Game of the World Tree

Chapter 546 The Fall of Uller

The golden and green photons continued to rotate, and a more magnificent and vast coercion spread out than when Uller cast the Frost God Realm...

At that moment, the entire sky seemed to be transformed into a vast world, with lush plants and all things growing.

This is Eve's domain.

That's right, Eve's body cannot move.

However, as a world tree, his root system can theoretically grow infinitely!

Where the main body is, you can use the divine domain, and the root system... is also a part of the main body!

After the players attacked the desert of death, Eve always insisted on traveling with her clone. The fundamental reason was not just for the highest command, but also to take the opportunity to extend her roots!

This time is long and needs to be careful, and it cannot be discovered by other beings in any case.

Therefore, Eve has always been secretly and cautiously, and used the incarnation of activities on the ground to release the breath of divine power to cover up, and act as a target for possible accidents.

And in the final battle of gods, He finally extended the root system that was less than a millimeter thick to the bottom of the battlefield!

This... is Eve's real trump card, and also Eve's invincible strength!

In his domain, no one can defeat him!

At least...the current Seggs Continent is like this.

Of course, this approach is also risky.

That is, if it is not properly manipulated, or if there are other true gods snooping nearby, it is easy for Eve to reveal his true identity.

So... at the beginning, He used this method as the last resort to press the bottom of the box.

Never use it unless you have to.

Even, Eve did not intend to use it originally, but planned to use the incarnation of the true god level to make a fortune and slip away.

Because in His prediction, it is very likely that he will need to face more than one mythical existence.

And as long as there is a myth that thinks about it and is not shrouded in his divine realm, or if he tries his best to break through the divine realm to capture his true body, he will be exposed…

However, no one could have imagined that Reinhardt would choose to shoot.

The whole battle of gods finally became a duel between Eve and Uller.

And in order to defeat Eve, Uller even forcibly descended into his real body and cast God's Domain!

His divine domain covers the sky, covers the entire battlefield, and at the same time completely isolates the inside and outside, and isolates the prying eyes of other mythical existences.

It is also for this reason that Eve can explode power from the ground without any worries at all!

Even now, other mythical existences will only think that Eve forcibly broke through the sealed space, broke out from within the Frost God Realm, and released his own God Realm!

A burst of golden-red photons completely drowned the entire sky.

In just an instant, Urall's divine domain was shattered like a bubble of gold and stone!

This is the suppression of the law.

Life and nature are inherently higher-level priesthoods than hunting and cold winter.

And Eve, whose body power has surpassed Uller, displayed his own divine domain and immediately reversed the situation on the battlefield!

God's Domain collapsed, and the light on Uller's body dimmed instantly.

He couldn't help groaning, and spit out a mouthful of silver divine blood.

It is not real blood, but the manifestation of divine power that contains laws. It circulates in the true body of the true god, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is "blood"...

In just a moment, Uller's breath wilted.

If God's Domain is broken, even a true God with extremely strong recovery ability will be backlashed by serious laws.

Not to mention, this kind of violence was crushed and torn apart by another true god with a higher personality by virtue of his own divine domain!

"God's Domain?! How can you still cast God's Domain?!"

Uller ignored the injury caused by adjusting the backlash, but looked at Eve in horror and lost his voice.

Eve smiled slightly.

He did not explain, but raised the life scepter in his hand, evoking divine power to completely restore the crack that was torn when Urel shook the plane channel, and asked back:

"What do you say? Your Royal Highness?"

Urel's expression was very ugly.

His gaze fell on Eve, a little suspicious.

Staring at Eve for a while, Uller gritted his teeth and said:

"You...not your real body! You actually have a mythical body as an incarnation! Your real body...has been hidden in the dark!"


Eve snapped her fingers.

"However, there is no reward."

He shook his head, waved the life scepter in his hand, and said softly:


Following Eve's words, Urel only felt an irresistible force coming from all directions, pressing down on him.

That is the power of the law.

Here, Eve is the master, and every word of his is a law!

Follow the law.

Urall's expression changed dramatically.

He wanted to wield the divine axe to cut off the law that suppressed him, but... the seal that he originally placed on himself to complete the replacement of reality and reality became a chain that seals his power.

Also ironic...

This seal, which should belong to the help, at this moment makes Uller unable to exert enough power, and can only watch himself being imprisoned by the law of nature and the power of the gods of life!

He just lifted the divine axe to the top of his head with difficulty, and could no longer move half a minute.

Feeling the power of being imprisoned, Uller roared angrily:

"Eve! Your methods... I'm not convinced! If you still have the pride of the true God, fight me justly and justly!"

Hearing Uller's angry roar, Eve felt a little speechless.


He sneered and shook his head slightly.

Sealed space is justice?

Conspiracy with the evil god is justice?

These double standards reminded him of some people on Blue Star.

Of course, Eve knew that she was not a good god either.

But so what?

He just wants to survive in this world.

And if he wants to live with a sensitive identity, he can only become stronger than any existence!

Thinking of this, Eve strolled gently, stepping on the green leaves and blossoming flowers transformed by divine power, and walked in front of Uller.

The next second, he raised the scepter of life.

The vast divine power fluctuations converged on the life scepter, and the breath became more and more terrifying.

At this moment, Uller's pupils shrank, and there was finally a trace of fear in his eyes:

"Eve...are you really going to kill me?! You should know who is behind me! If I fall, you will surely usher in the wrath of Lord, the god of war and destruction!"

Uller said with a little eagerness.

After hearing his words, Eve was even more speechless.

Does this half-orc true god have a hole in his brain?

Or did you seal the power but not the IQ when you conferred the gods?

