Chapter 280 Am I a Captain?

Just flapping its wings lightly, the black panther took Han Yu soaring into the sky, launching like a rocket full of fuel.

And it carried a Han Yu on its back.

With this flying speed, it seems that Hu Yun is completely unaffected by gravity, and the air is his home field.

Ning Jiang looked at Zhu Xun suspiciously. He had seen Han Yu's summoned black panther before, but he had never seen it fly, and its speed could reach this level.

Zhu Xun spread his hands: "You said to let Han Yu show his full strength, but I don't know where the bottom line of Han Yu's true strength lies."

Zhu Xun once thought he knew, but just after the battle started, Zhu Xun felt that he had never seen through Han Yu.

However, Yan Yue was already prepared, and immediately ordered: "Change the direction of the skill! Attack the air target!"

He knew that Han Yu could summon an elemental dragon, which could also be used as a mount in an emergency, but the flying speed of the elemental dragon was not top-notch, and they thought they could deal with it.

But what they didn't expect was that Han Yu had another flying summoner, and the flying speed was so fast.

But the attack continued. Ice rain fell from the sky and smashed down. Three ice tornadoes encircled Hu Yunjuan from three directions.

And Yan Yue propped the spear on the ground, the spear bent instantly, and the terrifying impact brought him to the sky, attacking Han Yu.

But when the ice rain was about to touch Han Yu, a layer of transparent light appeared on Han Yu's body, almost completely blocking the attack.

The three flying ice tornadoes were not fast. Hu Yun just turned around and dodged the attack, not to mention Yan Yue who attacked with the impact of the long spear, couldn't even touch a hair of Hu Yun.

"I can't can do whatever you want with this speed." Ning Jiang once again sighed at the speed of Han Yu's summoned object.

This kind of speed, even players who can float in the air at level 50 can't do it.

After several attacks failed, Yan Yue knew that ordinary attacks could not chase Han Yu back in the air, so he immediately changed his attack method.

"Zhou Ling! Lock the target!" Yan Yue's voice came out again, and the conjurer Zhou Ling, who had been standing behind Han Yu, flew several black lines out of her hand and flew towards Han Yu.

The speed was not fast, but he was flying after Hu Yun. If Hu Yun kept moving, maybe he could go around in circles with it, but Han Yu didn't choose to do this, but took the blow hard.

The damage was cut off by the silver snake again, but the special effect from Zhou Ling was preserved on Han Yu's body——Spellcaster

This is equivalent to an upgraded version of Jiang Ziqi's spell grass man. The key point is that Han Yu has no teammates now, let alone any purification skills, so he simply let the black thread be entangled.

After being affected by the black line, Han Yu felt faint in his head.

However, this influence did not interrupt Han Yu's summoning. Around the four people below, summoning circles were forming one by one.

On the ground, a straw man appeared beside the conjurer, and a black line on it was connected to Han Yu's body.

Next, as long as they deal damage to the straw man, Han Yu can't dodge the attack no matter how fast he is.

Han Yu's response was also very simple, sharing the talent of the Lava Lizard, his physique instantly rose to over 300 points.

The blood volume of the straw man will not increase because of his physique improvement. Even if they blow up the straw man, they may not be able to cause much damage to Han Yu.

Seeing Han Yu being connected by the straw man, the four of Yan and Yue were overjoyed, they stopped wasting energy on Han Yu in the air, and turned to attack the grass man on the ground.

However, a set of skills for four people was dropped, and the straw man's blood volume dropped by one-tenth, and the effect was remarkable.

Turning his head to look at the sky again, Han Yu's body has an extra layer of shield - from the title of pioneer.

After the shield was broken, the remaining damage only caused less than ten points of damage to Han Yu.

"This..." Zhou Ling, the conjurer in the team where everyone looked at, wondered why this straw man was so ineffective.

Although the straw man could not inherit all the health points, the output of the four was enough for Han Yu to drink a pot.

"It's talent sharing!" Yan Yue looked at the huge titan standing up behind the three of them. Understand that Han Yu has already used one of his most powerful abilities - talent sharing.

Looking at the thick rock armor on the lava lizard's body and the continuously flowing lava, Yan Yue felt a burst of despair.

"The straw man is also abolished! What should we do now!" No one thought that the most effective skill against air enemies would be abolished. Now even if they beat the straw man to nothing, it is estimated that Han Yu only broke a bloody skin That's all.

