Game of the World Tree

Chapter 470 Life Priest Strategy

As the center of "Elf Kingdom" players' communication, the forum on the official website of "Elf Kingdom" has always been very lively, and almost every player is also a regular visitor here.

The official forum brings together various strategy posts, record posts and gossip posts of players, as well as various resources, such as game background music, setting collections organized by players, photo collections of goddesses, etc...

Among them, because the mission style of "Elf Kingdom" is unique, it can't be measured by previous game experience, so the strategy posts are often the most popular, and the players' various actions are endless.

Especially after the opening of the priest profession, no one thought that the so-called "missionary" actually meant literally, and the mission of the priest's growth naturally became the hottest topic at the moment.

It was none other than Demacia who published the Life Priest Raiders.

As soon as his strategy post came out, it took only two days to be topped the most popular position, and the number of views soared, breaking through 100,000 early, and even the following messages were poured into more than 3,000 floors. ...

And this naturally caught Eve's attention.

The title of the post is as always "Demacia" style, simple and rude--

"[Life Priest Strategy] Demacia teaches you to quickly become a life priest."

Out of curiosity and anticipation, Eve clicked on Demacia's post.

The text of the post is still in Demacian style. Although it is a strategy, there is a touch of self-satisfaction between the lines:

"Hello everyone! I'm Demacia. I haven't posted a guide for a long time. I wonder if everyone misses me."

"Hey hey, first of all, let me give you a town floor plan! This is my current occupation panel!"


"Hey, as shown in the picture, now I am a real level 20 multi-time priest, I think there should be few people in the whole server who have a higher priest career than me? Yes, that's how it is! It's so handsome !"

"The priest profession has been open for a week, and the forums are complaining that the missionary mission of the priest profession is too difficult. But in my opinion, this is just because everyone has not found the trick."

"I was able to advance so quickly because of my skills."

"Hey hey, next, let me introduce you to a way to quickly complete the missionary mission and become a life priest quickly!"

"But before the introduction, let's give you a popular science about the priest profession. Although there are NPC priests in the game, NPCs are NPCs after all, and they are still different from our players."

"First of all, as introduced, priests are divided into part-time and main-class. The multi-class priest's level cannot exceed the player's level, while the main-class priest's level can exceed and cover the new player's level."

"The experience value of the main priest player is only one-third of that of other players. It can be said that in theory, it should be the easiest career to promote. However, whether it is a part-time priest or a main priest, it is necessary to pass missionary tasks. Higher level unlocks."

"The priest's trial task is very easy to complete. Everyone accepts the task on the job transfer interface, and you can find the relevant NPC in the Oros half plane to complete the task. It is strongly recommended that you go through the trial task carefully. The story of the origin of the plane. The story tells the story of the half-elf Oros, which is still very touching."

"The most troublesome thing for players should be the missionary mission."

"Preaching is the core of the priesthood. If you want to become a 1st-level apprentice priest, you must influence 3 believers. After becoming an apprentice priest, you must influence 1 believer for every level between 1st and 10th level. ; Between levels 11-20, 2 believers must be influenced for each level; and after level 20, the number of believers per level is increased again, requiring 3..."

"I speculate that the number of influences is increased by 1 for every 10 levels. If you want to become a life priest at level 40, I am afraid that you will need to influence 150 NPCs in total. It is worth mentioning that a shallow believer is converted into piety. Believers will also be counted as the number of probationers."

"In addition, whether it is to transform a green unbeliever into a white shallow believer, or transform a white shallow believer into a blue devout believer, the player will gain additional experience points, and the deeper the level of belief, the more The more experience you have."

"That is to say, for players who want to specialize in the priest profession, they can completely upgrade with missionary tasks."

"From this point of view, the priest profession has opened up a new way of promotion, a new way of playing. Those who don't like fighting and killing, but like to communicate with NPCs, can consider it."

"By the way, the priest's equipment is also on the exchange mall, but it can only be exchanged after obtaining the corresponding priest level, and only priests who meet the level can wear it normally. Otherwise, you will get a debuff, which will reduce the favor of other elves."

"Let's show everyone the life priest robe of the black iron lower ranks that I exchanged. It is white and has flower and grass patterns. It is still very beautiful."


"How is it? Envy! Hehehe, there are not many copies of the full server!"

