Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 650: The biggest crisis (part one)

Isn't it surprising that this is so?

What a mysterious existence is the Ulan Master Tower. The Supreme Master is even more out of the dust. He has rarely participated in the disputes in the world, but unexpectedly appeared in this place where right and wrong broke out today, and it seems that he is still in the same group with one of the two parties in the conflict. of.

In the past, even if some people were lucky and thought that the Supreme Master was only visiting, now those who see her have a good chat with those uninvited guests, and there are children riding in her car, how can they still not understand?

Ulan Master Tower is going to be an enemy of the Great Raksha Sect?

The big tycoons and experts who were present were shaken. In such a situation, can the Great Rakshasa Sect still be able to hold it?

They have begun to wonder whether the great power of the Raksha Sect they believe in will collapse overnight.

Here, Xiaoyouyou and Jiu Se Dalu had a great time, and there Chen Wulong and Ekaterina are deeply connected.

Yes, that beautiful white robe magician is Ekaterina, a disciple of the Supreme Master, the grand prince of the Kira Principality.

Ekaterina was also very excited when she saw Chen Wulong, and water was almost dripping in her eyes, but because she was a little unwilling to follow the teacher, she did not dare to tell her lovesickness about lovesickness.

Chen Wulong said: "Lin, it's great to see you! I miss you so much these days. Do you... miss me?"

Ekaterina's pretty face flew into red clouds, and she was ashamed, and said: "Oh, there are so many people here..."

Chen Wulong played a rogue and said, "What's the matter with so many people? There are some people and our husband and wife can't talk to each other? Wife, I haven't seen each other for so long. Tell me if you miss me?"

Ekaterina was ashamed to death, but there was no way to deal with him, so she could only whisper: "I have... I want to..."

Chen Wulong stepped forward and took her into his arms.

Ekaterina struggled subconsciously, and Chen Wulong immediately groaned and groaned in pain.

Ekaterina asked hurriedly: "You...what's wrong with you?"

When she saw Chen Wulong's whole body injury clearly, she couldn't help but shed tears with distress.

Chen Wulong smiled reluctantly, and said comfortingly: "It's okay, as long as I can see you, no matter how severe the injury is, it won't hurt anymore."

Ekaterina groaned: "No face and no skin..."

But he didn't dare to struggle anymore, for fear of getting hurt on his body.

Master Theodore just felt the goose bumps layer after layer beside him, thinking, God, are you greasy?

Originally, I wanted to help you heal and recover. Since you are full of water and can relieve the pain, let's take it easy.

At this moment, anyone who is careful and understanding will find that the embroidered pattern on the collar of the magic robe of the female magister is a sign, which is the sign of the disciple of the Supreme Master.

What is the concept of the Supreme Master’s personal discipleship?

It can be equated with the descendants of the Ulan Master Tower.

What is the concept of succession?

It can almost be understood as the heir of a certain company or a certain family.

And the inheritance of Ulan Master Tower is basically equivalent to the level of the Korea National Sanxing Group and the Japanese National Mitsui Consortium.

Although there is a big difference, it can be understood in this way first.

So you can understand how shocked and shocked those who saw the clues were!

It’s too obvious that the people who came to smash the place of the Great Raksha Sect and the disciples of the Supreme Master personally fought fiercely. Besides, they are not a group who believes?

The Ulan Master Tower is about to go to war with the Great Raksha Sect...

This is probably the biggest crisis of the Great Raksha Sect since the establishment of the sect!

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