"Shrink the range!"

The most central part of the Pacific Special Area,

Using the [Swallow] skill, he instantly absorbed the assassin who came to kill him using the teleportation skill.

When Shen Fei saw the remaining NPCs and bosses, he immediately panicked.

He shouted quickly,

Ask Xuanwu to make it,

A large water ball that controls the movement of enemies within hundreds of kilometers,

Start shrinking.

He can clearly see it,

Along with the demise of a wave of assassinating NPCs and bosses,

The remaining enemies have no fighting spirit at all.

In order to kill the enemy faster,

He wants to shrink the enemy's range of activities and increase the enemy's density.

In order to speed up the killing.

Because of the irreversibility of version rules, there is a natural opposition between him and NPCs and bosses.


For these NPCs and bosses that can provide him with a lot of experience,

He has no psychological burden at all when he kills.


It’s not long before the sixth game ability inheritance,

He wants to inherit a new game ability,

Kill the enemy quickly,

And complete the communication with the sea tribe,

At the time when game abilities are inherited, it is best to return to Qingshi.

The previous five game abilities are inherited,

He did it all in his own villa in Qingshi.

And now for the sixth time,

He doesn't want too many changes either.


There are only the sixth, seventh, and eighth times left to inherit game abilities.

According to the information he currently has,

His Ace of Spades,

The time for condensation to come out is also fast.

When he left the Dinosaur Age before, he left behind a temporary Ace of Spades specifically in the Dinosaur Age.

In order to leave a path for him to pursue the possible existence of block A.


At this moment, Shen Fei didn't want to waste too much time.

He wanted to quickly solve the problem at hand.



Accompanied by Shen Fei’s voice,


The big Xuanwu under his feet roared violently,

Then the huge water curtain covering the entire space began to shrink vigorously in an instant.

And this kind of contraction,

No NPC or boss can stop it.


Countless powerful NPCs and bosses also inherit water-related abilities.


In front of Xuanwu, the ancestor of water magic,

their abilities,

He's basically a younger brother.

There's simply not enough to watch.


After Xuanwu successfully returned from the dinosaur age with Shen Fei,

Its waterbending skills have also been refined and strengthened.

Such Xuanwu,

Under the control of the water curtain that controls all surrounding spaces, no one can break it.

At least,

The NPCs and bosses who are currently surrounded by the Sea Clan [Dragon Palace] are not powerful enough to break Xuanwu's ban.

"Let's go!"

"Catch the thief first and capture the king first!"

"I don't want to live anymore!"

Xuanwu started to shrink the battle circle,

Shen Fei scanned the whole place, and at this moment, he finally discovered the creature who was the commander of this wave of NPCs and bosses.

After the commander NPC saw Shen Fei and instantly swallowed the assassin who teleported over,

The greatest panic showed on his face.


Shen Fei, who had already been suspicious for a long time, completely confirmed his identity in an instant.


Shen Fei was still thinking,

Capture this person and interrogate him carefully for information.

I figured it out in an instant,

The hatred between humans and NPCs and bosses is caused by rules and cannot be adjusted at all.

He then rejected the plan to take prisoners.

Already know the ultimate goals of these intelligent NPCs and super bosses.

other information,

They are all trivial and insignificant.

Cleaning out the enemies is the most important thing at the moment.


The moment Shen Fei made his decision,

The vine tower that had been upgraded to the thirteenth level immediately rushed out from Shen Fei's side like a water dragon.


The frightened NPC commander was stunned for a few seconds.

The head and heart were directly pierced by the vine tower with extraordinary abilities after the thirteenth level...

"Before the end, you were for human players to play with!"

"After the end of the world, even if there are rules, there will be improvements to version 4.9! You are also human beings' playthings!!"

"Even if you inherit it!! You will still be killed by us!!"

In one fell swoop, he killed the strongest person who besieged the Hai Clan [Dragon Palace] this time.

After feeling that the morale of the enemy in front had dropped significantly again, Shen Fei could not help but think of a few words.


It is thought that humans, NPCs and BOSS inherited from the game will become comrades or friends.

after all,

In many games,

Many players like the characters in the game very much.

Many players,

Even before, we were discussing on the forum how to form an alliance with NPCs and bosses to fight against the monsters that inherited the Blue Star.


Know the secret of version 4.9,

Shen Fei also immediately understood that it was impossible for the two parties to cooperate.

Not only cannot we cooperate,

On the contrary, he is a natural enemy of rules.