The key problem was that they never thought that Han Yu's summoned objects could move so fast and float in the air, making most of their skills useless.

But Han Yu didn't give them time to think about the countermeasures slowly. This is a real battle, and if they are not careful, they will be seriously injured.

Hu Yun who was in the air suddenly stopped and looked at the four people who were struggling on the ground.

The wings spread out, and a layer of white mist appeared under its feet, and eyes appeared out of nowhere on the wings—the eyes of the truth

Yan Yue and the others who were looking up at Han Yu were instantly affected when they saw the eyes on Hu Yun's wings.

A feeling of fear popped out of nowhere in his heart, he didn't know what they were afraid of.

But from the first moment they were stared at, they had no thought of fighting and just stood there sluggishly.

At the same time, the flame-tailed fox also started to attack, and the ground fire formed under the feet of Zhou Ling and the three of them. Before the ground fire erupted, the ignition effect of the spark had already been given.

Among the team, Holy Dragon Knight Yan Yue had the highest resilience and woke up immediately.

But because of his first charge, he was already thirty meters away from his teammates.

As the front row of the team, he must quickly help his teammates defend, at least take away Huatong, the least resilient Apostle of Healing in the team.

But just as he had this thought in his mind, twelve arrows flew towards him, knocking him back briefly.

Thirty meters away, the first eruption of the ground fire began, and a hot pillar of fire erupted from the ground, enveloping Zhou Ling and the three standing together.

It wasn't that they didn't want to disperse their positions, but that Han Yu could place the summoning array around, so that the three of them had to approach the middle.

The ground fire erupted, and Zhou Ling and the three were instantly wrapped in a pillar of fire. The scorching flame finally woke them up from Hu Yun's control.

The God Healing Apostle Hua Tong opened his hand to add a layer of healing and healing effects to everyone, followed by a group purification, which temporarily lifted the burning effect on everyone.

But if they don't leave the range of the ground fire, no amount of purification will help.

But before they had time to leave, they suddenly realized that the sky seemed to have darkened during the time they were affected by the Eye of Truth.

Before they had time to see the reason, three thunderbolts fell from the sky at the same time, paralyzing the three of them and losing the time to escape from the range of the ground fire.

After a short pause, the second round of eruption of the ground fire began, and it was another pillar of fire.

Under this terrifying injury, the healing effect just now had no effect, and the blood volume of the three began to drop rapidly.

At the same time, the flame-tailed demon fox's blazing fireball flew out, and the target was the healing apostle who had just released his skill.

After Ai Li interrupted Yan Yue's attack, she charged up an arrow, and the target was also the apostle of healing who was still in a paralyzed state.

At the same time, concentrated energy shooting, blazing fireballs, and sky thunders connected to ground fires all targeted Huatong, the most vulnerable body.

All the attacks hit almost at the same time, and the healing apostle Hua Tong's HP dropped to 10% in an instant, already below the dangerous line.

However, when her blood volume dropped rapidly, her body also began to condense, isolating all damage, and her life-saving skills were triggered.

At this time, Yang Qian finally made a move, a giant hand flew out above, grabbed Hua Tong, and took him away from the battlefield.

"This injury is too terrifying!" Hua Tong, brought back by Yang Qian, still couldn't help sighing. It hasn't been half a minute since the battle started, and Yan Yue's team, which was full of confidence, has been reduced.

Attacks of this frequency are fast and deadly.

And the skills are all control, so that the opponent has no power to fight back.

"It's all about control, and everything is output! This kind of summoned creature coordination, even if we go down, it will be difficult to deal with." Ning Jiang replied.

This was the first time he had seen all of Han Yu's summons show their strength, and after this set of tricks, even a few of them would be half-blooded.

Ju Hongcai touched his nose, if he ended up, he really couldn't think of a way to deal with it for a while.

The Healing Apostle was taken away from the battlefield, and just woke up from the condensed state, still panting heavily.

As an apostle of healing, she should have stood at the end of the battlefield.

But Han Yu flew into the air to summon, and a summoning circle formed around her, giving her no chance to escape at all.

He could only seek help from his teammates, but when they gathered, overwhelming attacks came.

A set of skills hit, and she fell to the ground before she even had time to release a few skills.

