Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory

Chapter 285 The High Sparrow

After leaving the Red Keep, Linde went to the official residence he purchased in King's Landing. On the way, those who survived the Great Plague knelt down and saluted to Linde to show their gratitude.

Although it was the Church of the Seven Gods that treated those infected with the plague in King's Landing, everyone knew where the medicine to treat the plague came from. Naturally, they were extremely grateful to Linde. Otherwise, they would not have asked to be treated in the Church of the Seven Gods. A statue of Linde was erected.

Linde's official residence is right next to the Red Castle and close to the city wall. It has two three-story houses and a courtyard and garden. Next to the official residence is a doorway leading to Blackwater Bay. Normally this is open, making it convenient to live here. Many dignitaries went to Blackwater Bay to play, but at night, three heavy iron gates would block the entrance to prevent anyone from sneaking into the city from here.

However, since Janos Slynt became the commander of the garrison, this doorway has become an important channel for him to smuggle all kinds of contraband. The man guarding the doorway is named Ronco. On the surface, he is Janos' die-hard loyalist, but in fact It was one of the people Linde placed in King's Landing, which was also one of the main reasons why Linde bought this house.

Another reason is that there is a secret passage here that connects to the underground secret passage of the Red Keep. Varys can come to see Linde through this secret passage at any time, just like now.

"Did Jon Arryn really die in an accident?" Lind asked directly when he saw Varys waiting in the room for a long time.

"No." Varys shook his head and said, "If it was just an accident, Mrs. Lysa would not have fled back to the valley with her son."

Lynde asked again: "Who killed him? Queen Cersei or Littlefinger?"

"I don't know." Varys shook his head and said, "Although Prime Minister Jon is doubting something about Queen Cersei, he can't find substantive evidence yet, so he has not really threatened Queen Cersei. As for Littlefinger, what happened between him and Lady Lysa was actually tacitly approved by Prime Minister Jon, and was even requested by Prime Minister Jon, so he should not kill Prime Minister Jon because of this matter."

"What?" Lind was stunned and asked in a deep voice: "Prime Minister Jon asked Littlefinger and his wife..."

"Yes." Varys also had an incomprehensible expression on his face and said: "Prime Minister Jon is a person who values ​​honor very much. He himself died very early and was worried that Lady Lysa would find a random lover, and then there would be a scandal, which would corrupt her. The reputation of the Aelin family, so he simply took the initiative to find a lover for Lady Lysa, so that he could control the lover and avoid the risk of scandal. "

"Mrs. Lysa's miscarriage in recent years..." Lind asked again.

"It was Prime Minister Jon who did it. He just wanted to find a lover for Lady Lysa, not..." Halfway through his words, Varys suddenly stopped, seeming to realize something, and said in a deep voice: "What do you mean? Because Prime Minister Jon caused Lady Lysa to have a miscarriage, Lady Lysa had murderous intentions towards Prime Minister Jon? Did Prime Minister Jon die at Lady Lysa's hand?"

Linde did not answer immediately. He pondered, and then asked again: "What was the cause of Prime Minister Jon's death? Has any poison been found?"

"I don't know." Varys shook his head and said, "It's not any kind of poison I know. I was beside Prime Minister Jon before he died. The process of his death was very... very... I can't describe it in words. But I can feel that he must have been poisoned.”

"You don't even know what poison it is?" Linde frowned and muttered.

Before Varys became the intelligence chief of Aerys II, he had mixed up in a place like Pentos, and he had mixed up from the bottom to the point where his reputation was so far-reaching that even the king of the Iron Throne heard about it. The various assassination methods he has seen are definitely far beyond ordinary people, and the poisons he has used are definitely not comparable to ordinary people. Now even he can't analyze what kind of poison it is, so there is only one possibility. The poison that caused Jon's death was not Not from the Free Cities and the Seven Kingdoms, but from elsewhere.

At this time, Lind thought that there was intelligence that had mentioned that Littlefinger had been in close contact with the Doomsday Faith for a period of time. It would not be a bad idea if Littlefinger had obtained some mysterious and deadly potion from the Doomsday Faith people at that time. It's not impossible.