Even if the version requirements, version evolution, and even version rules require NPCs and bosses to eventually kill humans.

But he,

Disagree with this!

He who already knows this big secret,

Go against the version!

It is impossible for him to let mankind end directly in version 4.0.

Not only will he not let his companions, family, and kindred disappear,

He also wants to lead mankind,

Enter the so-called 5.0 version!


More to come in future versions!

And his confidence is his strength!




After thinking about the future for a while, Shen Fei's movements in his hands did not stop at all.

His attacks continued to be unleashed,

Harvesting quickly, the NPCs and bosses had to gather together because the water curtain shrank.

And at the same time,

Shen Fei's experience value is also rising rapidly.


His level of 200 and the required experience directly reached the trillion level.


Throughout the Pacific Special Area,

There are a quarter of the number of NPCs and bosses, and they are endless and ruthless.


After harvesting this huge amount of experience,

Shen Fei saw,

My own experience, this wave, may even improve a few more levels...





Under Shen Fei's indiscriminate acceleration attack,

In less than half an hour,

The whole scene was finally empty.


Densely packed,

Like billions of heavenly soldiers and generals, all kinds of NPCs and bosses swarm the sky.

They were all cleaned up by Shen Fei.


Has been Xuanwu,

Narrow it down to

In a huge water ball with a radius of only 50 kilometers, various red, green, and purple blood dye the originally blue sea into colorful...


Facing a space filled with all kinds of bloody smells,

Xuanwu's head suddenly seemed to be high,


Like a river turning upside down,

The sea water that was "sewage flowing across the river" and "colorful" just now disappeared without a trace.

In situ,

Xuanwu directly replaced it with a stretch of clean sea water.

"Water God!"


While Xuanwu turned the river upside down and replaced the clean sea water in an instant,

I was hiding in the corner just now,

The Hai clan who witnessed Shen Fei's "pig-killing" battle quickly surrounded him.


The hearts of all the sea people were filled with shock and admiration.


Those middle- and lower-class people who don’t know the prophecy or the Sea Clan’s goals.

among them,

Some people even got so excited that they just smoked it.

at the same time,

Some sea people,

After falling to the ground with the Sea King Vanas, he was slapping himself in the mouth with all his strength.

And the reason for all this,

Of course, they are the middle and lower classes of the Sea Tribe who make up the majority.

For before,

Vanas' behavior of worshiping Xuanwu as his master and Shen Fei as his divine master is questionable.


Before, they obeyed the instructions of Queen Vanas,

Although, the rules of the Sea Clan make it impossible for them to disobey the rules within the clan.


Many sea people are resistant to such a scene.

after all,

They are the sea tribe!

They are a group of people who have gone through countless years and experienced countless sufferings.

They also have a five-in-one powerful artifact [Dragon Palace]!


In this era, they

Fortunately, I got the favor of the unique prop, the Ace of Hearts.

This time the Ace of Hearts manifested itself and was "stationed" in their [Dragon Palace].

With the blessing of various "advantages\

,"How could they,

So easily, kneeling in front of others.


This creature, this so-called water god, is still someone else's pet.

And the owner of this pet is just a certain version of the creature.

Moreover, it is a creature that has never experienced even one version of reincarnation.

This allows,

Over a long period of time, the people of the Sea Tribe, who have seen countless races of beings and experienced countless versions of stories, are somewhat uncomfortable.


Can travel through time and space again,

Coming to Blue Star, a versioned planet,

They immediately

Entering the special Pacific area,

Confronted with powerful NPCs and bosses.

According to the information they received after investigating, human players are the main lifeforms of this version.

But the quickly updated version,

Already the human race will dissipate soon.

Queen Vanas led them to worship such a person as their god master, which made many tribesmen unhappy.

To know.

Once you decide on the master.

The fate and future of the Sea Clan are firmly bound to the master.


They still have the possibility of wandering between eras, looking for opportunities.

But one point binds the master,

They and their master will be both prosperous and devastated.

Once the owner dies,

Their ancient race, which had been wandering for countless years, was completely wiped out.


Most people have no objection to the "sloppiness" of senior officials on the surface, but they are dissatisfied on the inside.

But at this moment,

I really saw Shen Fei's ability to open up at full speed without any hiding.

See you again,

Xuanwu released it easily, but even they couldn't sense and pass through the water curtain outside.

and see,

Trillions of NPCs and bosses besieging [Dragon Palace] were quickly cleared away by Shen Fei like he was chopping up melons and vegetables.

