Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 625: The decisive battle begins (part 2)

Just listen to Yu Yue whispering but clearly speaking in Longgerliya’s ear: "The first thing, you have to work hard to become stronger, I still have some expectations for you; the second thing, please do your best to assist the black after you go back. God, it depends on you to promote the dragon soul reform..."

After listening to Longgellia, she was dumbfounded. She didn't get back to her senses for a long time, just... this is it?

Her expression like this strengthened their respective ideas in the eyes of others.

Ye Haoxuan immediately guessed with the greatest malice that Yu Yue made such an excessive request to Yaya, otherwise, how could Yaya have this expression? Could it be... Did he want her...

Immediately lamenting his incompetence, the team members were humiliated face to face. As the team leader, there was no way to stop him. He could only watch a white tender sheep fall into the mouth of a hungry wolf...

The feeling of blood loss in Zhao Yicheng's heart was instantly balanced, ah, he also gave a sculpture that looked like a treasure but didn't know how to use it, but the girl seemed to betray her body and soul to the devil, thinking about it a little bit Fortunately, my children!

Yu Yue said nothing more than that, and he started to treat the Black God.

Hei Shen's injury is extremely serious, the blood deficiency in his body is serious, and it is difficult to absorb it by direct injection. Soaking is a way to go, but now the soup pot is used by Ran Muchen, it is not suitable for mixed men and women, and Boss Zhao paid for the soup. Nor can it occupy other people's resources.

Ever since, Yu Yue looked at the black cat Kunkun and thought about it.

He called Chen Wulong and asked Chen to dig a deep hole in the ground.

Chen Wulong didn't know what he meant, but he did what he said.

Soon, a deep hole was dug out by the spear on the ground.

If there are other martial arts masters or weapons masters who know that spears such as "Yongye Xuanlong" are used as agricultural production tools like hoes and rakes to dig pits, they will shake their heads and stun their feet. Shouted, "This is too unattractive."

Then, according to Yu Yue's command, Chen Wulong carried the Black God up and planted it into the pit like a tree. He also filled it with soil, finally showing only his neck and head.

Longgerlia couldn't help asking: "This...what is this going to do?"

As an intelligence officer, she first thought of a kind of torture to extract a confession, which is to bury a person in the soil with only one head exposed, then cut a cross on the top of the prisoner's head with a knife, and then pull the scalp away and pour mercury into it. , Because mercury has a heavy proportion, it will cause muscles and skin to pull apart. People buried in the soil will often writhe in pain, but they can’t get rid of it. Therefore, in the end, the prisoner’s body will fall from the hole on the top of the head. Jump out, leaving only a piece of skin left in the soil...

Of course, Yu Yue didn't want to use torture to extract a confession, he said it was a new cure.

While talking, he poured various liquid medicines from the top of Black God's head, and most of the liquid medicine dripped into the soil.

After that, he tapped the "Baihui Point" of the Black God with his finger to slowly infuse his true vitality, guiding and helping him to digest and absorb the medicine to the maximum extent.

This new therapy was inspired by Yu Yue when he heard that Kun Kun had just turned into a strange tree to refine and absorb the eighth Raksha Shala Domino, and he tried to grow people as trees.

Xiaoyou pomelo looked at it and thought it was a lot of fun. Uncle Hei was planted in the ground, and pomelo was also planted in the ground!

She yelled to let her father plant herself in the ground.

Jiang Rou is anxious, how can this work? This is no joke!

But Yu Yue felt nothing, and said, "Brother Along, you are tired, so dig a smaller vertical hole."

"No problem!" Chen Wulong showed strong execution, and the pothole was dug quickly.

Then Xiaoyouyou was happily planted into the ground, showing only a small head. Yu Yue also poured some potions for her to strengthen her body, but she did not inject Qi to guide her, but let her Spit out and absorb on its own.

Jiang Rou is speechless, so spoil her, spoil her...

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