Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 1557: setting sun pass

Shen Chen didn't want to take risks before the big battle. He noticed that the black dragons that were shot down had already accounted for half of the raiders, and nearly a quarter of them were being ravaged by the spirit of storm and the spirit of flame.

"This kind of attack won't last long." He judged like this, so the purpose of the ancient gods... The engine was pierced by the power of the black dragon's blood and flesh, and the monstrous flames rolled up, but the alliance has already had technological innovations, Just destroying one engine is obviously not enough to shoot down the Skyfire.

In the corner of the eye, Nefarian is also singing the final elegy of his life after being corrupted. Now he seems to understand what his sister Onyxia felt at that time. His consciousness is still clear, but his body no longer belongs to him.

This body is making the final blow of moths to the flame.

Shen Chen waved his hand lightly, and from the flesh and blood of the black dragon's corpse on the ground, Cretul flew up and landed in his palm. Because of the black dragon's desperate surprise attack, many mantid also rushed into the last defensive circle of the battleship.

They seem to have become the real main force of the attack. The liquid amber projected from a long distance can cause a violent explosion just by slightly touching the deck of the battleship.

Su Yutong, Lu Mei Hunter, and Wisdom Mage, these fixed turrets, precisely locked on the sensitive figure of the mantid. The portrait of the wise thief was already full of the faces of the enemy. Wolf King Kent felt the restless blood in his body burn.

The raids of the mantid are becoming more and more ferocious. They are not like undead and trolls. Although they are in large numbers, they are often unable to take advantage of their numbers under the constraints of the ground environment. Instead, they are harvested by players and legions in various ways.

But the mantid were born flying races, and the wings on their backs were not for decoration. When the swarm empire once ruled the world, it was an absolute superiority in the air.

When tens of thousands of land troops crowded over, it looked like a dense mass of enemies, but the first line of contact with the enemy was only a few hundred; but tens of thousands of mantid, it was really everywhere in all directions, and the players couldn't give up the side defense. Can only be intercepted in open areas.

"This **** is even better than Ulduar!" Student Ma swears in a rare way. As an arcane mana, his mana has bottomed out, and his mana recovery skills such as awakening have all entered cooldown. Such a battle Rhythm, dangerous but also refreshing.

And the experience value of the mantid is even higher than the mobs in Ulduar. It seems to be a combination of the dual characteristics of the swarm and the corruption of the sha. Even the little milk cat has reached level 100, and it seems to be the king. Advanced pre-preparation!

Shen Chen suppressed the corrupted Nefarian, because he was worried about self-explosion, he chose to use sacred spells from a distance to stop Nefarian's impact, and use Cretur to cause fatal damage, but the efficiency was not high.

In the mountains to the east, the pandaren's support is approaching, which is why Shen Chen is not in a hurry. Flying kites rise up against the violent airflow outside the pass. With the help of the beacon tower on the city wall in the direction of Longyinggang, in the blind spot Appeared suddenly on the battlefield.

Master Snowflow leaps from his kite, steps on the mantid's back, and glides through the air, wreaking tons of damage with each kick, infiltrating the Zerg's bodies with the elemental power of ki, before detonating.

These black-clothed monks also have their own abilities, and the attack from below is obviously not expected by the swarm, and they climbed all the way to the top of the battleship.

With the addition of this group of forces, the pressure on the battleship's deck suddenly dropped, but at this time the battleship also made creaking and creaking sounds, and several turbines emitted thick black smoke, which was obviously a bit overwhelmed.

"Clean up the remaining amber first, we can't let them continue to corrode the armor of the battleship." Switz commanded in time.

Seeing the arrival of the Pandaren's support, the mantid also decided not to carry out refueling tactics, and sold all the irrational black dragons; their tactical intentions have been achieved, and the maneuverability of the alliance warships has basically been lost, although they can still be used as long-range turrets , but if you want to forcibly break into the setting sun pass battlefield, I'm afraid it won't work!

Shen Chen shot down Nefarian with one blow, leaving 3 players to deal with the corrupted corpse.