The sea tribesmen who followed Queen Vanas all fell on the spot with sincerity and prostrated themselves.

Their eyes are wild,

Many elderly sea people even shed tears that they had never shed before in their lives.

This time them!

It’s really the right thigh!

This time,

Finally, their sea clan no longer have to wander around the world...



"Get up!!"

"What's wrong with you guys? Why are you so old??"


Shen Fei stood on the head of Xuan Turtle,

Seeing a large group of sea tribesmen, led by Vanas, kneeling on the sea with fiery eyes,

Raising his hand slightly, he signaled the Sea Clan to get up quickly.

Through the killing just now,

Shen Fei's level finally increased by 3 levels.


Level 200 already puts him far ahead of all creatures on earth.

And at this moment,

The level of 203 is definitely beyond the reach of others.

The [Swallow] skill that he can activate at any time,

Being on Blue Star is his current powerful and foolproof trump card.

"Report to the Lord!"

"In order to defend the Dragon Palace! We activated the bloodline technique and charged the Dragon Palace shield..."

"Six days ago..."

After hearing what Shen Fei said, Vanas took advantage of the opportunity to approach Shen Fei, and then quickly reported what had happened to the Sea Clan in the past six days.


While Shen Fei and Vanas were talking,

The excited tears shed by countless people from the Hai tribe,

unexpectedly slowly gathered,

Finally, it condensed into an extremely bright, pearl-like water ball.


The pearl slowly floated in front of Xuanwu, and then, with a flick of Xuanwu's tail, it was directly absorbed into his body.

Shen Fei glanced at it and absorbed Xuanwu, who was like a pearl of water.

He saw that although Xuanwu was calm and calm on the surface.

But actually,

The moment he absorbed the water polo, his blood volume increased by 20%.


Shen Fei was still on Xuanwu's attribute panel.

I saw that Xuanwu has an additional "family" option.

"Does this mean that the Hai Clan truly worships Xuanwu as their master?"

Through the conversation with Vanas, I learned about the profound changes that the Sea Clan has experienced in the past few days. After glancing at Xuanwu's attributes, I was already sure of the Sea Clan's belonging.

He himself has a family that he has not inherited from the game - the steward hero Yu Kong.

He also has family members who are by his side at the moment - No. 0 and Xiaohong.

But he didn't expect,

Even his pet Xuanwu now has a family.


This family members are still certified by the rules.

Shen Fei responded to this,

I can only sigh at the power of Xuanwu.

"God Lord!"

"That's it!"

While Shen Fei praised Xuanwu for being so powerful and able to accept his younger brother again, Vanas, who had just finished reporting to Shen Fei, immediately took out something.

[Special Building Fragments × 481: Special props that can be used to upgrade the building, unlimited! 】

"Is this what fell from [Dragon Palace]?"

Seeing the nearly 500 special props handed over by Vanas immediately, Shen Fei checked their properties and asked directly.

"Yes! These are the fragments of [Dragon Palace] that were blasted to pieces by NPCs and bosses. We have collected them all!"

Vanas' immediate report.


Shen Fei did not refuse the broken pieces handed over by Vanas.

six days ago,

He secretly bombarded the Dragon Palace once and got this fragment. However, he only got one piece before, and his plan was to use it on the "Floating City" that he had not yet inherited.

He didn't expect that

This time,

He directly obtained nearly 500 such props.

Shen Fei didn't understand the origin of the huge building [Dragon Palace] that was still strong despite so many pieces falling off.

But he knows,

There are nearly 500 building upgrade materials,

Once his [Floating City] is inherited, it will definitely be greatly improved again based on the original foundation.

"By the way, these NPCs and bosses will start killing humans in the next version, did you know?"

After collecting the things, Shen Fei asked again.


After hearing Vanas' answer, Shen Fei's eyes widened.

"Report to the Lord God, I know!"

"The NPCs and bosses you are talking about will start a mass killing event in version 4.9 of this world!"

"Their strength will be greatly improved!"

"In addition, they who died will all be resurrected!!!"

Know the ultimate goals of NPCs and bosses,

Shen Fei wanted to confirm it again from the Hai Clan's mouth. After all, this race was divided into three parts of the world with NPCs and bosses.

But what he didn't expect was that,

Vanas actually said that dead NPCs and bosses can be resurrected? ?


Hearing such news, Shen Fei was obviously stunned.

This must always be resurrected,

That's a slap in the face.

in addition,

If I could always be resurrected,

Then I can just block it at the resurrection point and keep upgrading it without thinking. Is that okay? ?


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