Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory

Chapter 224 The outbreak of faith

In the nights that followed, Linde stayed in the Court of Black and White. During the day, with the help of Jia Kun, he disguised himself as different people and walked around the city of Braavos to understand the situation here.

Braavos is a very special city, it is both conservative and open.

It is said to be conservative because there are a lot of ancient rules and ways of living here. Countless gods that have been forgotten in other places are still worshiped here. Traditional customs and stubborn ideas affect this city all the time.

However, such a conservative city has different races from all over the world, from the mysterious and ancient Thern people outside the Great Wall in the north, to the Sothoros people on the continent on the other side of the Summer Sea in the south, or to the Gold people further east. People from heaven and earth.

All in all, in this city, you can see various races. It is no exaggeration to say that it would not be surprising if one day you see the legendary winged people with wings and the ability to fly in the sky.

To be honest, Linde was also surprised that he could see so many races here, especially when he saw the Yidi people from the Golden Celestial Dynasty, he also felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy, although he knew very well about the Yidi people and people here. He had nothing to do with his own ethnicity in his previous life, but his appearance with obvious oriental characteristics still made him feel good.

Unfortunately, this good impression only lasted until he was robbed by these Yidi people. In the end, he chose to send these foreign fellows directly back to their hometown to prevent them from continuing to suffer in the world.

While touring the entire city, Lind was also influenced by the memories of the Peace Walkers, thinking about how to capture the city in the event of a war with Braavos.

And he came to the conclusion that with the existing weapons and equipment, even with a hundred thousand troops, it is probably impossible to attack the city from the outside. Of course, the premise is that there are no dragons, and they still need the kind of dragons that can fly, not gluttons. A giant dragon that can only swim in the sea and crawl on land.

It is theoretically possible to attack the city from the inside, because although the internal political situation in Braavos is dominated by the Sea King family and frightens the whole city, this does not mean that he has no opponents. In fact, from the first generation After the appearance of Sea King, various power struggles in Braavos have never stopped. Almost every Sea King has encountered countless assassinations, and the people who assassinated him are either the keykeeper families or people from the city. Governor of trade.

This is just the power struggle between Neptune and his subordinates, and the power struggle between subordinates is equally fierce. As long as this kind of struggle is concentrated in two camps, one is the Iron Treasury keykeeper family with ancient traditions, and the other is the emerging forces. Governor of trade.

There are mainly twenty-three keykeeper families. They hold the key to the Iron Bank and pass it on hereditary. Although the keys have now been reduced to ritual objects, according to the ancient system, they still occupy a seat on the secret council of the Iron Bank. , even if the keykeeper family has declined, as long as they hold the key, their status in the Iron Bank will not be shaken.

In Braavos, the Iron Bank controls all trade, and even those as powerful as the Trade Governor still have to obey the orders of the Iron Bank.

Although the Trade Governors have tried various methods to infiltrate the Iron Bank over the years and successfully occupied several seats, the dominance of the Secret Council has always been in the hands of the Keykeeper family and has never wavered.

Therefore, the two have been fighting openly and secretly for hundreds of years for control of the Iron Bank, and judging from various signs, there is no possibility that this fight will stop and will continue to exist.

As long as there is fighting, cracks can be created within Braavos, and the cracks will become bigger and bigger, eventually causing it to collapse. However, this process will be very long, so long that it may take decades or even hundreds of years.

Although it is difficult to conquer Braavos regardless of external attack or internal division, this does not mean that Braavos is invulnerable. In fact, on the first day of visiting Braavos, Linde had already discovered the secrets of Braavos. Lavos's Achilles heel.

The entire Braavos is built on atolls and islands. There is an extreme lack of drinking water here. All drinking water needs to be transported from the land outside the city through swamps and shoals through an elevated water channel called the Sweet Water Canal. Fresh water is directed into the city.

Once this water channel is destroyed or captured, the entire order in Braavos will completely collapse within a few days.

The Braavos were also aware of this, so they set up a well-equipped canal protection army specifically for this canal.

