Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 728: Leave it to you (middle)

As an old guy who has lived for more than six hundred years and an undefeated galaxy tyrant, how can he not know the importance of cultivating spiritual power, since he has started to practice, he naturally has to carry out the most comprehensive training to achieve no shortcomings. No dead ends.

Yu Yue had already mastered a very advanced spiritual power cultivation method, with sensitive sense of consciousness, condensed true thoughts, and powerful spirit. Not long ago, he obtained a sculpture of the evil **** from Zhao Yicheng, and completely refined the two-faced surviving soul contained in it. Absorbing a single bit is not wasted, and it is a very useful supplement in terms of mental power.

True thoughts are a highly condensed body of spiritual power.

The mental power of ordinary people is small, just like a candle that can be blown out at any time.

The spiritual power of practitioners tends to be stronger, and the flames are more vigorous.

Because martial artists practice hard work and temper their physical bodies, their spiritual will will be correspondingly tougher than ordinary people, but it is not a concept with those who specialize in spiritual power.

Legend has it that there are spiritual masters and mind power masters, who can lift their eyes to hypnotize, release the spirit, breathe the mind, kill people in the air, and so on.

Regarding the secret technique of exercising mental power, there are different secret techniques in every family, every country, and region on the earth, but in the final analysis, it is to continuously strengthen and condense one's mental power, thereby crushing, obliterating, controlling or influencing the weaker ones. Spiritual will.

For example, just now, Serena Williams used the blood pupil technique to capture Jiang Rou's mind, and manipulate his body by controlling his mental will.

And now, Serena Williams has launched the "Blood Soul Impact" to urge all of his blood, compressing his mental power to a high degree, and converge it in his eyes, turning it into two blood-colored beams that look like substance.

The huge spiritual power condensed in these two blood-colored light beams is the projection of Serena Williams' soul, which can defeat or even crush any soul or spiritual will that is weaker than him.

At that time, Yu Yue's physical strength would be stronger, but without his soul, it would be like a living dead.

However, he didn't know that Yu Yue's spirit was beyond imagination.

"Tear it!"

Serena Williams' **** eyes opened, and the beam of light burst, like a demon in the Bible.

His mental power was as solid as the essence, and the intensity was no less than that of the magician's magic technique, but unexpectedly, Yu Yue just flashed a white light in his eyes, and a white flame that was not known to be many times stronger than him shot out from his left eye.

This white light flame is more than real, the whole light boils like a flame, but it is condensed and not scattered.

The divine light skyrocketed, bursting apart inch by inch, pulling out a string of white lightning in the void.

If ordinary people look directly into Yu Yue's eyes at this time, their spiritual will will be crushed and turned into powder on the spot.

The cultivator will feel the terrifying spiritual power carried by the boiling true thoughts, and it will be breathtaking.

At this time, Serena Williams is equivalent to exposing his mental power, completely unprotected by his body, just like looking directly at the sun with helium flashes with his naked eyes, or putting on a fire with his bare buttocks without protective clothing.

The spirits of the two parties collided suddenly, and there was a loud and silent noise in the void.

"Ah—" Serena Williams exploded with a terrible scream, and took a few steps backwards suddenly.

As soon as his two blood-colored light beams touched, they were overwhelmed by the white light of true thoughts, and the light even rolled up, rushing directly into his eyes and into his brain.

"Kneel down." Yu Yue said in a deep voice.

Serena Williams could no longer defy Yu Yue's will and knelt in front of him with a "plop", with blood flowing in his eyes.

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