Game Invasion: I chose the weakest class Summoner

Chapter 156 Summoning the Elemental Demon Dragon (Leader Plus)

Chapter 156 Summoning the Elemental Demon Dragon (Leader Plus)

Dean Qu Zhuo nodded slightly when he saw Han Yu approaching.

"Put on these equipment first, mainly to increase energy and cool down." The equipment specially prepared for Han Yu has been put aside, and Han Yu quickly finished putting it on.

"Mr. Zhong, show him the video."

Zhong Rou handed over a photo, which showed the details of a young dragon. It was all black, but there was a white pattern on its forehead.

In the eyes of humans, most monsters look the same, but the pattern is different for each dragon.

"It's this magic dragon. As long as we summon it, we can continue to explore."

Han Yu nodded, and started the initial summoning. Han Yu used the magic dragon summoning, and a complex skill was formed in the open space, which was more complicated than all previous skills.

When the summoning array was completed, my mind felt empty for an instant.

His own energy attribute is now 28 points, and with the equipment prepared by the school, the energy attribute has exceeded 30 points. But even so, I still feel dizzy when using the magic dragon summon.

But the summoning formation was still successfully formed. A seventeenth-level magic dragon cub staggered out of the summoning formation. It seemed that it was still covered with mucus, and it was obvious that it hadn't been born for long.

"No." The levels didn't match up, so Han Yu canceled the summoning directly.

Everyone had guessed the result, and it was impossible to summon it in one go.

The next step is to keep trying. After the cooldown is reduced, Han Yu can try to summon once in about 25 minutes.

Several other people were waiting beside them. After two hours, they still found nothing. Han Yu already felt a little dizzy.

When preparing for an attempt, Han Yu once again saw a magic dragon cub that he had seen before.

It seems that there are indeed very few elemental dragons around level 20, and they have already met repeated ones.

But when he was about to cancel the summoning, Han Yu stopped.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Kill this summoned creature."

Everyone was drowsy while waiting, but they didn't react for a while when they heard Han Yu's words.

"What do you mean? Does killing it have any effect?" Zhong Rou asked.

"It can improve efficiency."

When Hu Yun was fighting the tide hunter, he died once, and the consequence was that he could not be summoned again within three days. If he killed the summoned object, wouldn't it be guaranteed that the same summoned object would not appear again?

After hearing Han Yu's explanation, Zhong Rou nodded: "If this is really the case, it is indeed feasible."

No summoner had Han Yu's ability before, and naturally he never discovered such a pattern.

As soon as he said it, Qiu Huaqing shot directly, and the nineteenth-level elemental dragon was instantly killed. After a few seconds, the body disappeared in place, leaving a pool of blood.

These summoned objects, Han Yu, have no attribute points and no memory, so Han Yu is not too touched, just a clone.

After that, Han Yu didn't have to undo the summoning effort, and if he came out wrong, he would be killed directly.

After another two hours, Han Yu had already sat on the ground to call, and he felt that his brain was about to turn into a paste.

"Why don't you try again tomorrow?" It felt like Han Yu couldn't hold on any longer. Zhang Yi said.

This kind of continuous summoning really consumes a lot of brainpower. In order to successfully summon, Han Yu must draw the summoning array again and again.

"I'll rest for an hour, and then continue." The sun had not completely set when Han Yu came out, and it was already eight o'clock at night.

It's a pity that Han Yu's luck was not very good until eleven o'clock at night, and Han Yu took two breaks in the middle.

When everyone was about to give up, Han Yu saw a level 20 summoned creature.

[Elemental Demon Dragon; lv20


Ability: Spell Torrent


Attributes are not important. The decoration on the head of the dragon that Han Yu saw, this white pattern is found in almost every dragon, but each one is different.

"Here it is! This is it!" Han Yu shouted excitedly.

If he didn't show up again, Han Yu would really give up, even if he had already rested in the middle and continued to take energy recovery potions. Still can't resist the blankness in my mind.

His casting speed is getting slower and slower now.

"It finally appeared!" The elemental dragon flew out of the summoning array.

The juvenile dragon's body has not yet grown, and its flying speed is not fast.

Zhong Rou immediately looked over when she heard Han Yu's shout, and carefully compared it with the magic dragon on the record.

"That's right! This is the one, you can enter the instance!"

At this moment, the members of the combat team finally became excited, the biggest obstacle inside had been resolved, and the epic equipment was right in front of them.

Qiu Huaqing stood at the door of the dungeon, ready to open the dungeon.

But at this time, Han Yu felt a pulling force constantly pulling the connection between him and the elemental dragon.

The temporary contract originally signed because of the summoning formation seems to be collapsing.

The elemental dragon shook its head and let out a roar at Han Yu, with pieces of wind blades in its mouth.

"Teacher Ying, kill it."

Han Yu didn't expect that the summoned creature would attack him, so he simply killed him first.

Responding to Yuzhu's continuous moves, Zhang Yi pushed out with one hand, and a black light fell on the elemental dragon.

All the wind blades disappeared invisible, and the elemental dragon lowered its head. There was no injury on the surface of its body, but it lost its breath in an instant.

"Is it okay?" Zhu Xun, who led the team, looked back, and the movement on Han Yu's side just now also attracted their attention.

Han Yu guessed that when they were about to enter the dungeon, the elemental dragon that hadn't broken through the dungeon would break through the summoning contract according to the rules and return to its place.

If I hadn't held on just now, I might have let it go back, and I was busy all night again.

"It's okay, let's go in." Han Yu said after confirming that the elemental dragon he had just summoned was dead.

Without this creature, the combat team should be able to pass the level smoothly.

At this time, Han Yu felt that sitting was a bit strenuous.

"Han Yu, you should go back first, this battle will probably take a few hours to enter."

"Yeah." Han Yu nodded. The higher the level of the dungeon, the longer the customs clearance time. After all, facing the boss, it is normal to constantly pull, dodge, and grind blood.

Struggling to stand up, Ying Yuzhu helped Han Yu back to the dormitory. The next day Han Yu woke up from the dormitory and also received a message from Zhang Yi.

The plan was successful, and the difficult elemental dragon finally did not appear again.

But the dragon dungeon is indeed powerful. Even though the five people were fully prepared and took two hours, one person was seriously injured and two were slightly injured, and they managed to pass the normal difficulty for the first time.

But the result is always good, got an epic equipment

As for the attributes of the equipment, Zhang Yi didn't mention it to Han Yu, and Han Yu didn't ask ignorantly.

Getting the Dragon Summoning is his reward.

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