This army always has 10,000 warriors, each of whom is proficient in combat skills, equipped with the most sophisticated armor and weapons, and can cope with the attacks of most enemies.

In addition, there are 20,000 garrison troops in Braavos City. If a war breaks out, half of them can be deployed to support the canal. Coupled with the large number of mercenaries in the city and the temple or temple guardian warriors, etc., this This gives Braavos the most powerful military force in the entire Free Trade City.

In the view of the Braavos, such a powerful military force is enough to protect the safety of this water channel.

However, that is compared to ordinary people. If Linde were to operate, he would first send people to sneak into the canal, then poison it, paralyze the support force in the city, create panic, and then attack the canal guarding army and capture the control the aqueduct, and then go to Braavos to persuade them to surrender. If Braavos does not surrender, they will directly pour wildfire into the aqueduct.

This sweet water canal runs through the city from south to north. Countless jars transport water to all parts of the city. Once wildfire is poured into it and ignited, the entire Braavos will be in flames and the city will be burned to the ground. , just like being burned by dragon flames.

However, after Lind came up with this plan to attack Braavos, he put this plan at the bottom. He would not use this method unless he had to, because what he wanted was a complete Braavos. Foss, rather than a ruin.

Fortunately, Lind's desire to control Braavos is not as strong as that of the disputed land. As long as Braavos does not hinder him, he will not take action against Braavos, at least not in a short period of time. Foss's plan to take action.

When Lind visited Braavos, the Sea King of Braavos remained nervous because of his appearance. Originally, he only had one chief swordsman and ten dead men as his bodyguards, but now they protect him. The number of people has increased to a hundred-man team composed of fifty dead soldiers, water dancers and other warriors.

At this moment, Neptune was completely sure that the sharpshooter with the pseudonym Li was Linde, and his people also immediately found the guide hired by Linde, and followed the clues to find the hotel where Linde lived.

However, when Quiro took the people to the hotel, the building was already empty. In their opinion, Linde obviously knew that they would come in advance and left first.

Afterwards, Neptune ordered Quello to conduct a citywide search to find Lindelai, but found nothing.

However, this wave of searches allowed him to confirm that Lind should be in one of the temples or shrines on the Island of the Gods at the moment. To be more precise, he was most likely in the Temple of the Storm God not far from the hotel where he was staying. middle.

The reason why we are so sure is because after investigation, it was found that on the day Linde arrived in Braavos, the Storm God Priest Liga met an outsider wearing local Braavos clothes, and the two talked for a long time. Coincidentally, when the two were talking, thick fog appeared in the city, dark clouds suddenly appeared, and heavy rain fell suddenly.

Although Linde has never admitted it, almost all followers of the Storm God believe that Linde is the incarnation of the Storm God. Even the statue in the Temple of the Storm God is completely carved in Linde's image, so Linde Choosing to hide in the Storm God became a natural thing.

However, if he sends people into the Temple of the Storm God to search, it will not only arouse the hostility of the Temple of the Storm God, but will even arouse the rebuke and disgust of other temples and temples on the Island of the Gods, which will in vain push this powerful force in the city to his enemies.

Therefore, he could only choose to monitor the Storm God Temple.

Naturally, it was impossible for Neptune to make such a big noise without hiding it from the dignitaries in the city. Soon they all knew what caused Neptune to make such a big fuss. They all felt a little gloating about Neptune's misfortune. Everyone was waiting to see what happened to Neptune. joke.

You must know that at the magic armor exhibition, many people judged from the shape of the magic armor and the armor of the Storm God statue that this magic armor must be related to Linde, and speculated that Linde would come to visit.

Therefore, many of them tried to deliberately spread the news to Summer Hall, just waiting for Linde to come and then watch Neptune's jokes so that Neptune's reputation could be discredited.

However, what disappointed them was that although the news had been passed on, Linde never responded, as if he didn't know about it. After waiting for a long time to no avail, they all gave up the idea of ​​watching the joke.

