Game Entertainment Empire

Chapter 552 Rising popularity

The most discussed topic about "Overwatch" on the Internet is that there are some strategy posts about the content in the game.

For example, the introduction of the various skills of heroes in the game, as well as the value of attack damage and skill damage. These popular science posts rank among the best in click rate.

The second thing is that there are players who have already run through each map through the single-player custom mode, and have drawn a three-dimensional map for the players to see.

Because in "Watching Pioneer", Yang Chen didn't add the option of mini-map as usual in the game.

The original "Overwatch" didn't have a mini-map. That's because Blizzard's philosophy is teamwork. When players face strangers and there is no mini-map to guide them, isn't the best way to find teammates is to stick together?

And this is in line with Blizzard's expectations for Overwatch team competition.

But after Yang Chen decided not to take the competitive route, but made the game more light and entertaining, he also thought about it carefully.

The fact that there is no small map added to the game is not necessarily to make players feel the warmth of the team.

Similarly, this can also be a kind of free exploration, including there are many easter eggs in the game that can interact with players.

For example, Hanamura's game hall, in the original "Overwatch", the claw machines and arcade machines are just pure decorations.

Specifically for players to destroy.

And under Yang Chen's hint, the arcade machines and claw machines in the Huacun game hall can actually be played.

Of course, it's just two simple games, one is catching dolls and the other is dodge ball.

But when you encounter destructive bullies, you have to beware of them suddenly rushing over to your machine when you are playing claw machines and arcade machines.

Secondly, some maps are hidden in some places, and players can have an interactive experience. In addition, the maps in "Overwatch" are not complicated, and you can basically understand them after playing a game.

Like most games, it is mainly divided into three roads, one is the widest main road, and two narrower trails.

In addition to these popular science topics about the game itself discussed by the players, what interests the players the most is everyone's daily gossip in the game.

'I laughed so hard, today I played Reinhardt, and after the King's Road car came out, the 6 of us pushed behind the car together, and Lucio gave us the acceleration halo, and finally found out that this car is The automatic transmission does not need us to push at all. '

'What kind of Torbjörn is really stupid, the turret is the real body, today I saw a Torbjörn who won the best in the game, staring at Widowmaker's ass the whole time, only the turret output. '

'What is this? Playing the Numbani Cart, there is a bush at the last corner, and there is a Junkrat hiding in the grass next to him with a sleeping expression on the opposite side. The car is stuck there without moving until the end of the game. We still think the game has a BUG! '

‘Please don’t choose Widowmaker and Hanzo for the novice bosses who are not sure about the fight. The purpose of coming up is to rebuild the father’s empire. I can’t bear it! '

‘But does it feel like the game is a little unbalanced? The turrets and cameras of Torbjörn and Symmetra are too bad! One is long-range self-aiming, and the other is close-up self-aiming acceleration and deceleration. '

'+1, I feel that Torbjörn and Symmetra need to be shaved a bit, this self-aiming is really too bad, the soldier's 76 big move is the self-aiming. '

Many players on the Internet said that Torbjörn's turret and Symmetra's camera were too bad, but some players quickly responded.

Released some videos and guides, such as using the orangutan to clear Symmetra's camera, clearing everything in a second.

Use DVA to directly demolish the turret and fly away, or directly bombard it with two cannonballs from the Pharah, Torbion has no time to repair it.


With the launch of "Overwatch" for almost a week, many players have almost understood how to play this game.

Moreover, various strange and weird gameplays have also been derived. For example, in the free match that can choose to repeat heroes, there are often 6 Genjis who instantly aim at the opposite nanny and perform a shift.

Or 6 orangutans jumping points, and then the opposite side replaced 6 Reapers; or 6 DVAs rushed to the point, only to find that the opposite side came with 5 sledgehammers + Lucio, chasing DVA along the way.

Use Junkrat to sneak a trap and a bomb at someone's door, depending on who is most anxious to get out.

There's Roadhog who's sneaking around cliffsides and professionally fishing, and Lucio who's climbing walls and flying around.

Of course, in addition to various coquettish routines, the players have still developed relatively normal routines.

For example, Zarya's Gravitational Surge, combined with the ultimate moves of heroes such as Kami Hanzo, Genji, and Riku.

With Xiaomei's big move combined with Widowmaker's deadly headshot, it's noon with McCree.

Reaper's big move is combined with Lucio's accelerated movement.

Of course, there will always be so-called pitfalls in any game, just like the elementary school monks, salamanders, children's robbery and Tuo Ersuo in "League of Legends".

In "Watching Pioneer", the three heroes Shimada Brothers and Rebuild the Empire made the players feel a little bit numb.

Although these three heroes are powerful, they can really lead their teammates to lie down casually. Even as long as the teammates take care of the resources a little, it doesn't feel like a problem to fight three or four.

But most of the players are stunned. Playing Widowmaker and Hanzo can make the system detect that they are hanging up.

But apart from other modes that players play more, in addition to the ordinary optional matching mode, it is the battle carnival mode with very fast hero skills and the opponent's call mode.

Of course, there is also a more popular clone mode. You can often see 6 sledgehammers fighting with 6 sledgehammers, or 6 Lucios competing with 6 Lucios to see who is the Brazilian boxing champion.

The novel mode, coupled with the fact that the game has just been released, for the players, everyone already knows how to play "Overwatch", and it is not a variety of entertainment modes that encourage players to compete. It can be said that it is the happiest time up.

Coupled with the story mode that Yang Chen and the others added in the game, it is similar to the hero story of the previously released "Overwatch".

Let the popularity of the game hover at the peak, especially the extension of the game characters, except that some people from GHS have made some 3D animations and books of the female characters of "Watching Pioneer".

DVA, Liekong, Anna, Xiaomei, Angel, Widowmaker, Pharah and other extremely outstanding female characters have also become the objects of many cosplayers.

It also includes the surrounding figures, and when you are prepared, cooperate with some fans, anchors, and promotion of videos, all of which make the popularity of "Overwatch" reach a peak.

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