Lind told Wallis his suspicions. Wallis nodded thoughtfully and said he would investigate the matter.

Then, when he was about to leave, he suddenly stopped again, turned to Lind and said: "Duke Eddard has recently taken over matters that Prime Minister Jon has not fully investigated. His actions are really too big, and there are many Everyone is watching him, he is in danger all the time, I think you should persuade him, after all, King's Landing is not Winter City. "

Lind shook his head and said: "You overestimate me. I am not very familiar with Duke Eddard. There is no way to persuade him to do anything. And with Duke Eddard's character, even if King Robert persuades him, he may not be able to persuade him." I won’t listen either.”

"What a pity, he is a good man." Varys sighed, turned and left.

After Varys left, Lind put on ordinary clothes, left the mansion with two attendants, and then walked along the city wall toward Flea Bottom.

The great plague wiped out the poor people of Flea Bottom. The best way to describe it was that only nine out of ten houses were empty. However, in just one year, the population of Flea Bottom returned to the level of overcrowding. People from all the castles in the Seven Kingdoms Farmers, debtors, and wanted criminals from the town all gathered here. Originally, they just wanted to stay here temporarily for a while and leave when they found an opportunity. However, the temporary became permanent, and the temporary residents became permanent residents.

Therefore, people in Flea Bottom often say that the land of Flea Bottom has magical power and can produce an invisible rope to help everyone who lives in it. The longer the tied person lives, the thicker the rope becomes, and it is difficult to get rid of the rope. The less likely it is to leave, and eventually it will be more completely integrated into the Flea Bottom and become a part of the Flea Bottom.

"I'm looking for the High Sparrow." After entering Flea Bottom, Linde directly found a child, threw him a few bronze stars, and said.

After hearing this, the child immediately led Linde and others through the maze-like flea nest, and soon came to a small fountain surrounded by a circle of low houses.

The road leading to the fountain was crowded with people. They sat quietly on the ground or stood against the wall. Their eyes were all focused on a monk of the Seven Gods wearing tattered robes next to the fountain. They listened to the monk explaining the seven gods. Contents of the Sacred Code.

Linde did not come forward to disturb him, but stood aside and waited for the sermon to end.

Not long after, the old monk couldn't stop, and then his followers brought over several large pots with various wild vegetables and fish cooked in them. The poor believers who were listening to the sermon around them all took bowls and jars and cooked in an orderly manner. He stood in front of the big pot and queued up to receive the food.

When the old monk was distributing food to the believers, he also saw Linde and others. After all, no matter how ordinary their clothes were, they were already very bright compared to the ragged poor people around them. It was difficult to avoid attracting attention. It's hard.

However, when he saw Linde's appearance clearly, a look of surprise immediately appeared on his face. He obviously recognized Linde, but he did not put down what he was doing and come to see Linde, but turned his head. , continue to concentrate on providing food for believers.

After the last believer got the food, the High Sparrow put down the spoon in his hand, washed his hands and face at the fountain nearby, and then straightened the torn monk's robe, and then came to Linde and saluted. , said: "It's an honor to meet you, Lord Chosen One."

"I'm also very happy to see you, the High Sparrow." Linde looked at the truly pious Seventh God monk in front of him.

Although when watching the series in his previous life, Lind hated the High Sparrow very much and thought he was a careerist and a religious fanatic. However, in the world of ice and fire, Lind sent people to collect information about the High Sparrow, only to discover that this person He was very different from the careerist he thought he was. He should be a truly pious and compassionate man.

Think about it, when the High Sparrow appeared, it happened to be the War of the Five Kings. At that time, the system was almost collapsed, everyone was competing against each other, etiquette was broken, morals were corrupted, and the people at the bottom could be said to be living in dire straits.

The High Sparrow must have seen that the root of all the troubles was caused by the nobles, so after he took power, he tried his best to suppress the nobles and save the common people. Whether it was catching Little Rose or Cersei, it was all to suppress the prestige of the nobles. , Cersei's atonement parade completely crushed the majesty of the nobles of the entire Seven Kingdoms, letting the people know that this nobleman was no different from them, and it had a sense of peace between princes and generals.