"It's horrible, is this a freshman student?" Hua Tong's eyes still showed fear, and he couldn't believe that he was beaten so badly.

Even though they already knew that Han Yu was different from ordinary first-year students, the difference in age and combat experience still made them feel a little contemptuous.

And Ning Jiang also said that Han Yu was going to be assigned as their captain, which made them even more angry, and everyone made up their minds to teach Han Yu a lesson.

But from the beginning to the end, only the spellcaster's skills hit Han Yu, and through the straw man, they couldn't cause any effective damage to Han Yu.

Hua Tong was rescued, but the battle on the ground was still going on, the second round of ground fire eruption was over, and the third round of eruption was coming soon.

However, the paralysis of the Extinguishing Demon Lightning finally dissipated, and the control effect of the second magic thunder was also halved.

At this time, the holy dragon knight Yan Yue finally returned to his teammates and rushed into the range of the ground fire. One hand in each hand, he brought Zhou Ling and the ice master Fan Siqi out of the range of the ground fire.

Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, Hu Yun in the sky swooped down with Han Yu.

Yan Yue put down his teammates, and reacted instantly. His spear was like lightning, and he stabbed towards Hu Yun.

No matter how fast the opponent's speed is, they must always follow the basic law of attributes. If the agility is high, the constitution will inevitably be low.

In the face of this attack, he was bound to be backed up. This was considered to have undid Han Yu's second wave of attack and protected the two teammates behind him.

The spear in Yan Yue's hand was less than one meter away from Hu Yun.

But Huyun let out a roar in the air, and the Propulsion was activated.

With toughness reduction and range control effect, the three who just got out of control fell into the control effect of Dementia once again.

Hu Yun swooped down, not to attack at all, but to enter the control range of Propulsion God, adding control effect to the three of them again.

With one hit, Hu Yun's body instantly pulled up in the air, as if all the inertia had gone away from him.

Ellie draws the bow again, and shoots continuously. This time, the target is the conjurer Zhou Ling. The blazing fireball of the flame-tailed fox has also cooled down, and the second attack begins.

However, the opponent fell into the control state of the God of God, and at the same time was taken away from the eruption range of the ground fire, which instead allowed the Shadow Blade Mantis to find the best opportunity to attack.

With a shadow leap, the mantis pierced Zhou Ling's throat with two blades.

All the attacks came at the same time, Zhou Ling's body was blurred, and the life-saving skills were passively triggered, and at the same time, her blood volume was only 20%.

Off the field, Zhu Xun made a move, and an ice bird flew quickly, and Zhou Ling was taken away from the field.

Before they met Han Yu, they had already lost two generals, and when Yan Yue woke up again, seeing that there was one less person beside him, he knew that the game must have been lost.

They didn't have any chance to get close to Han Yu, but before they opened their mouths to admit defeat, a black shadow appeared in front of them again, it was that terrifying titan.

A large amount of magma rushed towards them, directly covering Yan Yue and Fan Siqi.

"I admit defeat!" Yan Yue yelled angrily as he felt a sharp burning sensation on his body surface, and a light shield appeared on his body, temporarily isolating all damage.

"Okay, let's end the battle." Hearing Yan Yue's voice, Ning Jiang stood up hastily. This Han Yu was really rude. With a set of skills, the members of Yan Yue's team were all brilliant in less than two minutes. .

This battle was really exciting. Although Han Yu didn't make a move, the horror of his summons was vividly displayed. This kind of strength is no longer comparable to that of the ordinary Shanhai team.

Hearing Ning Jiang's announcement that it was over, Hu Yun slid across the air like a thunderbolt and fell back to the ground.

After Han Yu lifted his summons, Yan Yue and Fan Siqi, who was still in good condition, struggled out of the molten flames.

"Han Yu, you are really strong!" Yan Yue walked up to Han Yu and patted him on the shoulder: "You have become our captain, we are convinced!"

"Yes! You will be our captain from now on!" Fan Siqi followed suit.

She hadn't woken up much since Han Yu started attacking, and her last gaze was on the pressure of the lava lizard's huge size.

As a mage, being approached by such a terrifying monster made her heart still beating uncontrollably.

But this monster, if it is the summoned object of one's own people, can give a huge sense of security.

"Captain?" Han Yu was a little dazed. Isn't it just a competition? Why did he become the captain of this team?

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