"By the way, the priest's skills are also very gorgeous, all of them have special effects of holy light, just like Miss Alice, and the effect of healing magic is at least twice that of a Druid!"

"Show everyone a screenshot of when I performed my magic."


"Hey hey, isn't he handsome?"

"If there is any flaw in this profession, it should be attack power. Priest is a purely auxiliary profession. All skills are healing, protection, control, and various buffs."

"However, as a part-time job, it is indeed a very good choice, which makes it easier for us to survive in the wild."

"Okay, stop gossip and talk about how to complete the missionary task."

"In this, I will introduce a kind of missionary gameplay - [Team Spreading Education]!"

"That's right! Team flow! In fact, this is based on some experiences that everyone on Bluestar and I have come up with, and it has been verified in the game."

"The power of an individual is always small, but the power of a team is powerful, especially when the team is professional."

"After playing in "Elf Kingdom" for so long, everyone should have a deeper understanding of NPCs. Unlike other games, "Elf Kingdom" NPCs are fully simulated and very intelligent. If you want to complete missionary tasks , everyone must take this place as a reality, and only in this way can we more easily enter the hearts of NPCs."

"Yes, in the heart, although it is very mysterious and nonsense, the NPCs in "Elf Kingdom" have emotional systems and thinking programs that are fake and real, and we can completely treat them as human beings."

"Hey... When it comes to these, I have to say that for a long time, I didn't really understand this problem, which resulted in a long-term negative reputation... Until now, my favorability with many NPCs is still negative. Treatment has been given up."

"Take myself as an example, I advise everyone not to die in front of NPCs. The first impression is too important. After the favorability drops, it is difficult to rise again..."

"It's too far."

"Let's talk about missionary missions."

"When you're alone, it's actually difficult to get into the heart of an NPC, but it's different if you have a professional team."

"This is to be mentioned. In fact, people are affected by the environment. Through observation, we found that the same is true for the NPCs in "Elf Kingdom". Using the team, we can create a missionary environment that is easier to mobilize the emotions of NPCs."

"Based on this, I divided the steps of the team flow into three parts: giving gifts, fear and redemption, and showing up."

"The number of people in the team can be large or small, but the division of labor must be clear. Some people must be kind, some people will sing white faces, some people will sing red faces, and at the same time, some people must hide in the NPC to mobilize the atmosphere."

"The gift of giving is naturally to use our players' magical abilities and various materials to win the initial goodwill of NPCs. Considering the special nature of the Oros demi-plane, it is recommended to choose healing magic here, which will have a multiplier effect. "

"When giving gifts, choose a place with a lot of people, preferably a square or a tavern. By giving gifts, we can quickly gather NPCs and initially win their favor."

"The history of the Oros half-plane is special. For the NPCs here, our identity is very detached and respectable, so this step is actually very easy to complete."

"Of course, in order to strengthen the effect, we can also arrange for some professional personnel to use [Transfiguration] to transform into the appearance of residents and mobilize the atmosphere, which is commonly known as 'Tor'."

"When we have gathered enough NPCs, we can start the second step, which is fear and redemption."

"After completing the trial mission, we know that the Oros half-plane is actually continuing to collapse, but it was temporarily suppressed by the goddess, and the goddess Eve asked us to preach, in fact, to use the power of faith to save this half-planet. plane."

"Therefore, we can completely use this plot to use the destruction of the world as a fear to cause panic among NPCs."

"What we are telling is the truth. There are truths in falsehoods, and there are falsehoods in them. Therefore, it is easy to cause terror in NPCs. If not, then please use the secret weapon again - 'Too'."

"The Oros half-plane also has a legend of the collapse of the world. Therefore, it is not difficult for us to attract the attention and fear of NPCs, nor is it a deception."

"When panic is mobilized, we are half successful, and the other half is redemption."

"Redemption and fear are double reeds. If fear is to create a pressure and open the hearts of NPCs, then when they are at a loss, we should provide them with a road to redemption in time."

"This path is naturally the belief of the goddess."

"And this time is also the best time to spread the goddess's teachings."

"Players need to stand up and tell the teachings of the goddess, publicize the greatness of the goddess, and arouse the NPCs' yearning for the Church of Life."

