Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 474: Win the championship (part 2)

The golden eagle was taken aback, and desperately fluttered his wings and took off.

Although the demon ape's counterattack did not make a real punch, it forced the golden eagle to move in embarrassment and the flight also deviated from its trajectory.

Moreover, the magic ape missed a hit, and the second hit followed one after another!

This second hit was actually faster than the first hit to three points!

The golden eagle was in the air, neither up nor down. It could hardly exert its strength. Facing the demon ape's second thunder-like punch, it could only block its wings and slam it down.

Who knows, after one blow, another blow!

Third punch!

This attack is almost incredible!

The strongest attack of the golden eagle is to volley down, diving from a high altitude to the ground, so that it can exert its maximum speed and strength.

But on the ground, it loses many advantages.

And the mid-air position, which is not high or low, is even more embarrassing.

The magic monkey caught this point and launched an unprecedented fierce counterattack!

A punch is as fast as a punch, directly hitting the golden eagle to stick it on the heavy steel fence!

The audience exclaimed.

The golden eagle was furious, brandishing its giant wings like a knife, and slashing towards the demon ape!


The fierce breaking wind is chilling.

Unexpectedly, the huge figure of the demon ape is so agile, flashing and turning, unexpectedly avoiding the opponent's winged blow, and turning back is a series of combos!

Its movements are agile and fast, as fast as lightning.

Lu Ping'er's pair of round deer's eyes widened, and she said in surprise: "Then...Is that the'Ape Strike Technique'?!"

Chen Wulong wondered: "Ape Strike Technique?"

Lu Ping'er glanced at him with an expression of "Aren't you a disciple of the martial arts family, why don't you even know this?"

Chen Wulong scratched his head in shock.

Bruchev was also very concerned about the fighting state of the demon apes, and asked: "What kind of'Ape Strike' technique the two said, is it powerful?"

Lu Ping'er said: "It's not a question of whether it's great or not, it's just...

"Oh, let me put it this way, Ape Strike, also known as'White Ape Tongbei Boxing', is an ancient boxing technique. The hitting action emphasizes long-distance hitting, rounding of arms, high speed down, and flashing interspersed.

"The whole set of boxing techniques are cleverly used and staggered attacks. Together they take shape, and when they are scattered, they become popular. The style of strength and crispness is embodied everywhere."

Hearing what she said, Bruchev was even more confused.

Is Huaxia martial arts so extensive and profound?

Chen Wulong laughed and said, "Hey, it turned out to be'Tongbei Boxing'. I understand you when you said'Tongbei Boxing'. Who knows when you say'Ape Strike Technique'?"

Lu Ping'er sneered: "There are too many schools of Tongbei Boxing. There are five elements Tongbei, Beipai Tongbei, Liuhe Tongbei, Split Hanging Tongbei, Two Wings Tongbei, and Hongdong Tongbei, but the ape-strike technique ( Bai Yuan Tong Bei) is the earliest source, the ancient boxing technique, the most classic and purest technique of killing enemies, and it is different from the various schools that have gradually changed their tastes."

After hearing this, Chen Wulong couldn't help but think of someone.

——Yu Yue.

The martial arts of this fellow Yu Yue is unfathomable. He understands Tai Chi, and he understands the oldest "Thirteen Tai Chi".

Now speaking of the oldest "Bai Yuan Tong Bei Fist", is it possible...

An ape, even if he is talented, absorbs the essence of heaven and earth and cultivates, but he can't practice martial arts, is it possible that someone is giving directions?

Chen Wulong looked at Yu Yue.

Speaking of it, when the Demon Ape was fighting the Yin Snake just now, he seemed to have used a technique similar to Tai Chi or Taihe Quan Tingjin...

Chen Wulong suddenly felt a numb scalp and foggy grass. I have water in my head. Why did I forget this? Did I choose the wrong step? !

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