Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 1441: Worsening Situation (Part 2)

As a member of the chaotic race, the Svenka Ratman became the only surviving intrusion force after the Battle of the Black Gate. They shouldered the heavy responsibility of the four evil gods invading the vanguard of Azeroth.

In Elwynn Forest, Shen Chen had already seen the huge number of them underground; in the underground of Stormwind City, he had also noticed the concealment and digging abilities of the Ratmen in the underground world.

The most important thing is fertility.

A human warrior needs more than 20 years of growth and more than 5 years of training and fighting. It needs at least 5 mature laborers to work day and night to supply the food, luggage, weapons and equipment they need.

If it is a paladin or mage, then the required resources need to be multiplied by 3 to 5 times, let alone increase the super combat power.

In this way, even though the Stormwind Kingdom has the blessings of the royal mages, the hundreds of thousands of elite forces in the country still need at least tens of millions of peasant families and millions of full-time manual or industrial populations. Productivity is under extreme pressure.

As for the Ratmen, their intestines and stomachs can almost digest most of the edible organic matter, and they even have cannibalism as a means of resolving the food crisis.

A female ratman can give birth to 5-10 rats at a time, and can give birth several times within a year; that is to say, 100,000 female rats can expand the army of more than 4 million slave rats within a year! And the required production population is still the family of 100,000 female rats!

After Stormwind City realized the ratman threat, it immediately launched an all-out war against rats in the kingdom, and the war went smoothly at first.

The Ratmen in Stormwind City, Elwynn Forest, and some parts of the Western Wilderness that Shen Chen had been to were quickly wiped out.

The Storm Legion thought that the Ratmen were nothing more than that, but soon, the Ratmen also changed their tactics.

The human army began to gradually advance to the Redridge Mountain, Twilight Forest, Sorrow's Path and Stranglethorn Vale. At this time, the endless ratmen swarmed out, entangled the elite of the Stormwind Kingdom in these areas with their lives.

At the same time, under the connivance of the corrupt nobles, the ratmen in Elwynn Forest revived and emerged from the underground ruins. In half a month, the number doubled!

They didn't attack kingdom strongholds or noble manors, but rushed into farmland, woodland, and mines, devouring all visible creatures, including many farmers and miners.

The Storm Kingdom reacted well, immediately summoning the player's natural disaster, and the reputation of the Order Group became more and more famous, and the number of players entering the game world increased sharply. These slave rats also made the low-level players return to the original time.

The Ratmen's counterattack is indeed temporarily suppressed, but the pressure on the entire kingdom has skyrocketed, and military and player expenditures have been rising steadily. What can be gained from there?

It only lasted for a few months, and the nobles secretly pushed up the prices, and the farmers were the first to bear the brunt, and their living standards dropped rapidly.

At this time, the Twilight Sect arrived.

"Since 2 weeks ago, our players have noticed that they have all kinds of strange tasks in their daily tasks. Among the items dropped by killing thieves and famous humans in the wild, there are also a lot of corruption and Twilight related items.

Judging from the corpses, these people are different from the robbers, fallen nobles, and wild mages in the past. Most of them are poor people. Under the blessing of corruption, they burn their own life and flesh to gain strength. "

"Is it already this serious?" Classmate Ma, who is from a capitalist family, can best understand how extreme things these bankrupt people can do when supplies are insufficient. , ancient gods, the combination of forces that instinctively corrupt people's hearts.

"Not only that, but the idea of ​​doomsday is also spreading rapidly recently."

The bad news came one after another. If the ordinary Twilight Sect can attract a large number of low-level farmers, warriors, craftsmen and mages, then the doomsday preached by Twilight will attract more dissatisfied people, or People who are desperate and disappointed in reality, fall into their arms.

What's more, the celestial phenomena confirmed the arrival of the end.

The storm cloud on the heart of order just now is just a relatively minor phenomenon among countless heaven and earth phenomena. The dark coast of the night elves, one of their earliest home cities, suffered a drought unprecedented in thousands of years, and it turned into a storm just yesterday .

In the sand sea of ​​Shurima, the empire of origin, the abnormal lightning had lasted for a week. Renekton spent a huge amount of mana in sacrifices to barely disperse the thunderclouds near the capital.

On the Icecrown Glacier in the north of Northrend, blood-red fire clouds spread under the dark sky of Icecrown Fortress, creating a 47-day snow-free spectacle. The alliance's offensive channel has now accumulated into a lake, allowing warships to pass through !

Such bad weather not only makes the desperate people more desperate, but also makes the ambitious people see the chaos coming. This is an important condition for the spread of the end of the twilight. Many devout believers of the Holy Light are also skeptical. The flames of the Holy Light have become weaker, while the power of the shadows is gathering speed.

"The latest news, because with the thunderstorms in the past few days, a section of Gilneas' high wall was destroyed by flash floods and lightning strikes, and in Pyrewood Village, players found traces of high-level werewolves on the north side. The monster in the pine forest area also has armor and steel claws!"