No matter what the High Sparrow's intentions are, his actions in rescuing civilians, cleaning up corpses, distributing food, rectifying the church, suppressing nobles, re-establishing moral order, etc., may be the most righteous one in the entire world of ice and fire. , which is why Linde took the initiative to come to Flea Bottom to meet him.

"Lord God's Chosen One, why did you come to me?" the High Sparrow asked as he also had a very direct character.

Linde replied: "I will provide you with enough food and money."

The High Sparrow was stunned for a moment, then asked: "What do I need to pay?"

"No need, you just need to do it according to your own ideas." Linde shook his head, then took out a dragon crystal dragon rune necklace, handed it to the High Sparrow, and said, "When you are upset You can wear it when you are upset, it can calm you down, but don’t wear it for too long. If you need help, you can take it to the Miracle Chamber of Commerce in the city.”

The High Sparrow hesitated for a moment, but did not refuse Lind's kindness. He linked the dragon crystal necklace to it and carefully put it in his pocket. Then he asked, "Lord Chosen One, why do you want to help me like this?"

Linde smiled and said, "While everyone is looking up at the giant dragon flying in the sky, you are looking down at the ants at your feet. You are a very interesting person and worthy of help."

After saying that, he ignored the High Sparrow who was still full of doubts and turned around to leave the stronghold.

On the way out of Flea Bottom, Lynd did not go to his mansion, but planned to go to Silk Street to find Tyrion Lannister.

When Robert went to King's Landing to find Duke Eddard going south to serve as Prime Minister, Lynde had been paying attention and sent people to pass on the news at any time.

He found that perhaps because of his appearance, many things had changed. Jaime and Cersei were not bold enough to have fun in other people's territory, and Tyrion did not follow Bunyan to the Wall.

But there are still some things that have not changed. For example, Bran still fell from the tower and fell unconscious, Jon still chose to go to the Wall to be a night watchman, Sansa and Arya still followed Duke Eddard south, and the ladies still Fallen halfway.

Linde could feel that the War of Five Kings, no, it should be said that the War of Four Kings would still happen. Everything had changed, but it had not completely changed.

Just as Lind was thinking about things and walking out of Flea Bottom, a movement in the alley next to him attracted Lind's attention.

Several refugees from Flea Bottom surrounded a little girl in the alley, and seemed to want to capture the little girl and sell her to a brothel. The little girl was holding a thin stabbing sword in her hand, and used it with a strong northern flavor. The accented lingua franca warned the refugees.

Seeing this scene, Linde immediately thought of the little girl's identity, so he motioned to the attendant beside him.

Several attendants who were born as the Chosen Sons of God walked over and easily dealt with several refugees, and then brought the little girl to Linde.

Lind looked at the little girl and said: "Miss Arya Stark, King's Landing is not Winterfell. There are too many people here, and there are everyone. If you wander in, you will be eaten by the people here. "Eating" is not a description, but "being eaten".

"Do you know me? Are you also a noble from King's Landing?" Apparently Arya did not understand Lind's warning at all, but instead looked at Lind curiously.

"I do know you, but you were still very young at that time and you probably won't remember me." Lind reached out and touched Arya's head. Although Arya wanted to avoid Lind's hand, it was obvious that she The action is not fast enough.

Lynde ordered the attendant: "Send her back to the Red Keep and hand her over to Duke Eddard."

"No, I finally ran out, I don't want to go back!" Arya quickly backed away with a look of refusal, and her eyes wandered around, as if looking for a way to escape.

Looking at this bold girl, Linde couldn't help but smile and said, "In that case, just follow me for the time being! I will send you back after I finish the work."

With that said, he gave another instruction to the attendant, asking him to tell Eddard Stark so as not to worry Duke Eddard.

Arya hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay! I'll follow you. By the way, you know my name, but I still don't know who you are?"

Lind smiled and responded: "My name is Lind Terra."

When Arya heard Lind's name, she was stunned for a moment. Then she quickly realized who the person in front of her was. She looked at Lind dumbfounded. She didn't know what to say for a while, so she could only follow closely. Behind Linde, he walked towards Silk Street.

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