The battleship lowered its altitude and landed over Longyinggang. The Pandaren's technical level was obviously not enough to repair the damaged armor.

But Pandaria also has good stuff.

Saronite is a high-grade metal formed by the overflow and corruption of Yogg-Saron, so the ghost iron ore is formed under the influence of the Sha, the flesh and blood of Y'Shaarj.

Compared with Saronite, ghost iron ore is not only affected by corruption, the mist of Pandaria, that is, Shaohao's protection, endows this iron ore with more power, allowing the Sha and Sha demons in the iron ore The power of the mind is perfectly balanced, just like the Tai Chi diagram of the pandaren's heart.

If you add another special product of Pandaria, the peaceful particles produced by creatures affected by the peaceful magic of Pandaria, and synthesize them into the spirit of harmony, you can completely neutralize the corrupt influence of the Sha within the mineral!

This kind of brand new mineral, Shen Chen hoarded a little in the heart of order, and he has basically researched its usage. He was going to make a fortune, but now he had to take it out in advance, and use the iron ore stored by the pandaren with the help of the player's professional ability Smelt it into iron blocks, and then repair the battleship armor.

In just a few hours, not to mention complete recovery, but the basic combat power and agitation ability have been restored, which is probably something that N'Zoth failed to consider.

So, according to the plan, the battleship set sail again, and at a low altitude, under the cover of the pandaren ground troops, moved along the Great Wall to the Setting Sun Pass.


Setting sun pass.

Laigong is a giant mantid cultivated by the mantid. His body is hundreds of meters high and weighs a hundred tons with only four legs. He tramples on the ground outside the pass, printing huge deep pits one after another.

Ah Yi, the guardian of the city wall, and Lao Liu, the commander-in-chief of the Pandaren guards, looked solemn. They had repelled the swarm's raids again and again.

As an experienced commander and the successor of the Gatekeeper, Lao Liu learned most of the experience and corresponding methods of the last mantid attack from his great-grandfather.

Hide the mobile troops in the pass, and the archers and monks rely on the crenels to output as much as possible. Once the mantid attacks, withdraw the long-range force, let the mantid enter the extremely strong pass, and then use the facilities in the pass to close the door and fight insects!

It is said that this method has been used for thousands of years. Hundreds of millions of mantid were beaten into layers by the forts from all over the pass, covering the ground of the pass.

Many the mantid break through the pass, and many mantid go deep into the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, but as long as the last tower of the pass is not lost, their war supplies and amber cannot be sent inside the Great Wall. With the support of pandaren troops everywhere, the follow-up support was finally cut off, and they were all wiped out in the pass!

Lao Liu remembered what his grandfather described to him. As a soldier, he was responsible for throwing these mantid corpses into the dug water tank behind a pile of corpses tens of meters high. Along the river, these corpses were turned into blood and purified. , and eventually flowed into the farmlands of the Valley of the Four Winds.

It's just that the key to this set of tactics is whether follow-up support can arrive in time.

During the days of the mantid's offensive, even though they rotated their troops as much as possible, all the pandaren were exhausted. The battle was too sudden, and the pandaren did not deploy more forces to the Pass of the Setting Sun.

With the fierce fighting, the defenders of the Setting Sun Pass suffered a lot of casualties, and now almost everyone is wounded, so many connection points between the city wall and the pass had to be abandoned.

Now each tower is fighting alone, and Lao Liu can only judge by the still burning beacon fire and the arrows shot from the tower that these areas have not yet fallen.

A Yi, the guard in black, is also the last mobile force in the pass. He only attacks when it is most urgent, and transmits the command message to other places in the pass.

But now Lai Gong appeared.

Just seeing its figure, one knew that it was a living war tool specially prepared for siege. His head that protruded forward and stretched backward was clearly a hard siege cone.

"can not go!"

A Yi pulled Lao Liu back and said: "The mantid can't wait to enter the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, but we can't lose our minds because of this. If we hold the tower, the follow-up support will have a chance to regain the pass from the flanks, but if the last defense If the power is lost, then the swarm army will be able to drive straight in, and the consequences will be disastrous!"

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