However, what they never expected was that what they were looking forward to would come so suddenly. Lind Terra, the lord of Summer Hall, the Chosen God of the Seven Gods, and the incarnation of the Storm God, would arrive in Braavos silently. Almost everyone's attention fell on the Temple of the Storm God, because they, like Neptune, believed that Lind should be hidden in the Temple of the Storm God.

But some people think that Lind may be hiding in the Church of the Seven Gods, because Lind himself is the chosen god of the Seven Gods. His status among the believers of the Seven Gods has surpassed that of the Archbishop in King's Landing, and he has become the spiritual leader of the Faith of the Seven Gods. , so the Seven Sacred Church will definitely not mind Linde's arrival.

However, no matter how these people guessed, none of them would guess that Linde was hiding in the Court of Black and White, because they never knew what relationship Linde had with the Court of Black and White, and the Court of Black and White has always been known for its coldness and would never interfere. In the power struggle within the city, they will only follow the oracle of the Thousand Faced God to harvest the lives that must be harvested, so anyone thinks that Lind is the least likely to hide in the Court of Black and White.

However, Linde has been hiding in the Court of Black and White these days, unexpectedly by everyone. He even disguised himself as someone else and wandered around the Temple of the Storm God during the day, chatting with those who monitored the Temple of the Storm God, and completely blended in with the locals. in the state of life.

After Lind drank the water from the pool in the Courtyard of Black and White that day, Jia Kun consciously taught him some of the Faceless Man's disguise skills. According to her, as long as he drank the pool water and survived, he would be qualified to become a Faceless Man. By.

However, Linde always felt that Jia Kun was not telling the truth, but he could see that Jia Kun had a very special status in the House of Black and White and had a high status. If he taught him the disguise skills of the Faceless Man, he would not treat Jia Kun at all. If Kun had any influence, he didn't think much about it.

These days he was touring the city and practicing this camouflage technique. It had to be said that this technique was very useful to him, at least it was much better than the Lion Knight Wenstein's vest that he took for granted. If he had When he left Shengxia Hall, knowing this set of things, he would not reveal his identity at all now.

Perhaps it was because the surveillance over the past few days annoyed Li Ga, or perhaps Li Ga wanted to use this opportunity to become famous and prepare for the establishment of a religious order in the near future.

In a routine sermon, she directly rebuked those who monitored the temple, calling them blasphemers, and demonstrated the ability to control dark clouds and storms in full view of the public.

Linde was also nearby at the time, and in order to increase the power of the Storm God, he also activated the rune power of the Nameless King, making the storm controlled by Li Gaa stronger and wider, covering not only the top of the temple, but also the entire cloth. Ravos.

Li Ga also knew that Linde was secretly helping him, so after achieving the effect, she immediately stopped using the power she had obtained, and then announced that she had obtained the gift of the Storm God and had mastered the ability to control the storm, confirming that she was the Storm God. The identity of the high priest of the temple.

This incident caused a huge sensation in Braavos. Although Braavos has various beliefs about gods, and all temples and shrines claim the existence of gods and pay attention to them, there has never been a priest or priest. They have only shown some tricks that are more like some kind of magic.

And now the power of controlling the weather of heaven and earth shown by Liga, the priest of the Storm God, is obviously not something that can be achieved by magic and magic. Everyone subconsciously has the idea that the Storm God is real and is really paying attention. here.

For a time, the number of followers of the Storm God increased rapidly. The original believers turned into devout believers, and the original devout believers turned into fanatic believers. Before Li Ga could speak, the believers took the initiative to hope that Li Ga could establish a religious order and regulate it. Storm god belief.

The temples and temples of other gods in Braavos are also envious and jealous of the god-given power displayed by Liga and the increase in the number of believers in the Temple of the Storm God, but they have also gained considerable benefits from this matter. Because in the eyes of believers, since the Storm God is real, then other gods should also be real.

As a result, the entire Braavos has entered a state of explosion of faith. Not only the locals of Braavos, but also other outsiders will find temples where they believe in gods to pray. Even many have been put into The forgotten gods in the sanctuary were also brought out again and worshiped by people.

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