He is the one who said that someone will fall in a battle with him today, and he is still the one who wants to survive after the defeat...

Eve didn't know what to say.

As for the god of war behind Uller?

Oh, if the other party really values ​​Uller, when Eve casts Divine Realm, I am afraid there should be other myths intervening.

Maybe it's the incarnation, or the voice of the soul, in short... someone must stop Eve.

But the result was... nothing happened.

Obviously, although I don't know why Lord, the god of war and destruction, didn't take action, Ullar was really abandoned by him.

At this point, Eve shook her head and said:

"Uller, winner or loser, if you still have the pride of the true God, stand up at the last moment."

Then, he gently pressed the scepter of life to Urel's chest.

The golden light burst out on the life scepter, completely covering Uller's body.

【Life Deprivation】

This is one of the abilities of the Scepter of Life.

It can absorb the opponent's life force, store it in the life scepter, or directly pass it to the holder of the true artifact through the life scepter.

True God is also a kind of higher existence life, and this ability can also act on Uller, but it is no longer life force, but divine force and divine soul.

At the same time, this ability is also an upgraded version of the war sacrifice, which is a derivative of Eve's ability to absorb.

When Eve's body can't show up, this is the best way for Eve to devour Uller's power!

Feeling the rapidly disappearing divine power and the rapidly weakening divine soul power in his body, Urel's expression became more and more frightened:

"Eve! You can't do this!"

"I am the god of winter and hunting! I am the god of the god of war! You are the enemy of the god of war!"

But soon, it became a plea for mercy:

"Eve! I admit that I failed! You let me go once, and I can give you the two priesthoods of nature and hunting! This is a derivative of your priesthood. With them, you will be stronger!"

"Eve...don't you just want to grow quickly...I am willing to...compensate for divine power, there are still many divine powers in my kingdom of God...I am willing to make a true god oath to let my believers leave your sphere of influence …”

"Eve... As a righteous god, do you... really want to kill me?!"

Urer's slightly pleading voice resounded in the realm of the gods.

However, Eve did not stop.

He shook his head:

"Hurry up and kill... I don't know, did you think so when you issued an order against the elves to your followers. I don't know... When you participated in the siege of the World Tree a thousand years ago, did you think so."

After he finished speaking, he quickened the movements in his hands.

The power in the body was quickly pulled away, and Uller's facial features became more and more distorted.

Gradually, his divine power became weaker and weaker, and his divine soul became more and more exhausted.

In a trance, Uller seemed to see his memories before he was conferred a god.

That was the memory of He was enshrined by the half-orcs, and was originally born from the totem to shelter one side...

That was when he was conferred a god, and he promised his people that he would lead the orcs to the top of the world, so that all believers could have happy memories...

And after he joined the God of War, the memory of his desire for power and his desire for power...

And in order to go further, he joined the alliance of the gods and besieged the memory of the World Tree...

"No...I can't fall here..."

"I haven't become...the god of life and...nature..."

"I... haven't established my own god system..."

"I haven't...haven't fulfilled the promise I made before the consecration..."

"I haven't...haven't made...the Orcs...the real...Silver race..."

"I haven't... yet... let them... get rid of... the ridicule of... humans and... orcs..."

His voice, intermittent, weaker and more incoherent.

His consciousness became more and more obscure, more and more vague.

He moved his head with difficulty, used all his strength, and tried to look at Eve.

He looked at the goddess of life who was wearing a white skirt, a crown of garlands, silver hair and purple eyes...

The dazzling holy light rippled around the girl, and her delicate and perfect face was as dreamy as moonlight.

At that moment, Uller felt the existence in his field of vision, and a certain figure in the depths of his memory gradually overlapped.

It was a beautiful figure who always had a gentle smile on her face.

That is a figure who is friendly and kind no matter who he is facing.

It was a figure that made him feel uneasy and terrified whenever he thought about it in the past thousand years.

In a trance, Uller seems to remember the memories that have been forgotten by him in the distant time...

It was a sunny afternoon.

The warm sun shone on the earth, and the girl with silver hair and purple eyes stood in front of a rough carved totem and gently waved the scepter in her hand...

His voice was clear and pleasant, with a hint of hope:

"You are very spiritual, if you want, grow up... shelter one side."

"By the way, you don't have a name yet, so... I'll give you one..."

"Uller, what do you think?"

"This is the transliteration of 'Benevolent Shelter' in the Titan language. I hope you will always be kind, always remember your mission, never forget your original intention, and lead this new race down the road..."

The vision became more blurred, and the consciousness became more and more hazy.

Uller looked at the figure in front of him with blurred eyes, and murmured:



His voice had a hint of indescribable, inexplicable emotions.

His words were not finished.

The next moment, his eyes dimmed.

The figure suddenly shattered.

turned into countless silver photons.

An inexplicable wave spread, and the whole world trembled slightly in an instant.

For a time, all the orcs in the world of Seggs, all who believed in the god of winter and hunting, felt that their hearts suddenly became empty, as if they had lost something.

An indescribable sense of sadness floated over the hearts of every believer, and the wailing began to sound on the battlefield, in the tribes, in every part of the desert of death...

And above the sky, the gorgeous rays of light radiated from the gods of nature and life, turned into streamers, and returned to nothingness...

That is the power of the law that has lost its master and returned to heaven and earth.

At the same time, above the desert of death, a mottled rain of light rained down the entire sky, like a miracle.

Far away in the heaven, a country shimmering with silver light began to collapse rapidly...

At this moment, all the mythical beings who perceive this change are aware of—

Urall, the god of winter and the hunt...


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