"Here, it is recommended to focus on the healing magic of the Church of Life and the goddess's salvation of the world, because it turns out that these two aspects are the most likely to arouse the interest of NPCs."

"In addition, in order to maximize the effect, various magical special effects can be used to enhance the atmosphere."

"The goddess once performed miracles in the world of Oros, which is also known by many residents, and the relationship between us and the goddess will also make NPCs naturally awe and admire the goddess, so... For most of the unbelievers, when we've successfully played out fear and redemption, they're pretty much converted."

"Of course, trust is also necessary, especially after the redemption speech is over. Every time our team is tasked, once the redemption speech is over, there are players driving the atmosphere below, and a large number of residents will immediately become believers..."

"And after fear and redemption, the third step is to speak out."

"The statement of showing up is actually an extension of fear and redemption. It is mainly through telling about the various miracles and changes brought about by faith, the greatness of the Goddess of Laiqiang, and the magic of the Church of Life, and finally make the residents who have turned into shallow believers more firm in their beliefs. Let the vacillating residents finally choose to convert."

"Of course, in this process, Tuo still needs it, hehehe."

"As for the candidates who appeared to speak out, we chose to let players use [Transfiguration] in the early days to incarnate into residents who accept their beliefs, tell the changes that the God of Life has made to themselves, and tell the greatness of the goddess. I have selected some of the story texts for everyone. Download reference..."

【Compressed file】

"However, as the activity progresses, we find that after developing new believers, many people will choose to follow us. Therefore, after the team grows, we can hand over some of the work here to NPCs."

"Many NPCs know each other. When they also participate, everyone can find that the mission of mission will be completed more smoothly."

"This is the main flow of the team missionary flow."

"The team missionary flow should be the fastest way for priests to advance in the current version, but there is one more thing that needs to be mentioned here, which is the distribution of quest rewards."

"The team spreads the teaching, everyone needs to form a team, and after the probation of believers, not everyone will complete the target, a probation object, the final reward will only affect one player."

"That is to say, if the team influences a believer, only one player will enjoy the results."

"As for who enjoys the results, through observation, we found that it should be the player who has the greatest influence on this npc during the mission."

"It may be the host, it may be the player who shows up, or it may be the trustee in the crowd..."

"However, generally speaking, players who appear as Redeemers are more likely to become players who enjoy the results. Therefore, it is recommended that you take turns playing the roles of Redeemers when working as a team..."

Demacia's post was very detailed and the information provided was very rich. Even Eve was quite amazed when she read it.

"It's really professional, I really don't know where he learned so much knowledge."

Eve nodded.

In this way, after seeing it, He even wanted to promote it among elves!

You must know that although the elves are devout in their beliefs, they are far less fanatical than other races when it comes to preaching, and they are relatively inexperienced.

However, Eve also understands that because the predecessor World Tree did not believe in the true god after all, but an ancient god, and belief was just icing on the cake for him, and naturally he would not dabble too much.

That is, after Eve came to this world, she wanted to use the power of faith to strengthen herself and conceal her identity, so she planned to develop the believers vigorously by taking a two-pronged approach.

"This team mode is really good, and it can also make players more and more professional, at least not fall into the name of life priest."

"While it is professional, it is also a screening of players. After all, not all players can form such a team, and those who can lead such a team are quite capable themselves, um... This is indeed a kind of Good way to pick a priest."

"This guy Demacia has finally been trusted once. Seeing that he has improved, next time he draws in the lucky prize pool, give him a golden legend."

Eve thought to herself.

The post is not over.

After making a decision in her heart, Eve continued to look down.

However, after reading the last few paragraphs of Demacia's post, his face darkened slightly.

"The explanation is over! Put a small advertisement, and the Amway Publicity Group of the Heart of Nature Guild is recruiting bosses!"

"Only 5,000 Contribution Points! Just 5,000 Contribution Points! Assist in activating the apprentice priest profession! Whether you are a silver player or a black iron player, whether you are good at communicating with NPCs, it is definitely covered!"

"Also, if you want to upgrade your priesthood, you can! 2,000 Contribution Points are a believer! The old man is innocent!"

"Poke me privately in the game for interested friends! id: Demacia!"

"Hey hey hey hey..."

Eve:  …

"Forget it, let him continue to smoke white board shoes."

He twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling a headache.

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