Shen Chen's attention immediately jumped to Lordaeron, he keenly smelled more conspiracy.

In the past confrontation with the Alliance, especially the Order Group, and Shen Chen; the ancient gods and other evil forces obviously did not gain the upper hand, but instead retreated steadily. Not to mention the loss of power hidden in the shadows, the alliance's military strength and Cohesion is rapidly approaching the peak.

If the heyday of Lordaeron is reproduced, the human kingdoms and covenant races work together, coupled with the existence of heroes, the waves caused by ancient gods, evil gods and other corrupt forces will be another battle of the Black Gate.

The situation was dire, the devastation was great, the sacrifices were many...but the Alliance was victorious.

So now, continue to let the order group gather strength, and hit whoever comes out. C'Thun has already fallen, and Yogg-Saron is trapped in the prison of the Titan, using the protection of the Titan facility to survive... Lesson learned yet?

Therefore, it is necessary to disperse the power of mankind, so that the order group, especially Shen Chen, who is a great threat, can hardly take care of all the crises. As long as one conspiracy is achieved, conflicts will arise within the fragile alliance, and at the same time, let the corrupt forces come from other Realm invasion.

"Yogg-Saron in Northrend, succubi in night elves, conflict between humans and undead in Lordaeron, werewolves in Gilneas at risk of spreading, rat plague in Stormwind Kingdom and infiltration of the Twilight Cult... These should still be on the table.”

Although some red marks on the map are not obvious, they cannot be ignored.

"In addition, the gnomes have the radiation influence of Gnomeregan, the contradictions of the Council of Three Hammers among the dwarves, the conflict between the peace and the radicals of the orcs, the conspiracy of the Tauren Grimtotem, the disturbance of trolls everywhere... It can be seen that all the creatures of Azeroth are facing different crises.

As for our order group, do we choose to fight fires everywhere, or do we first extinguish one or two sources? "

Now that the existence of the alien soul is gradually exposed, and the identity of the king has been determined, Shen Chen no longer hides his knowledge of Azeroth's interior and plot so much.

If this can help the guild's development, self-improvement, and the integrity of the entire order, he is willing to share some of his knowledge and memories.

"It's best to have a stable base. As long as we have no problems, with the increase of the legendary raiders, we can come one by one!" Liu Wei first suggested.

"But we are also a member of the alliance. The Heart of Order still needs the power of the alliance. The number of players and npcs joining our group has not yet reached one million. This kind of national power cannot support the banner of fighting corruption, so I suggest , Lordaeron and the Kingdom of Stormwind will be the focus of our work for the next period." Bai Xue objected, and what she said was quite reasonable.

Other members also expressed their opinions one after another, "If you can take Yogg-Saron first, then you can liberate the most power."

"The orcs are also very important. If the radicals lose control, not only will the wetlands become the alliance's heart disease again, but the south will also drag down the night elves."

"Aren't dwarves important? The alliance's military supplies, and a considerable part of our supply system, still need dwarves and gnomes!"

There are also benefits in these speeches. First solve the troubles of their own race, they can enter the fast lane, especially the absorption of new players, and more racial benefits...

At the same time, UU Reading players such as trolls, undead, and goblins did not participate in the debate. As for the order elves, they haven't seen any trouble yet, and they seem to be on the sidelines.


It wasn't Shen Chen, but Sister Luoluo was angry. What she saw was that there was considerable chaos buried under her past management of the Hall of Fame, and it seemed to erupt at this moment, which made her look unattractive.

Shen Chen gently stopped them, and then asked Minerva to open some files, and dumped some of the less important parts in the hands of the leaders of different race guilds or raiders.

There is no need to open it, most of it is co-opted and bought by various forces. Recently, even the high-level leaders of the Eastern Emperor, Western Kingdom and various races have taken action.

"In the past, before I became a king, I didn't care anymore. All you can see is potential rather than strength, but after that, I don't want to have similar things. Minerva's eyes, even if it is a vision Master Tata will not lie in front of her."

Everyone held their breaths. Of course, the core members of the Hall of Fame also straightened up. There was no one in front of them. At least it proved that the core of the Hall of Fame was fine. This was also the key to Shen Chen letting go.

Minerva smiled slightly, but revealed the endless computing power with the magical power of numbers, and then these files were burned by the blue flames.

This is also a blow to the horse. She is now in charge of the daily affairs of the Hall of Fame. As a member of a top force, it is best to calm down.

Looking at his expression, Shen Chen spread out the information about Deathwing on the table, "I don't want any information about the Black Dragon King Neltharion to leak out, what I saw today can only be read by you I know it myself."

Everyone nodded, and picked up the paper in front of them cherishingly, and Deathwing's comprehensive vision was gradually revealed in front of the players.

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