue's attention was not at all on his own, his attention was entirely on his daughter.

Suddenly at this time, Xiaoyouyou put down the barbecue, pointed at the field with her greasy hand, and her mouth was one by one. Finally, she remembered and called out: "Big guy...big guy..."

I saw the heavy steel gate opened, and a huge white-haired ape like a hill was driven into the site.

The giant ape is like a mountain, with red eyes and protruding fangs. After entering the arena, he lifts all kinds of shackles and restraint equipment, beats his chest and roars, and shook the audience like a thousand thunders!

Jiang Rou couldn't help but her eyes widened. Isn't that the same demon ape encountered in the Ural forest before?

Before, Xiaoyouyou secretly drank the medicinal wine and went crazy, and inadvertently broke into the territory of the demon ape.

I don't know what happened after my party left the Ural Forest?

Why is the White-haired Demon Ape here?

Just thinking about it, the field has already started.

The opponent of the White-haired Demon Ape is a fierce violent bear.

Just now, this violent bear slapped off a polar tiger's neck and exploded the head of a steppe wolf. The wolf's brain was still on the ground before it could be buried by sand.

However, even a fierce bear would only have to be hanged and beaten against the devil ape.

The beasts fight, completely unreasonable, and pounce on it as a blow!

The violent bear didn't even have the energy to fight back, and was beaten to death by the demon ape. Despite its thick skin, most of his bones were broken.

Until the violent bear was dragged down, the demon ape thumped his chest and roared, and the whole audience cheered.

People threw their fists and shouted in excitement to cheer for it.

Obviously, the magic ape has accumulated a high popularity in this competition. It is a hot battle for the championship, and many people are willing to bet on it.

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